Barcamp 2.0

Impromptu Discussions, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo.

Another Barcamp has come and gone here in the Birmingham area and once again, we can claim a success. How do I know this? The presentations on cutting edge web development, online reputation, new media and breakout sessions on communications tools such as Twitter and more. New contacts were made and filed into virtual rolodexes, friendships renewed as well as a spirit of cooperation in seeing the tech industry thrive here.

There was discussion on the future of Barcamp here and even PhotoCamp 2.0. Someone even suggested hosting Wordcamp (for Wordpess enthusiasts). We’ll see how far the adrenaline from Barcamp takes us. In the meantime, thanks to our sponsors, Microsoft, Google. Thank you to our camp organizers and to everyone who participated.

See ya next time…

– Happy Camper

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