April Fools Magic City Photo Walk in Magic City

Flickr: Discussing April Fools Magic City Photo Walk in Magic City

Yes, it is true, we ARE having another photowalk in the Birmingham area this Tuesday night. We’ll meet at 5:30PM in the Speakeasy downtown Birmingham. After a few drinks to um, enhance our shooting skills, we’ll hit the pavement and capture anything that strikes our fancy.

The Rules:
Who is invited: Anyone who wants to come.

Who is not invited: mean people.

Required equipment: a camera of any type.

Suggested equipment: tripod (for after it gets dark).

Required Photographic Skill Level: Any. The purpose of this event is to just have fun, meet some people, share tips and tricks, and just enjoy photography together.

So that’s it, come on and join us April 1st!

A few shots from the last photowalking event:

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