Introducing My Space

I’ve created and authored a lot of web sites/blogs and a friend of mine suggested that with all of theses sites inside of what I call Studio Mojo, I do not have a web presence that I can truly call my own. So, without delay, I am introducing

Originally, I had a personal website that was basic, free and hosted by There were page templates, limited storage and not as customizable as I would have liked. Since then, I decided to create various websites on our own server, with their own domain names as opposed to to Why .info? It rhymes with my name. Duh!

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For the other sites in Studio Mojo such as photography, hiking, technology, video blogging and more, the links are provided on the left sidebar of the page.


Want to follow me elsewhere online? Name it and I am probably there…
Birmingham, AL, US
Blogger, photographer, hiker, husband, father. I talk about somet… more
Sites Authored
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I like reading e-mails as much as I do in the comments section. Let's chat! hello@

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Chris Written by:

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