Wasted Weekend

No, I didn’t get wasted, although at times I sure would have liked it. It started Thursday night when I could not go to sleep. Daphne was sick and fussy. On Friday night I had every intention of going to a party and a sci-fi convention (to photograph the freaks & geeks). Forget it. I was too exhausted. I was so exhausted in fact that I could not sleep until 7:30 AM. I was up twittering with some friends overnight about our severe storms here and Atlanta’s tornado after that.

Any and all plans to clean/organize were lost as well. Who had the energy?

Saturday night and again, no sleep.

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was going to mow but the riding mower could not start. I attempted the push mower with the same result. Screw it, I’ll just surf the interwebs.

Tonight, the 3rd and final event for the weekend is the George Thorogood concert at the Alabama Theatre and I am not missing that. I have backstage pass to photograph and I am not going to miss out.

Photos later his week as I need to recover and go back to work. Short work week though because I am flying to Tulsa for my little brother’s wedding. W00t!

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