You have been a member of this world for 6 months and already, you have been a huge blessing in our lives. For the eleven years your mother and I have been married, you were on our minds. Now that you are here with us, you have enhanced our joy. Watching you grow and develop quickly has been a great surprise.
In one half of a year , you have gained 9 pounds, grown six inches and are right on track with your development. You have decided to change your perspective by standing up as often as you can. When I walk into the room, you turn your head to me and smile as wide as you can. Your curiosity of objects surrounding you increases and I hope this never stops.
Your mother continues to amaze and inspire me and I am grateful that she does not have to work so she can stay at home and teach you how to be a girl. As I watch her with you, I love her even more.
You are my daughter and I love you,
17.6 years later and Daphne is everything I had hoped and prayed for. Even more so!