Day Trip: Atlanta

viewing gorillas at the Atlanta zoo

Wonderwife decided to pack up the toaster on wheels (Scion xB) and head east to Atlanta. While there we stopped off at the zoo, Ikea and Trader Joe’s. This was Daphne’s first visit to Georgia outside of the womb and she loved it.

At the zoo she saw a lot of kids and a lot of critters. My favorite part was not the pandas, the monkeys or tigers but seeing her eyes closed, smiling and enjoying the sunlight on her face and the cool breeze in her hair. Made me happy.

Not so happy was the traffic on the road and at our destinations. People were walking in our path, stopped in our path and otherwise not concerned that two people holding a child wanted to just relax and enjoy the day.

Filling our bellies full of Swedish meatballs from Ikea and gathering good food at Trader Joe’s helped make it worthwhile. After that we headed back home from a 12 hour day and relaxed.

When/if we move from Birmingham, I will regret leaving the close proximity of diverse destinations & attractions the southeast has to offer. Most places are reachable in a few hours and offers up plenty of memories.

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