Mixed Blessings

Daphne is almost 5 months old now and is my pride & joy. She is rolling over, wants to stand on her own (with me holding her under her arms just for balance), sings gibberish to me, sits up and even eats baby cereal with her milk. These are normal baby growth stages, true, but still blessings.

This same girl that smiles every time she sees me somehow also manages to sneeze on me every time. When holding her close to my face , she purses her lips and blows whatever drool blobs she had on me. Spit-up Stinky, milky vomit has been projected onto me from afar, wet & muddy diapers somehow lose their contents onto me and my clothes and even blood from skin while clipping her nails. Yep, every single bodily fluid has made it’s way from her to me in usually the most disgusting fashion.

…and I wouldn’t change a thing.

Daddy’s girl learns how to eat her food

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