New Father Reflections 

I’m one of those guys that breaks stereotypes in that I have always loved children. My empathetic and sanguine nature reveals this to be true. I’ve always wondered what it would be like when I have my own. Now, I can answer this question with authority. Having little Daphne come into the world last week literally made me cry, for joy. Side note: As much as I loved kids, most newborns are butt ugly. Without bias, Daphne was an exception.

Another question I have always asked, and will remain to be seen, is: “Will I be a good father”? What makes up a good father? How do you do it? The Bible is the ultimate example of successful and irresponsible fathers and even a perfect One. A lot of us would try to emulate fathers from classic television shows. You know the ones that create a dire situation and had a resolution that teaches a moral lesson all in thirty minutes. Most of us glean our parenting knowledge from our own examples of growing up with two parents: one mother, one father.

Just like the Biblical examples of old, there is a mixture of what to do and what not to do. We swear we will never make the same mistakes our parents did but yet, how can we not? Aren’t we starting to resemble our parents in ways we never dreamed of? Are certain annoying mannerisms creeping up when least expected? I tease my father constantly about how he is looking/sounding/acting like my grandfather to his chagrin, but wait! His wife points out a few mannerisms of mine that emulate my father. Doh!

Daphne is daddy’s little girl for sure. She has the majority of my physical attributes including a thick head of dark hair when born. What behaviors/traits/skills will she pick up from me? Why haven’t I thought of THAT before? Previously, I was selfish in that my life only affects myself and Wonderwife. I have no regrets. My choices, both good and bad, make me into the man that I am. How will my choices reflect on her?

Before Wonderwife, I treated women/girls better than most guys would (another stereotype broken). However, I dated heavily/frequently from all over the social food chain and enjoyed every minute of it. Will this come back to haunt me when she is old enough to date (21 yrs)? Hey, my house. My rules! The saying goes that daughters are a man’s curse for the way they behaved as a teenager. Let’s hope THAT stereotype/saying will break.

Above all else, I love the Wonderwife. She had a great pregnancy, an almost effortless labor and helped create a gorgeous baby girl. Her newfound mommy skills are kicking in and she is adjusting to her new role with ease. Her supportive role in the development of baby girl makes me love her even more.

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