The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Yesterday marked the beginning of the end for Wonderwife’s first pregnancy. She is now in the third trimester. Baby Denbow, is an 85% chance of being a girl. While brushing up on month six in my book, The Expectant Father, I came across a few facts of what the baby looks like.

The baby is now covered with vernix, a thick, waxy, protective coating. The movements of the now foot-long, two-pounder are getting stronger, and he or she can hear, and respond to sounds from outside the uterus. – Armin A. Brott

Brott then goes on to say what the mother is going through physically & emotionally as well as what I might be experiencing. I have to say, that most of this is dead on. The period of greatest weight gain, continued forgetfulness, feeling that the pregnancy will never end…not to mention she may feel the same way!

Baby Denbow- 24 Weeks Baby girl @ 24 weeks


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