
Swamped, originally uploaded by fotofacade.

One of the curses blessings of knowing so many people online and offline is that someone always wants/needs something from you. Hey, Mojo, what do you think about this printer? Yo, Mojo, how did you start your own photo business? (I haven’t. Yet.) Etc etc

With personal & family needs first, and work needs secondary, I am prioritizing my life accordingly, slowingly. Yes, I just made it up. Shut it. My apologies if I have not been responsive lately. My inbox overfloweth with about 288 legit emails and is still daunting. Blog comments go unanswered and events rescheduled. If you are expecting an answer or just want to talk, yank my chain. Re-send your email with a big ol’ red flag on it marked ANSWER ME NOW, DAMMIT. That’ll get my attention for sure.

Having said all of that, I would love to meet you soon. Let’s chat, skype, network, whateva.



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