Where’s Mojo?

happy face waldo April was a busy month for me and was quite overwelmingly fun, too. You could even see the the Mojo at 3 big events within the week such as the Art Connection, TechMixer and the IPSA Adobe event. PhotoCamp, 1040 Fest, etc too. I wasn’t alone either because Andre was at the same events I was! No, we didn’t schedule accordingly, we just have similar interests!

<—— At the bottom of the sidebar on the left, you’ll see a widget badge from Upcoming.org that lists some events that I plan on going to. Click on it to add yourself to some cool happenings.

I promised WonderWife and self to slow it down & go into “hibernate” status. Not so fast. The calendar beckons. Missing from the Upcoming badge is Doo-Dah Day, We Pity The Fool and the Regions Charity Classic golf tournament at Ross Bridge on the same weekend.

So if you want to play “Where’s Mojo”, or meetup, shoot me an email or leave a comment. Looking forward to seeing you!

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