Miss me?

I’ve been a bad blogger and haven’t posted here in a few days. Looking for a new job is a full-time job itself. I’ve also taken advantage of the opportunity for GTD around the house and working out. Sadly, I haven’t made the time for a good hike *sigh* My camera is gathering dust, how did this happen??

Today, I got to visit with IPSA people and familiarize myself with who they work for, what they do and more. I think that is one of my greatest abilities is to interact with someone. It recharges me…but can be draining after too much.

Having said that, I owe Ed a beer.

Techno Mojo is slowly recovering from disaster.  Readership was around 320 per day before the crash, averaged 16 during the hiatus and is hovering around 80 visitors now. Stop by and add to the conversation, won’t you?

PhotoCamp is on the radar again. Volunteers and organizers are needed so check it out and see what you can show us!

I like reading e-mails as much as I do in the comments section. Let's chat! hello@

Thanks for reading! If you want to follow along, consider subscribing to the RSS feed?

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