Windows XP Media Center Edition

I don’t know how I have missed it but until tonight I did not realize the potential of MCE. When I pulled the new PC out of the box this summer, I split and then hooked up the internet/tv cable to the tuner card on the back of the tower, programmed the channel settings and watched television live on my computer. With the remote control provided, I scanned the channels and found something to record. I have a DVR in the living room but THIS was something else. I could relax in my study with tv in the background for news and such.

In my internet surfing, I stumbled across a website called “The Green Button“, a website dedicated to all things MCE. The green button is a reference to a Windows’ icon in XP for the Media Center. I then discovered I could burn the recorded tv to a DVD for storage and later consumption because these programs eat up about 3GB for an hour of programming.

So with this knowledge and the season break of Battlestar Galactica, I was able to record season 3 (so far) and view on DVD. Neat. Now what else can I record…suggestions?

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