Recovering from a Great Week

Wonderwife and I are grateful to have spent time with her visiting family here for a change. She and her mother prepared excellent meals including Thankgiving day turkey/ham. The girls got to shop and discuss sister’s wedding plans next year while the guys and I played a round of golf, hiked and visited Ona’s Music Room to see Taylor Hick’s former band, The Memphis Blues Orchestra. Pics are on can click on them to them on the sidebar to the right.

By way of recovery this week, I am watching Band of Brothers DVD set that I got for an early birthday present. I can’t believe I have never seen this before. A fantastic series from HBO, Tom Hanks and Steven Spielburg about our Airborne troops in World War II. Rent or buy…just watch it.

Also, without shame here is a link to my wish list. Enjoy because you know I will!

My Wish List

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