Personal Mojo Reviewed & Previewed

Personal Mojo has been online for about 2 months now and has already seen some  significant increases in traffic with total visitors of 2,600. 1,300 people a month per avg, wow! The best day ever was 390 visitors. First of all, thank you for stopping by! The two biggest draws were the M&M Dark movie trivia which was a fantastic game and the article of the OU Sooners getting ducked over at Oregon.

Other visitors have clicked through from my other websites in the Mojo franchise, like the world famous Techno Mojo, a tech and social software website for everyday computer users. Photo Mojo is a daily photoblog and Go Mojo highlights travel and the great outdoors. Again, thanks for reading, folks!

There are many things I would like to see happen here and maybe you can help. I am an extrovert and a social creature by nature. This past year has been fun as my experiences in Birmingham and the surrounding southeast has increased. I enjoyed Barcamp so much that I have decided to help create PhotoCamp. I have joined a local civic group called Catalyst who want to see Birmingham thrive & grow just like I do. TechMixers, photo shoots, and IPSA are major influences in my life right now as well. Personal Mojo won’t just be a website dedicated to me and my life but will include local references and news as well.

I’ll highlight and mash-up a lot of my interests together here as I write about my Christian walk and how it has become a crawl. Wonderwife’s cooking and my maturity has increased my desire to experiment with new recipes and restaurants. Mental & physical fitness is on the menu as well as I do some research, I’ll share some of my insights.

A lot of my interests overlap, which is convenient and you’ll see them here and the other websites. Photography while hiking (Photo Mojo/Go Mojo), technology & hiking (Techno Mojo/Go Mojo etc etc.

Just like the byline on the header up there says, Something/Anything/Everything/Nothing, will be written here. So thank you for letting me share myself, it is humbling to know that people are interested in my life and have shared theirs with me.

What are your interests and passions? How are you sharing it with others?

I like reading e-mails as much as I do in the comments section. Let's chat! hello@

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