Weekend Review

I love three day weekends, in fact, I should take them more often! On Friday I felt the need to format the hard drive, reinstall the software and backup documents. Mission accomplished. I even took the time to reorganize the study while waiting for everything to load. Speaking of re-organizing, my photo and music files were a mess, no more! Everything in its place.

I even had time for a nice lunch with Jen at Firebirds, a Rocky mountain type cuisine. A lot of grilled/smoked action. I had the wood-grilled salmon. NOT as good as Jenny’s but still…

Saturday & Sunday were uneventful except for ART-iculating Avondale park and Vulcan AfterTunes. The house was cleaned/organized, got to watch OU beat Missouri, and he movie, The Prestige. I even grilled up some pork tenderloin. Oh my.
Back to work now…

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