Just A Thought…

Nothing profound or provacative here, just random musings at midnight. Monday was a tough day. Ever since changing departments I have been riding a huge learning curve. I am totally out of my element here. When a client calls in looking for advice/support, I can stumble through it but not go the extra step or add additional value to them. Sometimes they get upset because I sound like an idiot and they expect/deserve better. What they dont know, or are too polite to mention is the fact that I have to ask someone else to help them with me. Frustration sits in for all involved.

The difference is people, people. I work in a department of 98% women with 2 female supervisors. The women here are very supportive/understanding and like having an Alpha male around (me). It doesn’t hurt that I feed them snacks from Wonder Wife’s kitchen and share her recipes with them!

At the end of the day, the clients are happy, the women are satiated from the treats, the bosses are happy and the Mojo wonders if he has learned anything. Other than how to please women, of course.  🙂

Off to bed…

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