• Type Is Dead

    Well, just my typewriter, actually. The local repairman said no way, and it would be cheaper to get a different one. It now rests in the trash bin behind that shop. So now I am on the lookout for a different model and color. In…

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  • Wisdom

    You can lead a person to wisdom but you can’t make them think.

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  • Read & Write

    The Los Angeles Library system recently purchased a local book publisher and plans on publishing even more from local authors. Brilliant! Local libraries could and should support people to self-publish books, e-books, websites, etc. Instead of just computers for the homeless to play games on,…

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  • Disconnected

    I just had my cellular data plan shut off…deliberately. My talk and text plan still allows basic communication when I am out and about. Let the great experiment begin!

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  • Head In The Clouds

    Since a month ago I decided I was going to start a new photography project entitled “Palm Sunday”, and then promptly shot over 100 diverse palms in the same Sunday, that project was over immediately. I’ve been looking for another project and then I finally…

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  • Algorithm Is Going To Get You*

    The issue with algorithmic feeds on social sites, is the fact that they assume you would like your future to look like your past. Did you linger or read over an article? Well then, here’s more. Liked a video? Yes, have some more of the…

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  • The Matrix Has You

    It is 2024 and the Matrix is real. Of this there can be zero doubt, if you consider your daily screen time. The digital avatar of you online versus your physical meat space in the real world. Are you intellectually honest with yourself? Can you…

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  • Data-less

    I pulled the trigger on my decision to remove the data plan from the iPhone. By next week it will be just talk and text.

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  • 168/366

    I set a photography goal for myself to shoot a photo with the Hipstamatic every day, for 366 images this (leap) year. Today is day 168. I had them all on my photo website that I recently took down but for now, I’ll just add…

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  • Read-O-Matic

    I want to design and place a machine to fill up with books that people can purchase on the go as opposed to them buying a soda or a snack. I know we will all be a lot healthier. They remind me of the Little…

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  • Retro Denbow

    As part of my mission this year to “de-bullshit” my life, I’ve been contemplating acquiring a dumb phone and with luck, my carrier has exactly one model. It’s features are the ability to talk, text and take crap-quality images and that’s it. The carrier representative…

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  • Scroll Your Own Way*

    *with apologies to Fleetwood Mac Scrolling is a tool of our current digital existence, no matter how much we dislike our dependence on it. This is because most people are scrolling on an app platform where they have little control on the content they see. …

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