August 2023 Archive

August 2023 Archive

Damn I Am Hot

2023-08-05 08:53:00

The previous three weeks of +100 temperatures and prolonged heat exposure while working outdoors has taken it’s toll on my body. The only benefit I can take away from all of that is I am now closer to my goal weight.

Seems Excessive

2023-08-01 08:54:00

Apple Weather is warning me about Excessive Heat (104* F) as I am working outside all day. Yeah, I got it. Thanks!

Sweet Sixteen

2023-08-28 08:56:00

Moving On

2023-08-08 08:59:00

Contemplating a cross-country move to change my latitude.

Less Study More Life

2023-08-14 09:01:00

[I]n order to write a book, do a deed, paint a picture with some life in it, one has to be alive oneself. And so, unless you never want to progress, study is a matter of very secondary importance for you. Enjoy yourself as much as you can, have as many diversions as you can, and remember that what people demand in art nowadays is something very much alive, with strong colour and great intensity. So intensify your own health and strength and life a little; that is the best study.

Vincent Van Gogh

Smug Adobe

2023-08-16 09:22:00

Just canceled my Adobe Lightroom account and lost my Portfolio website as a result. Looking at SmugMug as a website and unlimited photo host but damn. Those site customizations are frustrating. What have I done?

Adobe (Again)

2023-08-18 09:24:00

I tried using Smugmug as a personal website and canceled that…again. I re-subscribed to Adobe…again. I wish I could quit Adobe but they make it so damn easy love/hate on them.

Crazy From The Heat

2023-08-24 09:25:00

Working outdoors in this 100+ heat and humidity for 10-12 hr days, 6 days a week and weeks in a row makes for a boring and exhausted Chris.

Wish I had the energy to create or read.

It Happened

2023-08-24 09:27:00

After two years of silence, I finally heard the fan kick in on my M1 MacBook while downloading images off Adobe to my external hard drive. Took me by surprise!