This is the second stop of my 11th month journey to create life-long habits for myself. The full write up on this is now hosted in the Archives. I’ll be taking this year-long trek up to December 12th (12/12) and will stop and reflect on my progress each month until then. These will be known as monthly waypoints. A waypoint is a reference point that helps us know where we are and where we’re going. Whether we are walking, driving, or navigating a journey to better yourself, waypoints help us find our way. So how am I doing so far? Nutrition & Training Horrible month of nutrition. I probably had a few home cooked meals but mostly have dined out. Disgusting. Prices have gone up, salt intake has gone up. Disappointing. Enough of this convenience, it is pathetic. I am still eating out more than I like because it is too convenient. Dropping the idea of paleo and keto diet and want to integrate more fruits and vegetables so Mediterranean diet. Training? Could have been better. I have been desk-bound trying to wrap up our work contract the past few weeks. Now that this is over, I can focus on myself for awhile and I am going to do just that. More gym combined with spring time outdoor exercise and workouts at home with Apple Fitness+. I threw out all of the tobacco pipe paraphernalia and tobacco. I was solid for two weeks until we found a stash of more and well, we couldn’t let it go to waste, right? After that, I purchased another pipe, more tobacco and here I am. I didn’t appreciate what addiction can do until then. Now I can sympathize with others. Total pounds lost this last month: Five. Pounds regained: 3. Yoga & Meditation My body is sore from yoga and even a few pilates exercises. Don’t let anyone think less of you for practicing these. You use muscles that you forgot you had in every session. I enjoy yoga and plan on deepening these sessions. On meditation, I have realized it can be done anywhere at anytime there is even a free minute. This makes me happy and gives me zero excuses to not focus and relax. It can be pure joy to take a moment and just breathe. Now that I have some time to myself I can do more of this. I can relax, breathe and turn my brain off for a few moments throughout the day. Photography & Writing No change to either of these, again due to work stresses. So, I will simply cut/paste from the previous month as it still applies: Other than ”snappy hour” every day before sunset, I have not photographed anything I wanted to. Again, the extreme weather is not helping. That will change, even if I have to do tech stuff laying around the office and call it ”still life.” Regarding my two decades worth of unorganized images: progress. I will get the archives organized this year. Only then can I advance in what I really want to do with them. I intend to make memories by developing physical prints, books, and even zines. I’ve also switched up my genres to focus on landscape and urban photography. A lot to learn here this year. Writing? I’ve made a decision to do more blogging/journaling both analog and digital this past month. Blogging was hampered while consolidating my websites and moving them to my own server. Also, I’ve been reading, a lot. Two books in about seven days. Writers are readers so they say. One Last Thing: Now that spring time has arrived I plan on being outdoors more frequently and this makes me happy. More hiking, geocaching, photography, disc golf, and aero photos. Time to get back on the trail because I have a long way to go. The next waypoint check in is on 5/5. Happy trails.
All About Me
2022-04-01 15:17:27
I am the author, creator, distributor and publisher of my images. Not dependent on social media, third parties, agents, publishing houses etc to distribute my work.
Dark Mode
2022-04-02 22:32:25
The home office makeover is finally complete. Although eventually, I will hang black frames with a few of my black and white images.
Ultra Wide Camera- 13mm f 1.8 ISO 1600
Version 1.4
2022-04-02 22:40:05
This is the fourth update to the new and improved website. I gave it a fresh coat of paint as well as connected the Archives and Micro sites. Even better, the paint matches the photography site perfectly. This website also reflects the home office makeover. “Dark Mode” is my go-to aesthetic.
I’ll make a few minor changes on the back end for site security and speed and then I will leave it alone for awhile.
That’s how pleased I am with it.
2022-04-03 14:22:08
Looking forward to adding ”Pilot” to my About page!
Dark Mode
2022-04-03 14:24:21
Is finally complete. Although, I may add BW photos to the walls
2022-04-04 09:50:00
This is the second stop of my 11th month journey to create life-long habits for myself. The full write up on this is now hosted in the Archives.
I’ll be taking this year-long trek up to December 12th (12/12) and will stop and reflect on my progress each month until then. These will be known as monthly waypoints. A waypoint is a reference point that helps us know where we are and where we’re going. Whether we are walking, driving, or navigating a journey to better yourself, waypoints help us find our way.
So how am I doing so far?
Nutrition & Training Horrible month of nutrition. I probably had a few home cooked meals but mostly have dined out. Disgusting. Prices have gone up, salt intake has gone up. Disappointing. Enough of this convenience, it is pathetic. I am still eating out more than I like because it is too convenient. Dropping the idea of paleo and keto diet and want to integrate more fruits and vegetables so Mediterranean diet.
Training? Could have been better. I have been desk-bound trying to wrap up our work contract the past few weeks. Now that this is over, I can focus on myself for awhile and I am going to do just that. More gym combined with spring time outdoor exercise and workouts at home with Apple Fitness+.
I threw out all of the tobacco pipe paraphernalia and tobacco. I was solid for two weeks until we found a stash of more and well, we couldn’t let it go to waste, right? After that, I purchased another pipe, more tobacco and here I am. I didn’t appreciate what addiction can do until then. Now I can sympathize with others. Total pounds lost this last month: Five. Pounds regained: 3.
Yoga & Meditation My body is sore from yoga and even a few pilates exercises. Don’t let anyone think less of you for practicing these. You use muscles that you forgot you had in every session. I enjoy yoga and plan on deepening these sessions.
On meditation, I have realized it can be done anywhere at anytime there is even a free minute. This makes me happy and gives me zero excuses to not focus and relax. It can be pure joy to take a moment and just breathe. Now that I have some time to myself I can do more of this. I can relax, breathe and turn my brain off for a few moments throughout the day.
Photography & Writing
No change to either of these, again due to work stresses. So, I will simply cut/paste from the previous month as it still applies:
Other than ”snappy hour” every day before sunset, I have not photographed anything I wanted to. Again, the extreme weather is not helping. That will change, even if I have to do tech stuff laying around the office and call it ”still life.” Regarding my two decades worth of unorganized images: progress. I will get the archives organized this year. Only then can I advance in what I really want to do with them. I intend to make memories by developing physical prints, books, and even zines. I’ve also switched up my genres to focus on landscape and urban photography. A lot to learn here this year.
Writing? I’ve made a decision to do more blogging/journaling both analog and digital this past month. Blogging was hampered while consolidating my websites and moving them to my own server. Also, I’ve been reading, a lot. Two books in about seven days. Writers are readers so they say.
One Last Thing: Now that spring time has arrived I plan on being outdoors more frequently and this makes me happy. More hiking, geocaching, photography, disc golf, and aero photos.
Time to get back on the trail because I have a long way to go. The next waypoint check in is on 5/5. Happy trails.
On Micro Posts
2022-04-05 13:49:10
Micro posts or micro blogging as a mind log. A quick journal to look back on.
Kinetic Blog
2022-04-05 14:40:37
While I may not produce short stories, or even that novel in my head as often as I want to, this website has been a constant for the past two decades. It is kinetic, modern, ever changing and relevant.
Unlike a book where it is static in all forms, whether in digital or print. Between the pages it has a beginning and an end. Once it is written, it is complete. It is an ongoing insight into me, my interests and my life. Certainly not a best seller but there are frequent posts and updates.
Speaking of updates, I’ve added a notification that alerts anyone when an article has been updated after the original posting.
Kinetic over static.
2022-04-05 14:58:43
Post on your Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere.
Video Denbow
2022-04-07 10:15:11
When I am not capturing portraits with my camera, I am documenting where I have been, what I am doing and the people I am with.
I want to start focusing on creating stories. Sure, there are a few photos that tell a story in themselves, but what about a montage of photos documenting the times individually and as a whole?
Then I started to think about that montage and how to combine a photo series to tell a story. And since video is all the rage these days, what with short attention spans, I looked for inexpensive video creating software that is compatible with my ignorance.
That is when I remembered I already have it installed on the iPad- iMovie, Apple’s stock video software application.
Dropping images into iMovie was so simple even a dummy could do it. I threw a couple of images in and the proof of concept is complete.
Now I cannot wait to capture more images and combine them either into a digital zine or a video. Probably both if the images are worthy!
Click the link to the Video page of the photography website.
Audio Denbow
2022-04-07 21:43:25
With some extra time on my hands the past few days, I’ve explored and played around with a few things like adding video to my photography website. Today, I played with GarageBand, the stock music -making app from Apple.
I don’t know what will come out of it, honestly, but it can be fun. As someone who appreciates music but can barely work the triangle instrument, I am learning a lot. The girlfriend, MissAdventure, can play any instrument she picks up, so maybe she can teach me a few things.
I digress. I discovered that I can add my music tracks to iMovie and create my own montage. Yes, I know they’ve been around forever, but I couldn’t be bothered until now.
“Neon Funk” is a combination of neon images I captured along with the newly created “Mojo Funk” soundtrack added.
2022-04-08 08:38:17
With nutrition, lifestyle, and diet. Moderation = mediocrity.
Anti-Social Photography
2022-04-08 08:42:48
The best way to display your photos is on your own website. The past, present, future of photography is your website. Use social media only as a way to redirect attention to your website.
2022-04-08 08:50:24
The best times with people are best spent offline. Go public, go outdoors and share experiences and interact with people not algorithms.
Top 10 Tips For Street Photography
2022-04-08 15:26:56
It is street photography season in this part of the world and I am jotting down ten top tips as a reminder to myself and anyone else that may happen to stumble upon this humble little website. There are some obvious tips but as always, user experiences may vary.
It doesn’t matter what you use, as long as you know how to operate the damn thing. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen friends on photo walks struggling with their settings on the go. It’s frustrating. You miss shots, the shots taken are out of focus, or underexposed and sometimes a flash drive was not installed. Before going out, clean your equipment, ensure the battery and drive is installed. Fire some test shots to dial in your settings. You have to know when to compensate for lighting, shadows, motion and focus until your camera is a part of you.
Gear Pt. 2
Keep it simple and lighten the load. No, you aren’t going to use that zoom lens, nor the wide-angle. That 50mm is great if you are shooting portraits, but not for a street shoot so leave it. Get your adjustable lens and call it good. Again, keep it light, so any extra lenses and gear will weigh you down and that sucks if you are covering a lot of ground. On asphalt.
Grab Your Comfy Shoes
Did I mention that prolonged exposure to walking on asphalt can hurt? Grab your comfy shoes because if you forgot to lighten your gear bag, you will start to feel it in a few blocks. Blisters suck. Sore knees and back will suck. These issues will take away your ability to concentrate on your image taking.
Explore More
We work with what we have. But that doesn’t satisfy us. How many times will we walk the same path we did before hoping for something new? And we’ll do it again because THIS time will be different. It’s the possibilities that keep us coming back. The fact that we may have missed something the first few times. And we are right. I’s time to explore more. The light and shadows are different because we chose a different time of day. The angles are different. Composition is different. The people we encounter are different, or are wearing something different. A new shop opens up giving a chance to explore it with a camera. We are explorers and our camera is our passport. Explore more!
People Person
Photographers are isolated. We roam alone with nothing but our thoughts and our gear. Eventually we’ll come across muggles. There can be some interaction. You may want to photograph them. Be bold but courteous. Other times, you’ll come across someone telling you not to be there. Now’s the time to be courteous again. Develop your people skills as much as you develop your images. The adages are true: smile, be polite, and doors can open to you that have been closed. Remember, explore more.
Explore…and Observe More
Photographers move around and observe the world as it is. Notice the vibe of the area and integrate yourself. You are here to observe, not change. Observe people and surroundings in the habitat. Position yourself right in the middle of the action to take advantage of the opportunities in front of you. Then, you’ll be able to capture candid moments, a still shadow hitting a building just right, or how the area interacts with each other.
Tell A Story Instead of Documenting
I am just learning this myself and need to create opportunities to practice. Instead of looking for that one “banger shot”, create a series of images that tell a story. It is increasingly rare to find that one image that will go viral. Who cares? People will scroll through their social feeds even faster looking for more and more. No, best to find and capture multiple images that will bring you satisfaction overall. I’d rather come home happy with what I have, rather than be disappointed because I didn’t get that one shot.
Be Original
Yep, that town’s monument has been captured thousands of different ways. Now what? Try your hand at it but move on to something fresh and hopefully undiscovered by someone else’s lens. Focus on what you want to capture, not what everyone else has.
Enjoy It All
Take the pressure off right away. We’ll have some good days and some shit days. But we keep going back out. Expectations suck the joy out of photography. Work with what you have in your bag. If the shot isn’t up to your standards, either change your angle or change your standards. It’s a process to be enjoyed from stalking the shot to developing it in Lightroom behind your iDevice. Along the way, hop into that pub to relax and enjoy your day. Street photography can work up a thirst after all. Pop onto that public transit to stop and have a think, review your images. Get off at the 4th stop and explore there. Experience everything and enjoy it.
Boring images stem from boring subjects or a bored photographer. Change it up. Liven it up and expose yourself to something new, you are an explorer with a passport after all. Find the interesting, become interested and your images will be more interesting.
Conclusion With A Bonus
Running out of things to shoot? Try some of these next time you are out:
I understand there’s a guy in me who wants to lay in bed, smoke weed all day and watch cartoons and old movies. My whole life is a series of stratagem to avoid and outwit that guy
Anthony Bourdain
USPS Sucks
2022-04-13 21:51:50
My package went on vacation without me
“According to the tracking, this item was sent to the wrong location. We have taken steps to reroute your item. Tracking will reflect this. We sincerely apologize for the delay.”
Thanks for the cut and paste response. USPS, with no responsibility for their actions, and no recourse, has eroded all trust and will not be used again.
Reading Hacks
2022-04-13 22:32:55
I spent some time today to write a template script in Brainiac, my second brain, that will add metadata every time I want to review or take notes from a book. It’s simple but will save me a lot of time re-typing or cut/paste for every note.
I don’t know when Apple added a “Want To Read” option when looking through their book store but it is a must-have feature for me. In a physical bookstore I often take photos of the book covers as a reference for later. The problem with that is I rarely follow-up with those. Now I have a reference when I want to purchase or check to see if the library has a copy to borrow.
Lately I’ve been I’ve been reading about a page or two in bed and then quickly fall asleep.or it keeps me awake for hours! This adds a few days to my reading habit. My goal is to read a minimum of two books a month this year, with a lot of novels stocked up waiting on me so I have a lot to look forward to and complete that goal.
Also, I need to work on updating The Library page of this website more frequently.
April 13, 2022 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. [[Reading]] [[Blog]] [[]]
2022-04-13 23:04:07
Tinkering with my second brain today and wishing I was more detailed with my past notes. Those nodes and orphans are too scattered in the graph view as shown above.
April 13, 2022 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. [[Technology]] [[Blog]] [[]]
On Photography
2022-04-14 08:59:07
The camera doesn’t take the photo, the photographer does.
Audio Denbow Radio
2022-04-14 10:13:32
Click the button below to listen in on what keeps me going when I am typing text or processing photos.
Black Sheep
2022-04-14 13:35:20
This new beauty, called Black Sheep took a vacation to Hawaii without me but found it’s way home. I love that nickel band.
Ever since Apple released a beta version of custom email domain through iCloud last year, I was interested. Now that I’ve had time to follow-up with it, a new email address was created using my photography domain at no extra cost. Well, besides what I pay for with the Apple One plan that is. If I were to go through my server host it is only $12 annually but I already have two of those personalized emails for my domain here.
If you want to drop me a line to say “hey!”, or have an inquiry about my photography, the new iCloud custom email address is:
Website Updates & Additions
2022-04-15 08:21:28
After rebuilding this website I realized I hadn’t added any navigation menus to look around with. Well now, we can’t have that, can we?
<— First, you’ll notice the Categories and Tags to the left of each article. Secondly, you can see below the articles of the website, yes, all the way down, the Categories, or topics are listed. Then from left to right, the Archives in monthly format. Up next is a Tag Cloud, a display of all the tags used in articles. The larger the tag, the more often it has been discussed. After that is the Search bar in case you are looking for something specific. After all that, there is a button to click to automagically go back to the top of the website.
Currently Reading
2022-04-15 09:44:20
Fiction and Inspiration
Say it with me: I am an artist. I don’t need art supplies, lots of cash, a mind other than the one I currently have, skills other than those I already posses, or a network of influential contacts. I can experience the world thoughtfully and make things to put into it. I am an artist. You don’t need anything other than a will to make, and-perhaps- a prompt.
Sarah Urist Green
Aggregate Your News
2022-04-16 09:19:34
One of the pillars of the internet , next to e-mail, is the personal, humble blog. You know, the social internet, not social media. Creators, writers, photographers, video hosts, and podcasters all need to put their works on a site that they own and fully control as opposed to posting on restrictive social media outlets. These personal websites will then generate what is called a feed for syndicating their works out to the internet (RSS or Really Simple Syndication).
That is step one. Step two is reminding their followers, their fans and their audience to embrace RSS aggregators, or feed readers so they can continue to enjoy the creator’s content. Sounds simple, yeah?
These RSS readers pull the website owner/creator’s latest articles into an easily readable format that the individual controls. Not some algorithms that are driven by social media control or advertising. RSS has no advertising[mfn]unless the creator mentions their sponsors, that is.[/mfn]. You are in charge of what you want to read, who you want to read it from and to save it later for reference- or discard. You are in charge of your intake.
A screenshot of my feeds from Reeder.
Start by adding sources you know and trust. A source is a place where information comes from. When you add sources to your feed reader, you’ll be able to monitor them all in one place. By sources, I don’t just mean news sites. Sources can include:
RSS feeds
Subscribe to the RSS feed of any source or publication.
Follow everything from major industry publications to niche magazines.
Get new posts from industry thought leaders, medium authors, or personal interest blogs.
News publications Follow major news publications or local news sources.
Research journals
Keep up with the newest literature in your area of study.
Twitter Pull content from Twitter accounts, hashtags, Lists, and searches into your feed reader. No ads!
Get email newsletters delivered to your reader so you can declutter your inbox and read without distractions.
Get posts from subreddits and searches in your feeds.
Subscribe to YouTube channels or playlists and get new videos in your feeds.
Follow podcasts and never miss out on new episodes of your favorite programs.
Which feed reader should you use?
Start simple and free- try Feedly ( no, this is not a paid endorsement) In fact, I started to use Feedly a long time ago but opted for a cleaner, more personal aggregate called Reeder and FeedBin. These are one time purchases for me. Feedly has iOS, Android and web apps so you can access your feeds. Your news, your way.
Feedly web interface
It is way past time to delete your social media accounts and rejoin the social internet, like we used to do. The World Wide Web is a much better place and it starts with all of us taking control of our websites and consuming them our way.
And of course I would appreciate being one of the first web sources you add to your new RSS feed reader. When you do, drop me an email to let me know. It is the social internet after all. If you have a website, I’d be happy to subscribe to it in my feed as well.
My web feed is simply
My email is hello [at]
I Am An Artist
2022-04-16 10:20:33
I give permission to call myself that. And because I am an artist, I am free to create whatever I want.
Greetings, Programs!
2022-04-16 11:49:19
Testing out an audio post for future usage. Not sure if I want to do more audio formats or no.
2022-04-16 14:16:56
As a digital writer, I love the modern day writing software that allows you to create, distribute with ease. However, I grew up using a typewriter and I’ve missed the “clickety-clack” of the mechanical keys as I typed. Now I can have that again with this Royal ScrittoreItalian for “Writer”.
Radio Denbow
2022-04-16 18:54:00
As I think about getting into podcasting mode, there are too many questions and I don’t like the answers. Mostly cost to host. This is a hobby, so free or included features would be ideal. I’m left with my familiar question – where do I host it? For now it looks like simple audio posts right here on the website.
No One
2022-04-16 19:09:41
Blog like no one’s reading, because chances are they won’t be.
And that is all right. This is for me.
Limited Life
2022-04-17 15:54:30
In our limited lifetime, what do we want to see desire to see, become and create?
Do It Again
2022-04-18 07:52:59
“Because children have abounding vitality, because they are in spirit fierce and free, therefore they want things repeated and unchanged. They always say, “Do it again”; and the grown-up person does it again until he is nearly dead. For grown-up people are not strong enough to exult in monotony. But perhaps God is strong enough to exult in monotony. It is possible that God says every morning, “Do it again” to the sun; and every evening, “Do it again” to the moon. It may not be automatic necessity that makes all daisies alike; it may be that God makes every daisy separately, but has never got tired of making them. It may be that He has the eternal appetite of infancy; for we have sinned and grown old, and our Father is younger than we.”
G. K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy
Trying Too Hard
2022-04-18 07:59:27
“It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly… Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them…throw away your baggage and go forward. There are quicksands all about you…trying to suck you down into fear and self-pity and despair. That’s why you must walk so lightly…on tiptoes and no luggage…completely unencumbered.”
– Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
Analog Art
2022-04-19 23:01:30
Just picked up a couple of art supplies to start creating in analog as opposed to digital all the time. I have this need for a tactile experience. I am lousy and impatient but somehow feel the need to experience this. Oh, and the smell of wood and graphite when I open that tin is amazing.
Sketch SetWatercolor set
Analog Art
2022-04-19 23:05:29
Just picked up a couple of art supplies to start creating in analog as opposed to digital all the time. I have this need for a tactile experience. I am lousy and impatient but somehow feel the need to experience this. Oh, and the smell of wood and graphite when I open that tin is amazing.
Sketch SetWatercolor Set
Project Daphne
2022-04-19 23:15:08
Finally getting around to creating that photo journal of my daughter. It has only taken fourteen years.
Side note: It is easier than I thought now that Apple Pages allows us to make photo books. I think I’ll send to the printer as well as a digital .pdf.
Cover Page
Exploring Creativity
2022-04-20 08:52:12
What does it mean to be an explorer of art? To reach out and investigate out of curiosity. Right now I am curious about analog art, that which is done by hand and not digitally like I have been doing for the past twenty years.
As a child, I was naturally curious in just about everything. That curiosity has been set aside through education and a career. Always on a back burner simmering until recently it has been boiling over and ready to go.
So why explore now? To inspire myself, to see new things or to see things in a different perspective and to create something different.
Recent examples have included making zines of my photos using Affinity Publisher or Apple Pages. Or by pushing buttons in GarageBand to generate “music” on a loop for a photo collage soundtrack.These are creative ways to explore the art of making photo books or collages. But there is still so much left to be explored and conquered such as sketching, painting, paper collage and somehow creating a hybrid of these with my photos. That reminds me to send some images to a photo lab and make paper prints for use later.
Keri Smith, How To Be An Explorer of the World
Explorers, scientists and artists analyze the world around them in surprisingly similar ways, by observing, collecting, documenting, analyzing, and comparing. I don’t know what will come from all of this new art kick but I will enjoy exploring and discovering the world in ways I haven’t done or even imagined until recently.
Time to log off this laptop and apply pencil to paper.
What To Do With A Manual Typewriter
2022-04-20 15:14:17
Step one really should be to change out the ribbon. I’ll be back when step one is completed.
Use Them
2022-04-21 16:58:18
In the digital age, don’t forget to use your digits! Your hands are the original digital devices. Use them.
Lynda Berry
2022-04-21 17:22:00
In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.
Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind
Negative Type
2022-04-25 18:42:38
Having an issue changing ribbon on the typewriter today. Frustrating and how the heck did the writers of the past use this so frequently?
2022-04-25 18:44:49
Establishing a creative practice is our most valuable and urgent task – as important to our well-being as fitness or nutrition.
Chase Jarvis
2022-04-26 11:49:02
I should really get my shit together.
I’m thinking of changing/eliminating my complex “productivity” system with something simpler.
Such as “Write it down so I don’t forget it. Then do it as soon as I can.”
I don’t need more software. I need more ideas and the energy to act on them.
Connectile Dysfunction
2022-04-26 11:52:40
I’ve made posting to this site as easy as I’m capable of but still restricted due to no SSL certificate assigned to this micro site sub domain. This blocks my writing software from posting automagically to this site. So manual it is. Too much friction.
2022-04-26 11:56:44
I’ve embraced the idea… that a short update or single photo post counts. In the past I would send a tweet or an image to somewhere else on someone else’s social site. No more. Not when a quick post here will suffice. Because these tweets and images are equal to a blog post here. Everything I post to my personal websites have the same weight.
Writing on the WWW
2022-04-26 22:53:15
Own your website. It’s important because you control the format now and forever if you want to. No social media because that isn’t yours. Your social media account is just renting space until you are evicted.
Buy a domain name, choose a blog host, install WordPress blogging software on it. Once you are about 50% content with the way your own site looks, move on to long form and short form writing, photos, drawings, whatever you fancy… because it is yours. Leave the final 50% for slow, and incremental enhancements along the way. If you’re wondering what style or format you should write, write as though if you were writing a friend in an email.
Categorize and tag your posts for future reference and easy search on a topic you wrote 5 years ago. You’ll thank yourself later.
While going through the downloaded archives of my old Twitter account, I realized several things which are going to shape the way I write on the web in the future.
The mundane rituals of the past will now seem fascinating in 10 years time, because you see that things have changed and have also stayed the same. Such as living in a different state(s), or you’re now with someone else. Taking a moment to capture your life as it is now helps nostalgia down the road.
2006–10–25 19:37:06 +0000 My obligatory first tweet here on TWTTR.
2007–12–07 03:42:50 +0000 still can’t get Photoshop working and now I can’t open the RAW images I took from my new Nikon D200 camera. @#$%@*&
2012–01–17 21:30:40 +0000 Relocating to Tulsa in T-minus 12 hours.
2012–12–07 13:50:58 +0000 Holy shit I turned 40 today.
Twitter: @mojodenbow
Those tweets are well and good for documenting the times but how much more valuable are they on your own website? Social media isn’t forever, they come, go and most will take all the effort you put into it with them. I can look back fondly on my brief flirtation with both Linux and Windows operating systems, or a photo of my daughter from 2009 easily.
I’ve taken on another project that involves diving deep inside the Linux operating itself. For a few years I’ve been using a dual boot hybrid desktop using Ubuntu and Windows 7. I’ve added the Fedora distribution inside a virtual machine inside Ubuntu and deleted the Windows partition. Oh, and GNU = “Gnu’s Not Unix”
So I continue generating text, photos, doodles and anything else I want. For me. This website is a kinetic journal and I plan to continue doing this right to the end. I suggest everyone create their own website here on the WWW.
Signal vs. Noise
2022-04-28 09:31:45
You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.
James Clear, Atomic Habits
2022-04-28 11:45:25
Missing the Dominican Republic and testing a new code embedding url from Vimeo to my website. It works!
House Of Blues
2022-04-28 12:10:50
2009, Houston House of Blues
MacBook Pro M1 Camera Test
2022-04-28 12:32:40
Micro Photo
2022-04-28 15:33:32
I want to start posting images, maybe not daily but close to it. This will be a running log and who knows how long it lasts?
Bob Dylan Center, Reconciliation Way, Tulsa, Oklahoma 4-28-22
2022-04-28 18:42:48
I should really get my shit together.
I’m thinking of changing/eliminating my complex “productivity” system with something simpler.
Such as “Write it down so I don’t forget it. Then do it as soon as I can.” I don’t need more software. I need more ideas and the energy to act on them.
Writing Software I have three writing apps with a variety of features and all are redundant: Drafts, iA Writer and Ulysses. Drafts and Ulysses are both subscription based whereas iA Writer is a one time purchase. Drafts and Ulysses both have issues connecting to my well-secured web server. This prevents me from posting my drafted article on to my website. iA Writer stands out here as well. I am typing in it right now and when it is complete, I will hit “Publish” and it gets posted to my website.
The verdict: Drafts & Ulysses are no longer on my devices. That’s two down.
Notes & Journaling Apple Notes, Bear Notes, Day One, GoodNotes, Obsidian are the current note taking apps and of course they all have unique properties. Out of all these only one could be deemed necessary, Apple Notes. It’s free, syncs to all Apple devices and allows collaboration with others. But it is so.damn.ugly. Bear Notes is all that and customizable. Worth the $15 annually in my mind. Day One is a private, digital journal that is not worth it to me anymore. Good Notes allows you to use your iPad and Pencil to scribble notes. I have physical notepads for this now. Obsidian is not only my second brain and pensieve but a repository for my notes. The same notes that are hosted in iCloud and now redundant.
The verdict: D1, GN and Obsidian are no longer on my devices. That’s three down.
Everything Else As subscriptions come to an end I will review in a future blog post of course and assess their worthiness. Chances are I will go with the stock Apple apps for these. I don’t mind supporting small developers and their wonderful applications but subscription bloat is real. Their software is redundant and causes paralysis by over analysis.
You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.
James Clear, Atomic Habits
Digital Minimalism
2022-04-28 19:21:02
Or essentialism. After taking a look at my software, I cleaned out a few redundant applications. I also took the time to reorganize my iPhone and remove apps as well. I should keep doing this until only the essentials are there.
2022-04-29 11:32:32
Time to organize the backlog of notes, posts, pdf and blog archives into my second brain, Brainiac.
Frustrated Photographer
2022-04-29 15:37:01
I’ve been out for three days and came back with three shots. Only one usable. I miss portrait photography because this sucks. This town is so un-photogenic.
I Want This
2022-04-30 16:38:56
There are many things in my life that I don’t need. I don’t need half the technology I have, nor most of online services that I pay for. This includes the hosting for my website. I don’t need it, but it does serve a purpose deeper than the amount it costs me each year and gives me value.
My website(s) have been up for more than two decades (learning from a file error mistake, the earliest post I still have is from 2013) and it has been through various iterations. The most recent of which was going back to a personal web server host. The benefits and hours devoted to the setup and install outweigh the costs.
This website has been many things over the years such as, attempted portfolios, business ventures (photography) and a lot of design coding, but still provides an outlet for me. In reality, this website provides very little to me, it doesn’t receive accolades or followers as much as it used to, my life would remain unchanged if I didn’t have this outlet, but I still want one.
This is a journal, a hobby for sure, but writing gives me something that nothing else provides. I love networking with people and I enjoy journaling. Long form and short form both help me document my life as it is currently. Sometimes other people join me here and that is fantastic. Just because I receive nothing in return (on the surface), it doesn’t mean that this doesn’t have value. I believe everyone needs to have their own space on the world wide web.
No one or their website, should focus on follower count, advertising, tracking or page views. You won’t recoup your costs, let’s be honest. This is a personal website and are beholden to no one. You publish what you want, when you want and how you need to.
I don’t need this but I want this.
I Did It Again
2022-04-30 19:10:16
Here’s something about me: I’ll tweak and twerk on something until it’s molded into something I’m happy with. And just when I’ve got it down to what I want, I switch to something entirely different.
Example- I’ve been working with a fantastic site setup here in the past so much that it got to the point where all I had to do is…write. So I’ll write for a time and then I would tweak the web site again instead.
I can’t help it, because it’s fun. The tinkering allows me to think and do it just for the hell of it. Imagine a chef creating something from a recipe but in reverse order or adding/subtracting ingredients as needed. That’s where I am at.
These past few months I think I have finally settled on a solution I am proud of here. It’s functional, it looks great and everything makes sense. For the first time in a long time, I am content.
However, I do reserve the right to tweak and enhance the current set up.