November 2019 Archive

November 2019 Archive

Yes or No?

2019-11-03 05:50:28

“Yes fills time. No makes time.”

Ulysses vs IA Writer

2019-11-03 06:45:18

I love how both apps are compatible with Mac/iOS and sync with iCloud.

However, as of now, I cannot post to Wordpress from the Ulysses app. I think it is being blocked by my web server. But how is IA Writer able to do publish to my website??

Also, Ulysses is an annual subscription at $50. Writer has one time purchases of $30 for the Mac and $5 for iOS.


Writing Something/Anything

2019-11-04 08:30:40

November is the time of year for three things.

  1. Thanksgiving
  2. No-Shave November
  3. Novel writing
  1. I’ll be giving thanks on the road this year.
  2. I did the no-shave thing in October until it got irritating and out of control
  3. I suppose there is only one of these left to do, right?

The focus will be writing on a few short stories and even trying to post something here daily. Posts will be in the form of thoughts, quotes, photos, reviews, anything.

Flickr Extinguished

2019-11-01 08:39:06

I am on a roll when it comes to de-bullshitting my life lately. I have been a Flickr photo account user since 2005 and have been through the ups, downs, acquisitions and no more. I simply do not see the value in another photo host with little to no social engagement with other photographers.

Besides, I’d rather grow my platforms than sharecrop someone else’s land and make them money.

I Want My Hour Back

2019-11-04 09:01:04

There is no benefit to Daylight Savings Time going back when Missadventures wakes up at 3am to go on a road trip to Texas and you cannot go back to sleep.

This Is Going To Suck

2019-11-04 13:54:53

I brought the old Polaroid One Step camera out of the storage box and decided to clean it up and put it to use now that Polaroid/Impossible Project/Polaroid Originals is creating a consistent, reliable supply of compatible 600 film.

Bringing an old toy out to play again is very exciting

I counted on the first few sheets or hell, even the whole box to learn and adjust to and I wasn’t wrong. Polaroid films prefer excellent lighting and shooting indoors without it is…challenging.

So the best way is to make these mistakes earlier so I can move on and produce the thoughtful, deliberate shots I want to.

I also charged up the Fujifilm Instax Mini 90, loaded it with some newly purchased film and it’s good to go as well.

I have this thing for monochrome, okay?

Next up is the Canon 35mm Sureshot point and shoot camera. I loaded up some some Fuji ASA 200 film and took a few shots yesterday to test it out.

I want to get back into the sure joy of analog photography and to have these physical reminders of my learning and developing. It’ll suck at first and that is okay by me.

Photoshop Comes To iPad

2019-11-05 13:45:30


The functions are limited but Adobe has finally brought a proper version to mobile photography.


2019-11-10 08:26:17

Obvious habits and disciplines that will generate huge returns but are somehow difficult:

Count The Costs

2019-11-10 08:29:15

“Most failures are one-time costs. Most regrets are recurring costs. The pain of inaction stings longer than the pain of incorrect action” - James Clear

Airplane Mode

2019-11-10 13:46:38

I experimented today by going radio silent. No calls, texts or distractions. I even put my phone in my coat pocket and forgot about it.

No regrets.


2019-11-10 14:55:15

Photography: A New Hope

2019-11-11 14:02:08

A constant comment I hear among my photographer peers is that they feel like they’re in a creative pit. They’re bored and uninspired. And yes, let’s be honest, I have as well. Who hasn’t? I’ve found a few cures for the ailing inspiration in the past and am looking forward to implementing new ones as well. I’ve been too comfortable and lazy. In the past I would eliminate technical setbacks with gear and software. So, I’ve sold all of my equipment. And then I changed to a new system to see how the other half did it. But over time I was still unsatisfied. Lesson learned: equipment doesn’t matter. For now, I am exploring and re-learning analog. Don’t misunderstand, I still enjoy my DSLR but I’ll be using it less and may even sell that as well eventually. But when I allow my brain to go manual and take control over automatic this or that is when I like it best. I get creative. I have to think and plan. It isn’t easy. I don’t want it easy anymore. There are constraints and limitations with film photography that are different from digital. If going analog gets too complacent then I’ll try an instant camera or a toy camera.

What’s Next?

I’m questioning everything lately. Do I need my photography website? Do I need a place to show galleries and portfolios? Who will see it? I’m not offering anything unique then the next photographer. I may have some great work displayed there but so will she and he. What can I do that will set my website apart from them? Why should you follow me in the future? I’ve been enjoying the idea of real, honest to God, tangible products that you can touch. I’ve embraced the physical portfolios and it all started with the art show in September when I offered prints for sale. I had prints leftover and so they went into an album and it thrills me in a way that photography hasn’t in such a long time. I had prints made from some of my recent road trips and those too went into an album. Magical. Now that I’m shooting 35mm and instant, they have their own albums/journals. When I get my shit together and organized, I’ll even self-publish photo books and zines. I had. A few printed off in the past but that was back when the self-publishing industry was getting started. The offerings have improved and I’m honestly looking forward to this. Again, if I can get it together. Perhaps these ideas will help distinguish myself from the bored, uninspired photographer. Perhaps these ideas will help me get out of those negative, bored places as well. The visitors to my website may appreciate the distinction from a bored photographer shooting the same thing as the other 12 million people fighting for attention. By making tangible products, I’ll be happier. Even if it is for myself. Waiting for a muse is just not realistic. She isn’t real. I’ve realized that inspiration rarely comes to you but instead it is something to pursue. Doing the work itself can be inspiring. Planning the projects, cultivating my ideas, projects and products can be very beneficial. Creativity is difficult to obtain and maybe this is why so many people are bored and uninspired.


2019-11-11 14:24:48

As promised, I’ve been writing almost daily during National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO). But to be honest, most of it seems to be for the website.

11/11 GHR Check-In

2019-11-11 15:17:41

This is the final month of the Groundhog Day Resolution system for 2019. This was the 11th annual attempt at creating life-long habits for myself. I’ve discovered that because of the after the end-of-year holidays I am not mentally or physically capable of sticking with resolutions for the upcoming new year. I need a break so I take the whole month of January off to reflect and plan. The idea here was to check in every month from 2/2, 3/3, etc to 11/11- today! So how’d I do this year? Physical Technical Artistical Financial Overall, I’d rate this year’s GHD Resolutions as failure. In fact, I am thinking of scrapping the whole concept in favor of focusing on one thing a month and practice. That should be habit forming, no? But knowing me, I tend to bounce from thing to thing randomly or as I get bored. The portrait photography was big this year but as I’ve stated previously I am slowly pulling away from these types of shoots and want to try photographing something else with different methods. Still working these out. But the takeaway is that portrait photography was the culprit that a majority of these resolutions failed.

Film Is Not Dead

2019-11-12 00:51:26

Analog film photography: it’s not perfect and maybe that is what I love about it. In these days of instant gratification and little effort, everyone can make photos. Everything is digital, clean, sharp and then over-processed. We make/buy/use filters and presets to emulate film photography because of its athstetic. Film is not instant gratification and it doesn’t try to be perfect. Film is authentic and tangible. And perhaps that is why I’m leaning more towards film these days.

Plus & Minus

2019-11-12 13:33:40

I wanted to lose 25 pounds this year. I only have 35 more to go.

Night & Day

2019-11-12 13:52:25

Sunday, November 10th found us hiking the trails. In shorts! Monday, November 11th found me bundled up and marshaling the Veteran’s Day parade. I woke up and the temperature was 61. By 8am it was 37. By 9am it was raining, then ice, then flurries. By noon the precipitation stopped and now the temperature is 17. As one of the local high school bands chanted while waiting their turn to parade: “I don’t know but I’ve been told! Oklahoma is mighty cold!”


2019-11-14 15:45:27

In a little over a week I’ll be enjoying nine days off. So looking forward to this time of travel, food, fun and reflection.

November is the perfect time to reflect, think and scheme for me and I intend to take full advantage of this.

Feel The Burn

2019-11-15 05:53:14

Thoreau asked his diary on November 13, 1851, “Is not this a glorious time of year for your deep inward fires?” November is a great month to stoke those internal fires.

Now Is The Envy Of The Dead

2019-11-15 22:30:34

“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away, and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well, and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.”

Have A Drink

2019-11-15 22:31:19

I’ve always said that I am too young to drink coffee because growing up, only old people drank coffee. Now even children are doing it. My own child loves that Starbucks crap. I still don’t drink coffee and I’ll probably will never understand how it “fuels” people to be more productive. I prefer the taste of whiskey, bourbon and scotch. I can nurse at least an hour on two fingers worth of drink just by sitting, sipping, thinking and scheming. The process can even be considered as meditative. This past week I’ve introduced a tobacco pipe into the process. This is backed up by Sherlock Holmes novels: “It is quite a three pipe problem, and I beg that you won’t speak to me for fifty minutes.” Meaning he’d sit, smoke and work out solutions in that time. This is my preferred method for working out issues or to even warm up and relax on these grey, cold days of winter. Just have a drink.

Let’s Take This Outside

2019-11-17 12:21:05

MissAdventure and I woke up this morning to take advantage of the gorgeous Autumn weather to take a hike at the Redbud Valley Preserve.


2019-11-18 03:19:18

Yesterday on our hike, we came across a thin trail offset from the original trail that wasn’t too obvious. What was obvious was the fact that I was going to take it and we weren’t disappointed.

The trail led us to a rocky overhang looking out towards a creek. There in the warm sun and cool breeze I decided to take my trail shoes and socks off to experience what some wellness practitioners call “grounding or earthing."

I dug my toes into the cold soil and planted my heels down on the rocky trail and just stood there soaking up the sun and the quiet. MissAdventure decided instead to sit crosslegged and soak in the sun and the quiet.

It was only for a few short minutes but it was plenty to meditate and also appreciate this moment. Looking up into the sun I noticed seagulls flying in circles over the valley. Why seagulls here in a landlocked state? Oh well, why not. Then, why can’t I join them, wouldn’t that be amazing?

I couldn’t of course. I was grounded and grounding.

I silently put myself back together mentally and physically while applying my socks then shoes on. This was a beautiful experience to be rediscovered soon.

Sunday To Do

2019-11-18 03:39:36

  1. Ignore To Do lists
  2. Study creative people (Thanks K. Smith and Kleon)
  3. Read and read some more
  4. Sketch
  5. Add some photos to the physical photo journal
  6. Add to my private, physical journal
  7. Tidy up the lawn and garden from leaves and random street trash


2019-11-19 17:36:00

Zero screens after 9p Zero soda Zero Zero down elevator Zero excuses Zero Netflix Monday-Thursday Zero Inbox Zero Social Media

Digital Rights

2019-11-19 08:34:45

I’ve been thinking about this subject recently. Our digital purchases are not really ours.


2019-11-19 20:20:11

No, I didn’t delete the Instagram account but I did remove it from my phone as a discipline test. A little over a year ago I was in the same mood. Funny how IG keeps bringing people back.


2019-11-20 13:52:08

Excerpt taken from a book coming out next month called Rewilding: Before embarking on a hike through a forest, meadow, or other wild space, take a few moments to center yourself. Close your eyes. Take some slow, deep breaths. Allow your exhalation to be twice as long as your inhalation. Let go of anything rattling around in your head—whatever stress or worry you are transmitting. Tune into the sounds, sensations, and rhythms of the land around you. Stretch out with your feelings and sense the aliveness of the earth. Know that the beings that call this land home are paying close attention to what is happening here: They have to; their lives depend on it. Your presence will be felt and communicated far and wide. Notice the birds and the chipmunks—the little creatures we sometimes consider background noise. In a relaxed way, be curious, and with your eyes closed, observe what is happening around you. Take a few minutes to be with it all. Then, open your eyes and look around. Simply observe everything while expressing your gratitude and respect for the land. Set a strong intention to stay present and connected to your breath, and create as little disturbance as possible. Let each footstep be an experience of soulful connection with the planet, each breath a rite of interbeing with the holy winds that blow.


2019-11-20 13:52:55

Disconnect I’ve been experimenting with Airplane mode on my devices to focus on anything else that is productive. This allows me time for myself to focus, recover and reflect. Also great for dedicated time spent with others. Walking Solvitur ambulando is Latin for “it is solved by walking”. I have a lot of issues that need solving so time to get those feet moving. Training Consistent gym workouts for strength. Yoga to improve my flexibility.

Start Somewhere

2019-11-21 14:30:23

You have to start somewhere. That first step. A new mindset. A deep breath. Load that bullet and take your first shot. That first sip, a new notebook and pen. Make that call or email. Just start.

Solvitur Ambulando

2019-11-21 14:31:27

Go outside. Take a walk. Just walk. Walk until you have figured out what is bothering you or until you are so tired that you don’t care about it anymore. Repeat as needed. Bring a friend if you’d like and just go. Walk.


2019-11-21 15:24:06

“But I don’t want comfort. I want poetry. I want danger. I want freedom. I want goodness. I want sin.”

Keep Calm And Carry On

2019-11-22 17:14:40

Take your MEDS. Meditation/exercise/diet/sleep Walk Read Write Shoot Talk Get out Accept what you can’t manage. Detox from media, social media.

More And Less

2019-11-23 11:00:19

Grey Ghost

2019-11-29 06:54:21

Mural by Banksy

New Orleans

Photo Archival Project

2019-11-24 14:25:16

DAM. Digital Asset Management. I don’t have it but I critically need it. It’s hell trying to determine where any of my photos really are. Despite sporadic attempts at bringing things under control, I’m still not very well organized. I’ve read a lot of articles about the top ten things photographers would do if they had to start all over again and not a one has mentioned anything about photo organization AFTER the shooting and editing. Now what? At first, we only have few dozen images and then hundreds and it’s easy to find things when looking for them. That’s the attitude we start out with. But a photo organization system? Never occurred to me. Over time they start to accumilate and then you change devices, copy these images to that other hard drive and then the year ends and a new one starts; and then the years go by. We keep taking pictures and these files pile up and then we realize that they really should be organized soon. By then it’s too late and overwhelming and also past time that this has to be done. Since I don’t have my very own JARVIS artificial intelligence to sort, remove duplicates, purge bad images, organize by date, tag, and geotag then I’ll just have to do the damned thing myself. Jarvis? Organize my archives please Now that I have some time off I can relax, enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday while traveling and plan my approach. A new incentive has arisen: time. Currently is late November 2019 and a new decade is approaching. So I will organize the archives by decade and secure them into digital vault. Archive 1970-2009 Archive 2010-2019 Archive 2020 and future Only then can I begin to think about processing the keepers and organize them into prints and maybe even some books. Especially for my planned Daphne photo project. Damn.


2019-11-29 02:43:11

I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual… O how I laugh when I think of my vague indefinite riches… No run on my bank can drain it for my wealth is not possession but enjoyment… —Henry David Thoreau, from “Letter 30, December 6 and 7, 1856″

Common Ground

2019-11-29 17:02:32

Living in the 3rd largest city of the U.S.A. taught me a lot about people’s perspectives and differences of opinion. I met and enjoyed talking with people I don’t agree with on a lot of things, except we do believe in each other. We talked, we shared, we encouraged each other, we found common ground. A popular fast food chain is in the news recently because they decided to not donate funds to organizations that other groups disagree with. I don’t care. I like their food. I don’t care about their politics and I never will. I listen to bands for years that enjoy spouting off their causes and politics. We wouldn’t have agreed on much and I don’t care. I love their music. I voted for the other guy. I don’t like him and would never sit down to have a drink with him. I enjoyed gathering around family and friends to celebrate the holidays. I will enjoy a meal with them but don’t want to discuss politics with them. Over the years I have developed the ability to glean lessons from a variety of sources. I am aware. I listen. I process. I learn. Some of my favorite teachers were liberal, others were conservatives, and still others were neither. I didn’t care so long as I learned. Let’s find some common ground together.


2019-11-29 19:27:14


2019-11-29 19:41:41

Now that my annual Groundhog Resolutions Day has been completed this year, I am beginning to plot and scheme on how to continue to improve myself. I can do it but I need to start. And I can’t wait until next year, whether it is January 1st or February 2nd. I can do it.

Umbrella Girl

2019-11-29 20:01:53

Mural by Banksy New Orleans


2019-11-29 20:05:50

Besthoff Sculpture Garden New Orleans

Just Stop

2019-11-30 11:12:22

Top 10 Black Friday deals still available Hyper Black Friday offers 30% off site wide Killer deals: save $ while supplies last Save a ton on great accessories in our huge Black Friday Sale Give yourself the gift of ___ Check out these sales from Black Friday to Cyber Monday Some nice Black Friday deals Last call for the best Black Friday deals 2019 Gifts for ____ Almost every blog in my feed reader once again tries to manipulate their readers in clicking these links in the articles in order to scrape pennies from their Amazon-sponsored advertising and it makes me sick. I saved 100% off by not clicking or buying!