Fortune Cookie Wisdom #1
2017-12-30 06:00:00
Your creativity takes you to great heights
2017-12-30 06:00:00
Your creativity takes you to great heights
2017-12-30 06:00:00
Love is like war; easy to begin but hard to stop
2017-12-20 06:00:00
Famous homemade chili from a long time ago back in Alabama
2017-12-18 06:00:00
Wandering is simply spending some time walking as therapy, silencing your cell phone and exploring an area near you. There is more to it, of course (look up The Wander Society online). But for now, here is a simple checklist.
Solvitur Ambulando
2017-12-18 06:00:00
As I’ve stated previously, it’s been a shitty year and not a lot to show for it. In fact, I have lost so much. There are times too, that I have been bored or uninspired with my hobbies, including photography. Most of the time, however, I just pick up the camera and go. Go out, anywhere. Shoot anything to make myself feel better. The camera and the process is therapy to me. It relieves me of stress and helps me create. Photography helps me to focus (see what I did there?) on what’s in front of me and allows for a pleasant distraction. It reduces frustration and anxiety.
self-portrait 5m after waking
I am a big fan of photo walks. No agenda, no direction. I just wander with an open eye for something, anything of personal interest and capture it. Stretch, walk, breathe and relax.
I’ve also discovered interacting with people to be therapeutic too. It sounds counter-intuitive, I know, but it works for me. I feed off their personalities and passions. Even their presence is energizing. Ever sit in a coffee shop and feel the buzz? Me too.
Getting out and talking to strangers on the street breaks down my walls and theirs. I’ve been doing quite a lot of portrait photography with my HOT project. These beautiful faces make me smile. See? Therapy.
Communicating with like-minded people is a huge positivity boost. Photographers are isolated and protective by nature (why?) so this could be more stressful at first…but the payoff is amazing. Who else but we, can understand and support one another? I am really excited about my new photography group coming soon.
One of the best things about photography is again, focusing on details. Distract yourself by focusing on the boring, mundane, everyday details that can deliver the best images and make for the best subjects.
Anything and everything all of a sudden becomes interesting. Beauty in the details. Forest through the trees.
I lean heavily on photography when doubt, depression and frustration kick in. I give them a kick back when I grab my camera and go.
2017-12-15 06:00:00
At Oxley Nature center 36.224700,-95.903046
2017-12-15 06:00:00
Excellent for hiking, geocaching, and general fuckery
Pro tip: Use hot popcorn to melt the chocolatey bits.
2017-12-07 06:00:00
It’s my 45th birthday. Version 44 was a shitty iteration and 2017 was a shitty year. Time to upgrade.
That is my target weight goal. Eat lean and train mean. I don’t simply want to eat right and lose weight. I want nutrition and fitness. I shot up to 200 this year and back down to 190. Fifteen pounds is very doable once I stop eating out and drinking less soda. More trail running, weights, yoga and meditation will help get lean and reduce health risks.
Speaking of drinks, I am imposing my own prohibition. I dont get drunk and I am not a cheap date. Version 44 has seen me consume a lot of beer, bourbon, scotch and whiskey. I feel it and it shows. Never say never though, because I am building a new photography group around this subject as well as hashing.
I’ve been stagnant in generating anything of value to myself or anyone else recently. Circumstances, distractions and lack of inspiration has caused that. No more.
I want to write more, interact with people again and develop something from nothing with my two hands and brain. Instead of cranking out a novel that may or may not get written, I may try short stories instead.
On the consumption side I want to stay inspired with my average of fifty books to read as well as various websites. Inspiration and mood boards as well.
Version 44 was a shitty iteration and 2017 was a shitty year. I am ready for the growth.
2017-12-30 23:08:54
Love is like war; easy to begin but hard to stop
2017-12-30 23:07:11
Your creativity takes you to great heights
2017-12-20 19:29:26
Famous homemade chili from a long time ago back in Alabama
2017-12-19 01:20:07
Wandering is simply spending some time walking as therapy, silencing your cell phone and exploring an area near you. There is more to it, of course (look up The Wander Society online). But for now, here is a simple checklist.
Solvitur Ambulando
2017-12-19 00:50:50
As I’ve stated previously, it’s been a shitty year and not a lot to show for it. In fact, I have lost so much. There are times too, that I have been bored or uninspired with my hobbies, including photography. Most of the time, however, I just pick up the camera and go. Go out, anywhere. Shoot anything to make myself feel better. The camera and the process is therapy to me. It relieves me of stress and helps me create. Photography helps me to focus (see what I did there?) on what’s in front of me and allows for a pleasant distraction. It reduces frustration and anxiety.
self-portrait 5m after waking
I am a big fan of photo walks. No agenda, no direction. I just wander with an open eye for something, anything of personal interest and capture it. Stretch, walk, breathe and relax.
I’ve also discovered interacting with people to be therapeutic too. It sounds counter-intuitive, I know, but it works for me. I feed off their personalities and passions. Even their presence is energizing. Ever sit in a coffee shop and feel the buzz? Me too.
Getting out and talking to strangers on the street breaks down my walls and theirs. I’ve been doing quite a lot of portrait photography with my HOT project. These beautiful faces make me smile. See? Therapy.
Communicating with like-minded people is a huge positivity boost. Photographers are isolated and protective by nature (why?) so this could be more stressful at first…but the payoff is amazing. Who else but we, can understand and support one another? I am really excited about my new photography group coming soon.
One of the best things about photography is again, focusing on details. Distract yourself by focusing on the boring, mundane, everyday details that can deliver the best images and make for the best subjects.
Anything and everything all of a sudden becomes interesting. Beauty in the details. Forest through the trees.
I lean heavily on photography when doubt, depression and frustration kick in. I give them a kick back when I grab my camera and go.
2017-12-17 06:15:36
I love to hike and trail run but every now and then I’ll throw in some geocaching. It’s a modern day treasure hunt using a GPS device to discover hidden caches. These caches contain anything from trinkets to simple log books for you to document your find.
Geocaching will take you off the trails and on a scavenger hunt so it’s important to carry essentials to make it safe and fun.
Hydrate! You could be out searching for hours so stay hydrated.
Pack a lightweight kit with bandages, ointments, balms. All the above in case you get some cuts and scrapes. Don’t forget insect spray or sunscreen.
Pocketknife, or a multi tool will come in handy. For all those “just-in-case” moments.
2017-12-16 03:56:37
Excellent for hiking, geocaching, and general fuckery
Pro tip: Use hot popcorn to melt the chocolatey bits.
2017-12-16 00:44:27
[gallery]Explore More
At Oxley Nature center 36.224700,-95.903046
2017-12-08 04:47:45
It’s my 45th birthday. Version 44 was a shitty iteration and 2017 was a shitty year. Time to upgrade.
That is my target weight goal. Eat lean and train mean. I don’t simply want to eat right and lose weight. I want nutrition and fitness. I shot up to 200 this year and back down to 190. Fifteen pounds is very doable once I stop eating out and drinking less soda. More trail running, weights, yoga and meditation will help get lean and reduce health risks.
Speaking of drinks, I am imposing my own prohibition. I dont get drunk and I am not a cheap date. Version 44 has seen me consume a lot of beer, bourbon, scotch and whiskey. I feel it and it shows. Never say never though, because I am building a new photography group around this subject as well as hashing.
I’ve been stagnant in generating anything of value to myself or anyone else recently. Circumstances, distractions and lack of inspiration has caused that. No more.
I want to write more, interact with people again and develop something from nothing with my two hands and brain. Instead of cranking out a novel that may or may not get written, I may try short stories instead.
On the consumption side I want to stay inspired with my average of fifty books to read as well as various websites. Inspiration and mood boards as well.
Version 44 was a shitty iteration and 2017 was a shitty year. I am ready for the growth.
2017-12-31 06:00:00
The sun sets on the last, coldest day of 2017 in Tulsa