April 2013 Archive
2013-04-08 19:12:22
I’m finding small ways to lower stress and enhance my calm such as meditating. I would suggest a minimum of 2 minutes in a quiet spot and focus on breathing, nothing else.
I use my Android’s built in timer but you can simply use whatever is convenient. Try it!

Groundhog Day Resolution 4/4 Check-In
2013-04-04 15:23:54
This is my second check-in of GHR 2013. By now, most people have abandoned their NYE resolutions and that is where GHR comes in for me. So, on with my resolutions.
- Relocate back to Houston Texas
- Drop and lose 5 pounds a month for 4 months
- Learn Ruby on Rails
- Finally complete my file server and host this website and photo archives on it.
Here is my progress from 3/3 when I started this until today, 4/4.
- Relocation to Houston efforts are an ongoing work in progress.
- Lost a total of 3 pounds this month.
- Have not even looked at Ruby On Rails.
- Regarding the development of a file server, the motherboard has failed. I am not going to spend any more time or money in to it.
I need to lose a minimum of 8 pounds this month to achieve my goal of 20 pounds off in 4 months.
Keep up the relocation effort. After a couple of phone interviews and no results, this is discouraging and difficult to do in another state.
Tax season has taken a large mental toll on me and I have to shake this off.
I’ll be checking back in on 5/5 with updates.
Feed Me
2013-04-02 03:13:00
With Google shuttering the wildly popular Reader, I’ve looked at some alternatives such as Flipboard, Feedly and even the other Google product, Currents.
I am also trying to create a feed reader on my server using the TinyTiny RSS schema. Having issues with the PHP and mySQL files. Really don’t want to rely on a third party service anymore.
Also comes with an Android app. w00t.

Digital House Cleaning
2013-04-20 01:50:31
Since my digital sabbatical started yesterday morning, I’ve decided to clean up and purge a few things.
I removed the Linux and Windows 7 partitions and did a clean install of Ubuntu 13 Beta Raring Ringtail as the primary operating system. Also added Virtualbox.
Inside the virtual hard disks I am running Windows 7, Fedora 18 and pretty soon Linux Mint.
These will be for various programs, testing and needs.

Run On Sentences
2013-04-19 07:01:08
Due to the schizophrenic weather, I am not running. However, I just purchased a book on running for beginners.
Why do I feel like I am running backwards?
Digital Cleanse
2013-04-18 15:34:00
After the mental stress of sending off the tax check I sat down to the laptop and mindlessly surfed the internet for an hour.
Right then I declared it is time for me to cleanse and purge.
As I consumed large quantities of posts, tweets, videos and images, the eyes strained, my back hurt and I wondered where the time went as I shuffled off to bed.
Yes, it was downtime but I kicked myself for not making the most of it. They say that “the time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time” but this was not enjoyable.
Over the past few years, we’ve been purging our material stuff and relied on essentials only. We are surviving without them. So it is also time for a quick cleanse to my digital consumption.
I don’t need to keep up with the latest news and trends. I am really not missing out. I don’t need to know that yet another company has shunned Android users with a great new app. Who cares? I used to.
I will not be reading blog feeds, G+ posts, tweets or mindlessly surfing for a minimum of a week. Emails will be addressed from the laptop only, not the phone.
If I get a text, I will not respond immediately. You may get a voice response instead(!)
The laptop will be used only as a medium for tasks such as emails, bill paying, blogging, etc.
The tablet will do the same and for book reading only.
I’ll add more posts later with the thought processes and experiences.
Attitude Adjustment
2013-04-19 06:48:47
The next time you adjust a setting, think twice. Sometimes it’s better to change yourself to appreciate the defaults than to change the defaults to suit you.
I am going to struggle with this concept.
2013-04-18 21:05:13
86 and muggy by day, tornadoes at night. 40 degree drop in temps the next day. Where is Spring?
2013-04-30 23:49:00
On this day 20 years ago the World Wide Web was made available to the public. Here is the original link to the world’s first public domain website which highlights the goals of the CERN team.
Does anyone else miss the dial-up modem noise?
2013-04-29 03:46:00
I need consistent sleep and I am not getting it.
2013-04-29 03:15:08
I need inspiration and motivation right now
Minimal Bookshelf
2013-04-28 04:53:00
“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”
― Stephen King
For the longest time I collected and hoarded books. I loaded up bookshelves, totes and closet space to store them. But after moving around the country a few times those books began to become a burden and no longer a joy.
Eventually it became necessary to sell or donate these once-treasured items. I resisted the urge to go to an e-reader. That is almost blasphemy.
In most recent years I’ve discovered the value of digital reading. I can store thousands of books on my virtual bookshelf that I can hold in one hand. Now I get upset if I can’t find a digital copy of a book.
I’ve purged almost all of my physical copies and have replaced only a few of them when migrating to digital.
Why didn’t I do this sooner?

Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail)
2013-04-27 23:58:59

Time to update
Digital Moderation
2013-04-25 13:45:00
You know what I learned from my one week digital cleanse?
After a self-mandated abstinence from digital media I had almost 1000 blog feed posts waiting for me. 5,000 tweets and numerous G+ posts.
I redeemed my time by reading physical books, right-sizing the material stuff I own and dabbling into PhP, MySQL and Apache server systems.
So great was the temptation to consume media that I had to bury the pervasive Google apps in a folder deep down to the kernel.
I used Firefox for a week because Chrome has those tempting apps built in.
From here on out, I will moderate and limit my intake.
Check the feeds once a day. Check email twice a day.
Now it is time to declare digital bankruptcy and clear the notifications and alerts and the feeds. Starting from zero…now.
The Internet circa 1938
2013-04-30 01:07:35
“The whole human memory can be, and probably in a short time will be, made accessible to every individual. “This new all-human cerebrum need not be concentrated in any one single place. It can be reproduced exactly and fully, in Peru, China, Iceland, Central Africa, or wherever else seems to afford an insurance against danger and interruption. It can have at once, the concentration of a craniate animal and the diffused vitality of an amoeba.
“In a universal organization and clarification of knowledge and ideas… in the evocation, that is, of what I have here called a World Brain… in that and in that alone, it is maintained, is there any clear hope of a really Competent Receiver for world affairs… We do not want dictators, we do not want oligarchic parties or class rule, we want a widespread world intelligence conscious of itself.”
—H. G. Wells in his 1938 prophecy World Brain.
2013-04-08 19:12:22
I’m finding small ways to lower stress and enhance my calm such as meditating. I would suggest a minimum of 2 minutes in a quiet spot and focus on breathing, nothing else.
I use my Android’s built in timer but you can simply use whatever is convenient. Try it!

Groundhog Day Resolution 4/4 Check-In
2013-04-04 15:23:54
This is my second check-in of GHR 2013. By now, most people have abandoned their NYE resolutions and that is where GHR comes in for me. So, on with my resolutions.
- Relocate back to Houston Texas
- Drop and lose 5 pounds a month for 4 months
- Learn Ruby on Rails
- Finally complete my file server and host this website and photo archives on it.
Here is my progress from 3/3 when I started this until today, 4/4.
- Relocation to Houston efforts are an ongoing work in progress.
- Lost a total of 3 pounds this month.
- Have not even looked at Ruby On Rails.
- Regarding the development of a file server, the motherboard has failed. I am not going to spend any more time or money in to it.
I need to lose a minimum of 8 pounds this month to achieve my goal of 20 pounds off in 4 months.
Keep up the relocation effort. After a couple of phone interviews and no results, this is discouraging and difficult to do in another state.
Tax season has taken a large mental toll on me and I have to shake this off.
I’ll be checking back in on 5/5 with updates.
Feed Me
2013-04-02 03:13:00
With Google shuttering the wildly popular Reader, I’ve looked at some alternatives such as Flipboard, Feedly and even the other Google product, Currents.
I am also trying to create a feed reader on my server using the TinyTiny RSS schema. Having issues with the PHP and mySQL files. Really don’t want to rely on a third party service anymore.
Also comes with an Android app. w00t.

Digital House Cleaning
2013-04-20 01:50:31
Since my digital sabbatical started yesterday morning, I’ve decided to clean up and purge a few things.
I removed the Linux and Windows 7 partitions and did a clean install of Ubuntu 13 Beta Raring Ringtail as the primary operating system. Also added Virtualbox.
Inside the virtual hard disks I am running Windows 7, Fedora 18 and pretty soon Linux Mint.
These will be for various programs, testing and needs.

Run On Sentences
2013-04-19 07:01:08
Due to the schizophrenic weather, I am not running. However, I just purchased a book on running for beginners.
Why do I feel like I am running backwards?
Digital Cleanse
2013-04-18 15:34:00
After the mental stress of sending off the tax check I sat down to the laptop and mindlessly surfed the internet for an hour.
Right then I declared it is time for me to cleanse and purge.
As I consumed large quantities of posts, tweets, videos and images, the eyes strained, my back hurt and I wondered where the time went as I shuffled off to bed.
Yes, it was downtime but I kicked myself for not making the most of it. They say that “the time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time” but this was not enjoyable.
Over the past few years, we’ve been purging our material stuff and relied on essentials only. We are surviving without them. So it is also time for a quick cleanse to my digital consumption.
I don’t need to keep up with the latest news and trends. I am really not missing out. I don’t need to know that yet another company has shunned Android users with a great new app. Who cares? I used to.
I will not be reading blog feeds, G+ posts, tweets or mindlessly surfing for a minimum of a week. Emails will be addressed from the laptop only, not the phone.
If I get a text, I will not respond immediately. You may get a voice response instead(!)
The laptop will be used only as a medium for tasks such as emails, bill paying, blogging, etc.
The tablet will do the same and for book reading only.
I’ll add more posts later with the thought processes and experiences.
Attitude Adjustment
2013-04-19 06:48:47
The next time you adjust a setting, think twice. Sometimes it’s better to change yourself to appreciate the defaults than to change the defaults to suit you.
I am going to struggle with this concept.
2013-04-18 21:05:13
86 and muggy by day, tornadoes at night. 40 degree drop in temps the next day. Where is Spring?
2013-04-30 23:49:00
On this day 20 years ago the World Wide Web was made available to the public. Here is the original link to the world’s first public domain website which highlights the goals of the CERN team.
Does anyone else miss the dial-up modem noise?
2013-04-29 03:46:00
I need consistent sleep and I am not getting it.
2013-04-29 03:15:08
I need inspiration and motivation right now
Minimal Bookshelf
2013-04-28 04:53:00
“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”
― Stephen King
For the longest time I collected and hoarded books. I loaded up bookshelves, totes and closet space to store them. But after moving around the country a few times those books began to become a burden and no longer a joy.
Eventually it became necessary to sell or donate these once-treasured items. I resisted the urge to go to an e-reader. That is almost blasphemy.
In most recent years I’ve discovered the value of digital reading. I can store thousands of books on my virtual bookshelf that I can hold in one hand. Now I get upset if I can’t find a digital copy of a book.
I’ve purged almost all of my physical copies and have replaced only a few of them when migrating to digital.
Why didn’t I do this sooner?

Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail)
2013-04-27 23:58:59

Time to update
Digital Moderation
2013-04-25 13:45:00
You know what I learned from my one week digital cleanse?
After a self-mandated abstinence from digital media I had almost 1000 blog feed posts waiting for me. 5,000 tweets and numerous G+ posts.
I redeemed my time by reading physical books, right-sizing the material stuff I own and dabbling into PhP, MySQL and Apache server systems.
So great was the temptation to consume media that I had to bury the pervasive Google apps in a folder deep down to the kernel.
I used Firefox for a week because Chrome has those tempting apps built in.
From here on out, I will moderate and limit my intake.
Check the feeds once a day. Check email twice a day.
Now it is time to declare digital bankruptcy and clear the notifications and alerts and the feeds. Starting from zero…now.
The Internet circa 1938
2013-04-30 01:07:35
“The whole human memory can be, and probably in a short time will be, made accessible to every individual. “This new all-human cerebrum need not be concentrated in any one single place. It can be reproduced exactly and fully, in Peru, China, Iceland, Central Africa, or wherever else seems to afford an insurance against danger and interruption. It can have at once, the concentration of a craniate animal and the diffused vitality of an amoeba.
“In a universal organization and clarification of knowledge and ideas… in the evocation, that is, of what I have here called a World Brain… in that and in that alone, it is maintained, is there any clear hope of a really Competent Receiver for world affairs… We do not want dictators, we do not want oligarchic parties or class rule, we want a widespread world intelligence conscious of itself.”
—H. G. Wells in his 1938 prophecy World Brain.
2013-04-08 19:12:22
I’m finding small ways to lower stress and enhance my calm such as meditating. I would suggest a minimum of 2 minutes in a quiet spot and focus on breathing, nothing else.
I use my Android’s built in timer but you can simply use whatever is convenient. Try it!

Groundhog Day Resolution 4/4 Check-In
2013-04-04 15:23:54
This is my second check-in of GHR 2013. By now, most people have abandoned their NYE resolutions and that is where GHR comes in for me. So, on with my resolutions.
- Relocate back to Houston Texas
- Drop and lose 5 pounds a month for 4 months
- Learn Ruby on Rails
- Finally complete my file server and host this website and photo archives on it.
Here is my progress from 3/3 when I started this until today, 4/4.
- Relocation to Houston efforts are an ongoing work in progress.
- Lost a total of 3 pounds this month.
- Have not even looked at Ruby On Rails.
- Regarding the development of a file server, the motherboard has failed. I am not going to spend any more time or money in to it.
I need to lose a minimum of 8 pounds this month to achieve my goal of 20 pounds off in 4 months.
Keep up the relocation effort. After a couple of phone interviews and no results, this is discouraging and difficult to do in another state.
Tax season has taken a large mental toll on me and I have to shake this off.
I’ll be checking back in on 5/5 with updates.
Feed Me
2013-04-02 03:13:00
With Google shuttering the wildly popular Reader, I’ve looked at some alternatives such as Flipboard, Feedly and even the other Google product, Currents.
I am also trying to create a feed reader on my server using the TinyTiny RSS schema. Having issues with the PHP and mySQL files. Really don’t want to rely on a third party service anymore.
Also comes with an Android app. w00t.

Digital House Cleaning
2013-04-20 01:50:31
Since my digital sabbatical started yesterday morning, I’ve decided to clean up and purge a few things.
I removed the Linux and Windows 7 partitions and did a clean install of Ubuntu 13 Beta Raring Ringtail as the primary operating system. Also added Virtualbox.
Inside the virtual hard disks I am running Windows 7, Fedora 18 and pretty soon Linux Mint.
These will be for various programs, testing and needs.

Run On Sentences
2013-04-19 07:01:08
Due to the schizophrenic weather, I am not running. However, I just purchased a book on running for beginners.
Why do I feel like I am running backwards?
Digital Cleanse
2013-04-18 15:34:00
After the mental stress of sending off the tax check I sat down to the laptop and mindlessly surfed the internet for an hour.
Right then I declared it is time for me to cleanse and purge.
As I consumed large quantities of posts, tweets, videos and images, the eyes strained, my back hurt and I wondered where the time went as I shuffled off to bed.
Yes, it was downtime but I kicked myself for not making the most of it. They say that “the time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time” but this was not enjoyable.
Over the past few years, we’ve been purging our material stuff and relied on essentials only. We are surviving without them. So it is also time for a quick cleanse to my digital consumption.
I don’t need to keep up with the latest news and trends. I am really not missing out. I don’t need to know that yet another company has shunned Android users with a great new app. Who cares? I used to.
I will not be reading blog feeds, G+ posts, tweets or mindlessly surfing for a minimum of a week. Emails will be addressed from the laptop only, not the phone.
If I get a text, I will not respond immediately. You may get a voice response instead(!)
The laptop will be used only as a medium for tasks such as emails, bill paying, blogging, etc.
The tablet will do the same and for book reading only.
I’ll add more posts later with the thought processes and experiences.
Attitude Adjustment
2013-04-19 06:48:47
The next time you adjust a setting, think twice. Sometimes it’s better to change yourself to appreciate the defaults than to change the defaults to suit you.
I am going to struggle with this concept.
2013-04-18 21:05:13
86 and muggy by day, tornadoes at night. 40 degree drop in temps the next day. Where is Spring?
2013-04-30 23:49:00
On this day 20 years ago the World Wide Web was made available to the public. Here is the original link to the world’s first public domain website which highlights the goals of the CERN team.
Does anyone else miss the dial-up modem noise?
2013-04-29 03:46:00
I need consistent sleep and I am not getting it.
2013-04-29 03:15:08
I need inspiration and motivation right now
Minimal Bookshelf
2013-04-28 04:53:00
“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”
― Stephen King
For the longest time I collected and hoarded books. I loaded up bookshelves, totes and closet space to store them. But after moving around the country a few times those books began to become a burden and no longer a joy.
Eventually it became necessary to sell or donate these once-treasured items. I resisted the urge to go to an e-reader. That is almost blasphemy.
In most recent years I’ve discovered the value of digital reading. I can store thousands of books on my virtual bookshelf that I can hold in one hand. Now I get upset if I can’t find a digital copy of a book.
I’ve purged almost all of my physical copies and have replaced only a few of them when migrating to digital.
Why didn’t I do this sooner?

Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail)
2013-04-27 23:58:59

Time to update
Digital Moderation
2013-04-25 13:45:00
You know what I learned from my one week digital cleanse?
After a self-mandated abstinence from digital media I had almost 1000 blog feed posts waiting for me. 5,000 tweets and numerous G+ posts.
I redeemed my time by reading physical books, right-sizing the material stuff I own and dabbling into PhP, MySQL and Apache server systems.
So great was the temptation to consume media that I had to bury the pervasive Google apps in a folder deep down to the kernel.
I used Firefox for a week because Chrome has those tempting apps built in.
From here on out, I will moderate and limit my intake.
Check the feeds once a day. Check email twice a day.
Now it is time to declare digital bankruptcy and clear the notifications and alerts and the feeds. Starting from zero…now.
The Internet circa 1938
2013-04-30 01:07:35
“The whole human memory can be, and probably in a short time will be, made accessible to every individual. “This new all-human cerebrum need not be concentrated in any one single place. It can be reproduced exactly and fully, in Peru, China, Iceland, Central Africa, or wherever else seems to afford an insurance against danger and interruption. It can have at once, the concentration of a craniate animal and the diffused vitality of an amoeba.
“In a universal organization and clarification of knowledge and ideas… in the evocation, that is, of what I have here called a World Brain… in that and in that alone, it is maintained, is there any clear hope of a really Competent Receiver for world affairs… We do not want dictators, we do not want oligarchic parties or class rule, we want a widespread world intelligence conscious of itself.”
—H. G. Wells in his 1938 prophecy World Brain.