October 2009 Archive

October 2009 Archive


2009-10-19 18:28:47

Windows 7 Boot logo

Last week I got my hands on the new operating system from Microsoft, Windows 7. After testing it for a week, I am very pleased with it. This is a faster, cleaner OS than Vista was. W7 had no hardware issues and even updated some drivers for them automagically. I was so pleased with the performance I went ahead and installed on to WonderWife’s machine.

If you are on the fence as to upgrading to Windows 7 or not, let me help push you over towards it.

Focus (Or Lack Of)

2009-10-19 20:46:06


Change is inevitable, right? It is how we respond to the changes that helps define us. When looking at myself lately, I don’t like the definition or the response. I’ve lost my focus and my path recently and I want it back. There are various reasons for this lack of application.

I identified some of the perpetual culprits such as neglecting my fitness and nutrition. My sleep schedule sucks and I’ve allowed too many outside distractions in. I’m well aware that these can be put back on track when I discipline myself. If I am honest with myself then I have to admit that there are other issues that are distracting my focus.

My sleep schedule as I mentioned earlier just plain sucks. I am mentally restless as I am constantly trying to find new stimulus. I’m not even looking for anything in particular. Sometimes I am trying to find a muse or new productivity workflows. Other occasions I am trying to find outside income. I look for these things until my brain catches up to my body and collapses.

Sometimes my plans need to go back to the drawing board because they were never fully thought out. The rest of them are stalled due to uncertainty. I can’t see clearly enough to execute. 

On the other side of this is the fact that when I do sit down to work on a plan I go blank. I cannot process what I have studied and apply it.

No, I do not have an attention disorder.

I simply must order my attention on the specific task at hand as opposed to multi-task. There has to be a distinction between work projects and personal projects. I am guilty of combining the two if it will help (apparently it isn’t).

Tomorrow I will focus my attention on what matters and how to prioritize this.

Because my focus is fuzzy, I may need another set of eyes and your opinions/solutions to rectify this. How have you resolved this issue? Are you struggling with maintaining your focus?

Freelance Or Entrepreneur?

2009-10-20 13:08:44

Motion Blur with Fish eye

In order to adjust my focus I need to determine what is ahead of me. Do I want to be a freelance photographer or do I want to be an entrepreneur and run my own business?

I’d like some insights from both parties to see how you’ve overcome the challenges of both.

Please Be Specific

2009-10-20 22:09:11

I always wanted to be somebody. I should have been more specific- lily tomlin

Some people know exactly who they are and what they want to do with their lives. Then there is the rest of us who know who we are, but not what we are supposed to be doing. Is it true that what we do defines us as individuals? I need specifics.


Oh Relax

2009-10-22 09:00:00


I need to relax and de-stress myself. I miss the old me where I would not only laugh, but crack a joke too. I’m not myself but all that will change and here is how I want to do it. Join along if you’d like.

  1. Workout more (obvious stress reliever)
  2. meditation
  3. yoga (might as well see what the hype is)
  4. sleep
  5. walk with my family
  6. listen to music (with headphones on)
  7. quit assuming and actually listen
  8. healthier food choices
  9. be myself

Ahhh… much better!

Know & Tell 10.22.09

2009-10-22 08:00:00

Manifesto plurilingue e sesquilingue

It has been too long since I’ve updated my Delicious link sharing…

Best Business Practices For Photographers


How to Set the Price for Your Photography


18 Essential Tools for Every Word-of-Mouth Marketer


Google Wave Notifier Alerts You to Unread Waves


Twitterfeed Floods Users Streams With Old Blog Posts


Keeping it Raw in Photoshop Part 2 of 3


+X-equals.com + Digest September 15th, 2009


YouMail for iPhone Gets Push Voicemail Transcriptions


Make Unlimited Free Calls on Your Cellphone with Google Voice

Hulu Desktop Integration Brings Hulu to Windows 7 Media Center


Windows 7 Recovery Discs Gets Your System Out of Tight Spots

Camera Raw Profiles in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom


Flickr! Its made of people!

The Digital Toolbox

2009-10-26 09:00:00

They Say Size Doesn't Matter

I’m a big fan of having the right tools for the job and I wanted to take a moment to share what I have in my toolbox. Like every tool we use, it has to be comfortable and it has to be used as intended. the tools I use may or may not work for you.

When I installed Windows 7 on my laptop a few weeks ago, I added a lot of my software back on and omitted the ones I thought were no longer needed. It was a fresh start not unlike cleaning out your closet. Keep what you use, discard what you won’t. The first thing I installed was my favorite browser, Firefox. I cannot stand Internet Explorer and it’s limitations. With Firefox, I can extend and add tools to make my browsing experience functional.

Other tools I added and use frequently:

  1. Adobe Air
  2. Adobe Lightroom
  3. Adobe Photoshop
  4. Auslogics Disk Defrag (much faster than Windows)
  5. AVG Free 9 (no worries here when used w/ Firefox)
  6. Camtasia Studio – a video capture tool
  7. Carbonite – unlimited file backup for $50 a year
  8. CCleaner – crap cleaner
  9. DisplayFusion – great for multiple monitors
  10.   Dropbox – great backup tool
  11. Evernote – unbeatable note taker
  12. FeedDemon – how I get my daily news feeds
  13. Foxit Reader – Lighter, faster than Adobe’s .pdf reader
  14.   ImgBurn – flawless, fast disc burner
  15. iTunes – needed for the iPods
  16. Microsoft Office 2007
  17. Pidgin – all purpose IM chat client
  18. Revo Uninstaller – use this instead of Windows’ own
  19. Skype make calls/chat for free!
  20. SnagIt – screen capture tool
  21. Songbird – iTunes killer
  22.   Soonr Desktop – access files away from home
  23.   TweetDeck – Used for my Twitter/Facebook updates
  24.   VLC Media Player – plays all file formats
  25.   Xobni social tool for MS Outlook contacts

See something you’d like and use? You are more than welcome to borrow from my list and use for yourself. In fact, I insist. What tools do you use that you’d be willing to share with?

The Communications Toolbox

2009-10-26 14:37:21

ListeningI shared with you some of the software tools in my digital toolbox recently and today I will share how you and I can communicate with each other. I’ll go over some tools that you may or may not ever heard of yet as well as a new twist on some you have been using. Google Wave is a communications tool that it is being distributed very slowly while being tested. Wave is a way to communicate & collaborate  that makes real-time interactions more seamless. You can share waves using richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more. A wave is a conversation with multiple participants added to a wave to discuss and collaborate on its content. Participants can reply any time and anywhere within a wave, and they can edit content and add more participants as a wave develops. It's also possible to rewind waves with the playback functionality, to see what happened, and when. However, because of it’s new release, we’re all trying to figure out just how this works effectively. It is very easy to get overwhelmed with waves, and new contacts while attempting to figure out how to respond properly. More to come as I work this out.
Think you can work it out? Add a comment with your best use scenario and I’ll send you an invitation to join the Wave. I only have 5 invites so  them good, people! Wave
Google Voice gives you a separate phone number which you can give out as if it is your regular phone number. You can then change your settings to have calls forward to any of your phones. My number is 281.769.2809 You can forward to one group of phones during the day and another at night. You can have calls from certain numbers forward differently than calls to other numbers. You can block spamming callers and send some calls straight to voice mail. You can send yourself an SMS message or an email whenever you get a voice mail message, and you can check your voice mail from the Web or from your phone. GVoice will even transcribe voice mail into written text in your inbox. Neato. I have two invitations for Google Voice. Again, leave a comment describing your best use scenario! Gvoice pidginInstant Messenger clients have been around forever. Which one do you use? Like many of us you have multiple accounts. MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, etc. Like many of us you probably have their software downloaded too. Why not combine them all so you don’t have to have them open at the same time and not miss an IM? I use a desktop application called Pidgin that does just that. I have multiple accounts but only one software to use. Now I have no excuse for missing your IM. Not that I’d want to! The only drawback to this is there is no video chat available like the others use. Skype has a lot of features like video conferencing, SMS, voicemail, call forwarding, contact list, integration with MS Outlook, public chats, business control panel, sketch pad, desktop sharing and many others. I can even make calls anywhere in the world with the Skype app on my iPod Touch. skype shot E-mail is an obvious one. I’ve been using Gmail for five years because it is flawless, expandable and easy to use. I have it connected to MS Outlook as well. Email me mojodenbow AT gmail.com Mobile is another obvious tool that has increased it’s functionality over the past two years. Now if only we can stop the wireless carriers from ripping us off and offer more choices! As always, I’d appreciate your feedback as to what tools work for you and how you use them. Don’t forget to add your comments for those invitations!

Can I Have A Moment Of Your Time…?

2009-10-21 19:58:30

the hard sell

As our economy falters it never fails that the get-rich-quick hucksters come out of the woodwork. I know that sales people work hard and it is a talent, but when people are being taken advantage of, just don’t. okay? Greedy and immoral people are a huge reason why the economy sucks to begin with.

Infomercials, experts with their “proven systems”, diet book authors, gold buyers, pyramid schemers, payday loaners, investment opportunists, check cashers, department store credit card sales people, financial consultants and extended car warranty scammers are all guilty of this.

I’m sure you have noticed a trend where strangers approach you at the most unlikely locations and want to discuss their schemes um, business opportunities. They will attempt to humor you, find something out about yourself, flatter and then talk all about themselves and why they are doing this. for you. Not for them of course. I’ve been approached by these people, twice in bookstores and one at a restaurant. WonderWife was approached by a guy at the grocery store just this week.

My friends, please don’t give these people a way into your brain. Kindly rebuff their unwanted advances. Don’t make an excuse, give them a good reason. Not interested.

Hucksters: we don’t want any of what you are selling.

Do you have a similar experience with these people? Did you get taken in by a pro? Share them in our comments!


2009-10-21 20:06:56

Yes, I just made that word up but I wanted to let you know that I am making myself more available to you. We’re on Facebook. Become a fan today!

There is a new “Mojo” hotline you can use to call/text me with. If you leave a message, I’ll be able to retrieve these as well as receive a text transcription of your voice. How cool is that? Thanks Google Voice!

Also available is Skype, where you can make free calls from your computer. Also adds video chat/text as well. Neat! Add me “mojodenbow”.

Call me with questions regarding Photo Mojo, photo consulting or even if you just want to reach out and touch someone.

(281) 769-2809

Who loves ya like I do?

* 7 7

photo is courtesy of B*Wag, another new Texan and neighbor. Thanks!


Hire me

2009-10-27 10:37:29

I’ve Lost My Mojo*

2009-10-30 09:00:00

*No, this is not a reference to the ridiculous Austin Powers movie.

A shadow of the person you used to be 302/365 291009

These past 2-3 years have been difficult on myself and my family thanks to layoffs and an economy that went south real fast. To be even more honest, the situation here is degrading, not improving. I’ve been struggling inwardly while I am Mr..-Anything-Is-Possible on the outside. It is becoming real difficult to maintain that position too.

I’m not the man I used to be a few years ago and I don’t like it. I’ve said  before that I used to be a lot happier and it is truer today than when I first said it.

Almost eight years ago I was asked to create a user name for a new mail and internet account (MSN dial-up, what was I thinking?) and I chose “mojodenbow”. I’ve always loved the Blues music which uses that term a lot. It rhymed with my last name so that was the beginning of an era.

After a few weeks of thought, I have decided to put an end to that era. Slowly. I have built an entire brand and websites around the “Mojo” theme and am still very proud of it too. Audio Mojo, Techno Mojo, Photo Mojo and Video Mojo have been fun. I will still pursue these things but not with that brand name.

Why am I putting the Mojo behind me? The term itself is African for dark magic. It was brought to America and became very popular in the south, especially with Creole and voodoo. The Blues music was born there and calls upon this term frequently in the older, classic songs. One of the more popular songs says “I got my mojo workin’ but it just won’t work on you…”

I honestly believe that while Mojo has been fun, it has not been productive. In fact, because of the reference, it may have been destructive. It wasn’t who I am and that is the point.

I want to be myself again

Over the next month or two I’ll be in the process of converting everything over to something that reflects this. I’ve already secured two domain names for this website and others. The email, social media accounts will be next. if you’re interested in sticking with me, I will be posting notifications, new addresses, etc. I’ll probably lose some friends and followers in the process. I hope not. If so, then maybe they were following the wrong person.

I’m starting to feel like myself again.

Windows 7

2009-10-22 14:44:24

Will today's release of Microsoft's latest operating system make you think about upgrading from Vista or XP? What features are you looking for or forward to?


2009-10-25 20:46:33

Daph & Daddy"Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express."

—Joseph Addison


2009-10-19 18:28:47

Windows 7 Boot logo

Last week I got my hands on the new operating system from Microsoft, Windows 7. After testing it for a week, I am very pleased with it. This is a faster, cleaner OS than Vista was. W7 had no hardware issues and even updated some drivers for them automagically. I was so pleased with the performance I went ahead and installed on to WonderWife’s machine.

If you are on the fence as to upgrading to Windows 7 or not, let me help push you over towards it.

Focus (Or Lack Of)

2009-10-19 20:46:06


Change is inevitable, right? It is how we respond to the changes that helps define us. When looking at myself lately, I don’t like the definition or the response. I’ve lost my focus and my path recently and I want it back. There are various reasons for this lack of application.

I identified some of the perpetual culprits such as neglecting my fitness and nutrition. My sleep schedule sucks and I’ve allowed too many outside distractions in. I’m well aware that these can be put back on track when I discipline myself. If I am honest with myself then I have to admit that there are other issues that are distracting my focus.

My sleep schedule as I mentioned earlier just plain sucks. I am mentally restless as I am constantly trying to find new stimulus. I’m not even looking for anything in particular. Sometimes I am trying to find a muse or new productivity workflows. Other occasions I am trying to find outside income. I look for these things until my brain catches up to my body and collapses.

Sometimes my plans need to go back to the drawing board because they were never fully thought out. The rest of them are stalled due to uncertainty. I can’t see clearly enough to execute. 

On the other side of this is the fact that when I do sit down to work on a plan I go blank. I cannot process what I have studied and apply it.

No, I do not have an attention disorder.

I simply must order my attention on the specific task at hand as opposed to multi-task. There has to be a distinction between work projects and personal projects. I am guilty of combining the two if it will help (apparently it isn’t).

Tomorrow I will focus my attention on what matters and how to prioritize this.

Because my focus is fuzzy, I may need another set of eyes and your opinions/solutions to rectify this. How have you resolved this issue? Are you struggling with maintaining your focus?

Freelance Or Entrepreneur?

2009-10-20 13:08:44

Motion Blur with Fish eye

In order to adjust my focus I need to determine what is ahead of me. Do I want to be a freelance photographer or do I want to be an entrepreneur and run my own business?

I’d like some insights from both parties to see how you’ve overcome the challenges of both.

Please Be Specific

2009-10-20 22:09:11

I always wanted to be somebody. I should have been more specific- lily tomlin

Some people know exactly who they are and what they want to do with their lives. Then there is the rest of us who know who we are, but not what we are supposed to be doing. Is it true that what we do defines us as individuals? I need specifics.


Oh Relax

2009-10-22 09:00:00


I need to relax and de-stress myself. I miss the old me where I would not only laugh, but crack a joke too. I’m not myself but all that will change and here is how I want to do it. Join along if you’d like.

  1. Workout more (obvious stress reliever)
  2. meditation
  3. yoga (might as well see what the hype is)
  4. sleep
  5. walk with my family
  6. listen to music (with headphones on)
  7. quit assuming and actually listen
  8. healthier food choices
  9. be myself

Ahhh… much better!

Know & Tell 10.22.09

2009-10-22 08:00:00

Manifesto plurilingue e sesquilingue

It has been too long since I’ve updated my Delicious link sharing…

Best Business Practices For Photographers


How to Set the Price for Your Photography


18 Essential Tools for Every Word-of-Mouth Marketer


Google Wave Notifier Alerts You to Unread Waves


Twitterfeed Floods Users Streams With Old Blog Posts


Keeping it Raw in Photoshop Part 2 of 3


+X-equals.com + Digest September 15th, 2009


YouMail for iPhone Gets Push Voicemail Transcriptions


Make Unlimited Free Calls on Your Cellphone with Google Voice

Hulu Desktop Integration Brings Hulu to Windows 7 Media Center


Windows 7 Recovery Discs Gets Your System Out of Tight Spots

Camera Raw Profiles in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom


Flickr! Its made of people!

The Digital Toolbox

2009-10-26 09:00:00

They Say Size Doesn't Matter

I’m a big fan of having the right tools for the job and I wanted to take a moment to share what I have in my toolbox. Like every tool we use, it has to be comfortable and it has to be used as intended. the tools I use may or may not work for you.

When I installed Windows 7 on my laptop a few weeks ago, I added a lot of my software back on and omitted the ones I thought were no longer needed. It was a fresh start not unlike cleaning out your closet. Keep what you use, discard what you won’t. The first thing I installed was my favorite browser, Firefox. I cannot stand Internet Explorer and it’s limitations. With Firefox, I can extend and add tools to make my browsing experience functional.

Other tools I added and use frequently:

  1. Adobe Air
  2. Adobe Lightroom
  3. Adobe Photoshop
  4. Auslogics Disk Defrag (much faster than Windows)
  5. AVG Free 9 (no worries here when used w/ Firefox)
  6. Camtasia Studio – a video capture tool
  7. Carbonite – unlimited file backup for $50 a year
  8. CCleaner – crap cleaner
  9. DisplayFusion – great for multiple monitors
  10.   Dropbox – great backup tool
  11. Evernote – unbeatable note taker
  12. FeedDemon – how I get my daily news feeds
  13. Foxit Reader – Lighter, faster than Adobe’s .pdf reader
  14.   ImgBurn – flawless, fast disc burner
  15. iTunes – needed for the iPods
  16. Microsoft Office 2007
  17. Pidgin – all purpose IM chat client
  18. Revo Uninstaller – use this instead of Windows’ own
  19. Skype make calls/chat for free!
  20. SnagIt – screen capture tool
  21. Songbird – iTunes killer
  22.   Soonr Desktop – access files away from home
  23.   TweetDeck – Used for my Twitter/Facebook updates
  24.   VLC Media Player – plays all file formats
  25.   Xobni social tool for MS Outlook contacts

See something you’d like and use? You are more than welcome to borrow from my list and use for yourself. In fact, I insist. What tools do you use that you’d be willing to share with?

The Communications Toolbox

2009-10-26 14:37:21

ListeningI shared with you some of the software tools in my digital toolbox recently and today I will share how you and I can communicate with each other. I’ll go over some tools that you may or may not ever heard of yet as well as a new twist on some you have been using. Google Wave is a communications tool that it is being distributed very slowly while being tested. Wave is a way to communicate & collaborate  that makes real-time interactions more seamless. You can share waves using richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more. A wave is a conversation with multiple participants added to a wave to discuss and collaborate on its content. Participants can reply any time and anywhere within a wave, and they can edit content and add more participants as a wave develops. It's also possible to rewind waves with the playback functionality, to see what happened, and when. However, because of it’s new release, we’re all trying to figure out just how this works effectively. It is very easy to get overwhelmed with waves, and new contacts while attempting to figure out how to respond properly. More to come as I work this out.
Think you can work it out? Add a comment with your best use scenario and I’ll send you an invitation to join the Wave. I only have 5 invites so  them good, people! Wave
Google Voice gives you a separate phone number which you can give out as if it is your regular phone number. You can then change your settings to have calls forward to any of your phones. My number is 281.769.2809 You can forward to one group of phones during the day and another at night. You can have calls from certain numbers forward differently than calls to other numbers. You can block spamming callers and send some calls straight to voice mail. You can send yourself an SMS message or an email whenever you get a voice mail message, and you can check your voice mail from the Web or from your phone. GVoice will even transcribe voice mail into written text in your inbox. Neato. I have two invitations for Google Voice. Again, leave a comment describing your best use scenario! Gvoice pidginInstant Messenger clients have been around forever. Which one do you use? Like many of us you have multiple accounts. MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, etc. Like many of us you probably have their software downloaded too. Why not combine them all so you don’t have to have them open at the same time and not miss an IM? I use a desktop application called Pidgin that does just that. I have multiple accounts but only one software to use. Now I have no excuse for missing your IM. Not that I’d want to! The only drawback to this is there is no video chat available like the others use. Skype has a lot of features like video conferencing, SMS, voicemail, call forwarding, contact list, integration with MS Outlook, public chats, business control panel, sketch pad, desktop sharing and many others. I can even make calls anywhere in the world with the Skype app on my iPod Touch. skype shot E-mail is an obvious one. I’ve been using Gmail for five years because it is flawless, expandable and easy to use. I have it connected to MS Outlook as well. Email me mojodenbow AT gmail.com Mobile is another obvious tool that has increased it’s functionality over the past two years. Now if only we can stop the wireless carriers from ripping us off and offer more choices! As always, I’d appreciate your feedback as to what tools work for you and how you use them. Don’t forget to add your comments for those invitations!

Can I Have A Moment Of Your Time…?

2009-10-21 19:58:30

the hard sell

As our economy falters it never fails that the get-rich-quick hucksters come out of the woodwork. I know that sales people work hard and it is a talent, but when people are being taken advantage of, just don’t. okay? Greedy and immoral people are a huge reason why the economy sucks to begin with.

Infomercials, experts with their “proven systems”, diet book authors, gold buyers, pyramid schemers, payday loaners, investment opportunists, check cashers, department store credit card sales people, financial consultants and extended car warranty scammers are all guilty of this.

I’m sure you have noticed a trend where strangers approach you at the most unlikely locations and want to discuss their schemes um, business opportunities. They will attempt to humor you, find something out about yourself, flatter and then talk all about themselves and why they are doing this. for you. Not for them of course. I’ve been approached by these people, twice in bookstores and one at a restaurant. WonderWife was approached by a guy at the grocery store just this week.

My friends, please don’t give these people a way into your brain. Kindly rebuff their unwanted advances. Don’t make an excuse, give them a good reason. Not interested.

Hucksters: we don’t want any of what you are selling.

Do you have a similar experience with these people? Did you get taken in by a pro? Share them in our comments!


2009-10-21 20:06:56

Yes, I just made that word up but I wanted to let you know that I am making myself more available to you. We’re on Facebook. Become a fan today!

There is a new “Mojo” hotline you can use to call/text me with. If you leave a message, I’ll be able to retrieve these as well as receive a text transcription of your voice. How cool is that? Thanks Google Voice!

Also available is Skype, where you can make free calls from your computer. Also adds video chat/text as well. Neat! Add me “mojodenbow”.

Call me with questions regarding Photo Mojo, photo consulting or even if you just want to reach out and touch someone.

(281) 769-2809

Who loves ya like I do?

* 7 7

photo is courtesy of B*Wag, another new Texan and neighbor. Thanks!


Hire me

2009-10-27 10:37:29

I’ve Lost My Mojo*

2009-10-30 09:00:00

*No, this is not a reference to the ridiculous Austin Powers movie.

A shadow of the person you used to be 302/365 291009

These past 2-3 years have been difficult on myself and my family thanks to layoffs and an economy that went south real fast. To be even more honest, the situation here is degrading, not improving. I’ve been struggling inwardly while I am Mr..-Anything-Is-Possible on the outside. It is becoming real difficult to maintain that position too.

I’m not the man I used to be a few years ago and I don’t like it. I’ve said  before that I used to be a lot happier and it is truer today than when I first said it.

Almost eight years ago I was asked to create a user name for a new mail and internet account (MSN dial-up, what was I thinking?) and I chose “mojodenbow”. I’ve always loved the Blues music which uses that term a lot. It rhymed with my last name so that was the beginning of an era.

After a few weeks of thought, I have decided to put an end to that era. Slowly. I have built an entire brand and websites around the “Mojo” theme and am still very proud of it too. Audio Mojo, Techno Mojo, Photo Mojo and Video Mojo have been fun. I will still pursue these things but not with that brand name.

Why am I putting the Mojo behind me? The term itself is African for dark magic. It was brought to America and became very popular in the south, especially with Creole and voodoo. The Blues music was born there and calls upon this term frequently in the older, classic songs. One of the more popular songs says “I got my mojo workin’ but it just won’t work on you…”

I honestly believe that while Mojo has been fun, it has not been productive. In fact, because of the reference, it may have been destructive. It wasn’t who I am and that is the point.

I want to be myself again

Over the next month or two I’ll be in the process of converting everything over to something that reflects this. I’ve already secured two domain names for this website and others. The email, social media accounts will be next. if you’re interested in sticking with me, I will be posting notifications, new addresses, etc. I’ll probably lose some friends and followers in the process. I hope not. If so, then maybe they were following the wrong person.

I’m starting to feel like myself again.

Windows 7

2009-10-22 14:44:24

Will today's release of Microsoft's latest operating system make you think about upgrading from Vista or XP? What features are you looking for or forward to?


2009-10-25 20:46:33

Daph & Daddy"Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express."

—Joseph Addison


2009-10-19 18:28:47

Windows 7 Boot logo

Last week I got my hands on the new operating system from Microsoft, Windows 7. After testing it for a week, I am very pleased with it. This is a faster, cleaner OS than Vista was. W7 had no hardware issues and even updated some drivers for them automagically. I was so pleased with the performance I went ahead and installed on to WonderWife’s machine.

If you are on the fence as to upgrading to Windows 7 or not, let me help push you over towards it.

Focus (Or Lack Of)

2009-10-19 20:46:06


Change is inevitable, right? It is how we respond to the changes that helps define us. When looking at myself lately, I don’t like the definition or the response. I’ve lost my focus and my path recently and I want it back. There are various reasons for this lack of application.

I identified some of the perpetual culprits such as neglecting my fitness and nutrition. My sleep schedule sucks and I’ve allowed too many outside distractions in. I’m well aware that these can be put back on track when I discipline myself. If I am honest with myself then I have to admit that there are other issues that are distracting my focus.

My sleep schedule as I mentioned earlier just plain sucks. I am mentally restless as I am constantly trying to find new stimulus. I’m not even looking for anything in particular. Sometimes I am trying to find a muse or new productivity workflows. Other occasions I am trying to find outside income. I look for these things until my brain catches up to my body and collapses.

Sometimes my plans need to go back to the drawing board because they were never fully thought out. The rest of them are stalled due to uncertainty. I can’t see clearly enough to execute. 

On the other side of this is the fact that when I do sit down to work on a plan I go blank. I cannot process what I have studied and apply it.

No, I do not have an attention disorder.

I simply must order my attention on the specific task at hand as opposed to multi-task. There has to be a distinction between work projects and personal projects. I am guilty of combining the two if it will help (apparently it isn’t).

Tomorrow I will focus my attention on what matters and how to prioritize this.

Because my focus is fuzzy, I may need another set of eyes and your opinions/solutions to rectify this. How have you resolved this issue? Are you struggling with maintaining your focus?

Freelance Or Entrepreneur?

2009-10-20 13:08:44

Motion Blur with Fish eye

In order to adjust my focus I need to determine what is ahead of me. Do I want to be a freelance photographer or do I want to be an entrepreneur and run my own business?

I’d like some insights from both parties to see how you’ve overcome the challenges of both.

Please Be Specific

2009-10-20 22:09:11

I always wanted to be somebody. I should have been more specific- lily tomlin

Some people know exactly who they are and what they want to do with their lives. Then there is the rest of us who know who we are, but not what we are supposed to be doing. Is it true that what we do defines us as individuals? I need specifics.


Oh Relax

2009-10-22 09:00:00


I need to relax and de-stress myself. I miss the old me where I would not only laugh, but crack a joke too. I’m not myself but all that will change and here is how I want to do it. Join along if you’d like.

  1. Workout more (obvious stress reliever)
  2. meditation
  3. yoga (might as well see what the hype is)
  4. sleep
  5. walk with my family
  6. listen to music (with headphones on)
  7. quit assuming and actually listen
  8. healthier food choices
  9. be myself

Ahhh… much better!

Know & Tell 10.22.09

2009-10-22 08:00:00

Manifesto plurilingue e sesquilingue

It has been too long since I’ve updated my Delicious link sharing…

Best Business Practices For Photographers


How to Set the Price for Your Photography


18 Essential Tools for Every Word-of-Mouth Marketer


Google Wave Notifier Alerts You to Unread Waves


Twitterfeed Floods Users Streams With Old Blog Posts


Keeping it Raw in Photoshop Part 2 of 3


+X-equals.com + Digest September 15th, 2009


YouMail for iPhone Gets Push Voicemail Transcriptions


Make Unlimited Free Calls on Your Cellphone with Google Voice

Hulu Desktop Integration Brings Hulu to Windows 7 Media Center


Windows 7 Recovery Discs Gets Your System Out of Tight Spots

Camera Raw Profiles in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom


Flickr! Its made of people!

The Digital Toolbox

2009-10-26 09:00:00

They Say Size Doesn't Matter

I’m a big fan of having the right tools for the job and I wanted to take a moment to share what I have in my toolbox. Like every tool we use, it has to be comfortable and it has to be used as intended. the tools I use may or may not work for you.

When I installed Windows 7 on my laptop a few weeks ago, I added a lot of my software back on and omitted the ones I thought were no longer needed. It was a fresh start not unlike cleaning out your closet. Keep what you use, discard what you won’t. The first thing I installed was my favorite browser, Firefox. I cannot stand Internet Explorer and it’s limitations. With Firefox, I can extend and add tools to make my browsing experience functional.

Other tools I added and use frequently:

  1. Adobe Air
  2. Adobe Lightroom
  3. Adobe Photoshop
  4. Auslogics Disk Defrag (much faster than Windows)
  5. AVG Free 9 (no worries here when used w/ Firefox)
  6. Camtasia Studio – a video capture tool
  7. Carbonite – unlimited file backup for $50 a year
  8. CCleaner – crap cleaner
  9. DisplayFusion – great for multiple monitors
  10.   Dropbox – great backup tool
  11. Evernote – unbeatable note taker
  12. FeedDemon – how I get my daily news feeds
  13. Foxit Reader – Lighter, faster than Adobe’s .pdf reader
  14.   ImgBurn – flawless, fast disc burner
  15. iTunes – needed for the iPods
  16. Microsoft Office 2007
  17. Pidgin – all purpose IM chat client
  18. Revo Uninstaller – use this instead of Windows’ own
  19. Skype make calls/chat for free!
  20. SnagIt – screen capture tool
  21. Songbird – iTunes killer
  22.   Soonr Desktop – access files away from home
  23.   TweetDeck – Used for my Twitter/Facebook updates
  24.   VLC Media Player – plays all file formats
  25.   Xobni social tool for MS Outlook contacts

See something you’d like and use? You are more than welcome to borrow from my list and use for yourself. In fact, I insist. What tools do you use that you’d be willing to share with?

The Communications Toolbox

2009-10-26 14:37:21

ListeningI shared with you some of the software tools in my digital toolbox recently and today I will share how you and I can communicate with each other. I’ll go over some tools that you may or may not ever heard of yet as well as a new twist on some you have been using. Google Wave is a communications tool that it is being distributed very slowly while being tested. Wave is a way to communicate & collaborate  that makes real-time interactions more seamless. You can share waves using richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more. A wave is a conversation with multiple participants added to a wave to discuss and collaborate on its content. Participants can reply any time and anywhere within a wave, and they can edit content and add more participants as a wave develops. It's also possible to rewind waves with the playback functionality, to see what happened, and when. However, because of it’s new release, we’re all trying to figure out just how this works effectively. It is very easy to get overwhelmed with waves, and new contacts while attempting to figure out how to respond properly. More to come as I work this out.
Think you can work it out? Add a comment with your best use scenario and I’ll send you an invitation to join the Wave. I only have 5 invites so  them good, people! Wave
Google Voice gives you a separate phone number which you can give out as if it is your regular phone number. You can then change your settings to have calls forward to any of your phones. My number is 281.769.2809 You can forward to one group of phones during the day and another at night. You can have calls from certain numbers forward differently than calls to other numbers. You can block spamming callers and send some calls straight to voice mail. You can send yourself an SMS message or an email whenever you get a voice mail message, and you can check your voice mail from the Web or from your phone. GVoice will even transcribe voice mail into written text in your inbox. Neato. I have two invitations for Google Voice. Again, leave a comment describing your best use scenario! Gvoice pidginInstant Messenger clients have been around forever. Which one do you use? Like many of us you have multiple accounts. MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, etc. Like many of us you probably have their software downloaded too. Why not combine them all so you don’t have to have them open at the same time and not miss an IM? I use a desktop application called Pidgin that does just that. I have multiple accounts but only one software to use. Now I have no excuse for missing your IM. Not that I’d want to! The only drawback to this is there is no video chat available like the others use. Skype has a lot of features like video conferencing, SMS, voicemail, call forwarding, contact list, integration with MS Outlook, public chats, business control panel, sketch pad, desktop sharing and many others. I can even make calls anywhere in the world with the Skype app on my iPod Touch. skype shot E-mail is an obvious one. I’ve been using Gmail for five years because it is flawless, expandable and easy to use. I have it connected to MS Outlook as well. Email me mojodenbow AT gmail.com Mobile is another obvious tool that has increased it’s functionality over the past two years. Now if only we can stop the wireless carriers from ripping us off and offer more choices! As always, I’d appreciate your feedback as to what tools work for you and how you use them. Don’t forget to add your comments for those invitations!

Can I Have A Moment Of Your Time…?

2009-10-21 19:58:30

the hard sell

As our economy falters it never fails that the get-rich-quick hucksters come out of the woodwork. I know that sales people work hard and it is a talent, but when people are being taken advantage of, just don’t. okay? Greedy and immoral people are a huge reason why the economy sucks to begin with.

Infomercials, experts with their “proven systems”, diet book authors, gold buyers, pyramid schemers, payday loaners, investment opportunists, check cashers, department store credit card sales people, financial consultants and extended car warranty scammers are all guilty of this.

I’m sure you have noticed a trend where strangers approach you at the most unlikely locations and want to discuss their schemes um, business opportunities. They will attempt to humor you, find something out about yourself, flatter and then talk all about themselves and why they are doing this. for you. Not for them of course. I’ve been approached by these people, twice in bookstores and one at a restaurant. WonderWife was approached by a guy at the grocery store just this week.

My friends, please don’t give these people a way into your brain. Kindly rebuff their unwanted advances. Don’t make an excuse, give them a good reason. Not interested.

Hucksters: we don’t want any of what you are selling.

Do you have a similar experience with these people? Did you get taken in by a pro? Share them in our comments!


2009-10-21 20:06:56

Yes, I just made that word up but I wanted to let you know that I am making myself more available to you. We’re on Facebook. Become a fan today!

There is a new “Mojo” hotline you can use to call/text me with. If you leave a message, I’ll be able to retrieve these as well as receive a text transcription of your voice. How cool is that? Thanks Google Voice!

Also available is Skype, where you can make free calls from your computer. Also adds video chat/text as well. Neat! Add me “mojodenbow”.

Call me with questions regarding Photo Mojo, photo consulting or even if you just want to reach out and touch someone.

(281) 769-2809

Who loves ya like I do?

* 7 7

photo is courtesy of B*Wag, another new Texan and neighbor. Thanks!


Hire me

2009-10-27 10:37:29

I’ve Lost My Mojo*

2009-10-30 09:00:00

*No, this is not a reference to the ridiculous Austin Powers movie.

A shadow of the person you used to be 302/365 291009

These past 2-3 years have been difficult on myself and my family thanks to layoffs and an economy that went south real fast. To be even more honest, the situation here is degrading, not improving. I’ve been struggling inwardly while I am Mr..-Anything-Is-Possible on the outside. It is becoming real difficult to maintain that position too.

I’m not the man I used to be a few years ago and I don’t like it. I’ve said  before that I used to be a lot happier and it is truer today than when I first said it.

Almost eight years ago I was asked to create a user name for a new mail and internet account (MSN dial-up, what was I thinking?) and I chose “mojodenbow”. I’ve always loved the Blues music which uses that term a lot. It rhymed with my last name so that was the beginning of an era.

After a few weeks of thought, I have decided to put an end to that era. Slowly. I have built an entire brand and websites around the “Mojo” theme and am still very proud of it too. Audio Mojo, Techno Mojo, Photo Mojo and Video Mojo have been fun. I will still pursue these things but not with that brand name.

Why am I putting the Mojo behind me? The term itself is African for dark magic. It was brought to America and became very popular in the south, especially with Creole and voodoo. The Blues music was born there and calls upon this term frequently in the older, classic songs. One of the more popular songs says “I got my mojo workin’ but it just won’t work on you…”

I honestly believe that while Mojo has been fun, it has not been productive. In fact, because of the reference, it may have been destructive. It wasn’t who I am and that is the point.

I want to be myself again

Over the next month or two I’ll be in the process of converting everything over to something that reflects this. I’ve already secured two domain names for this website and others. The email, social media accounts will be next. if you’re interested in sticking with me, I will be posting notifications, new addresses, etc. I’ll probably lose some friends and followers in the process. I hope not. If so, then maybe they were following the wrong person.

I’m starting to feel like myself again.

Windows 7

2009-10-22 14:44:24

Will today's release of Microsoft's latest operating system make you think about upgrading from Vista or XP? What features are you looking for or forward to?


2009-10-25 20:46:33

Daph & Daddy"Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express."

—Joseph Addison