December 2009 Archive

December 2009 Archive

Take Advantage Of Opportunity

2009-12-01 10:04:27

The Doors of Opportunity

Smart people plan ahead for whatever economic issues are going on. In times of plenty and poverty we should always be thinking of opportunities to generate more income. I am not talking about get rich quick schemes or programs to help you live the life of your dreams. No, what I am talking about will be just enough extra income to have your passion pay for itself. If what you love to do helps you make money and provide value to someone else, why not explore your options?

These are a few opportunities I am looking at as a means to generate income outside of a regular paying gig. By all means, take what you will and make it yours. Heck, feel free to share your ideas here as well. We’re all in this together, right?

Its a safe bet that if you use tools that you already own and the savvy to produce it, you can create something of value. Be willing to explore your options and even think outside of your niche for opportunities. I’ve witnessed a few friends earning extra cash just for a minimal investment.

Ask your immediate network of their interest to gauge the needs/wants and expand from there. Market yourself again, using all the tools at your disposal. Try not to be pushy or spammy. The content or service will speak for itself. Do ask for feedback and testimonials as this will go far in establishing yourself as someone who can deliver.

And remember what my mother always told me:

Be prepared to take advantage of the opportunity…

Again, I’d love to hear more ideas if you are keen on sharing them. I’d even consider a collaborative project too if we can swing it. Best regards and much success to you!

Know & Tell 12.02.09

2009-12-02 11:31:37

Extra Action Bandleader

Every week I share links of interest in hopes you & I learn something new. Are you on Delicious too? Add me to the social bookmarking site here:

Stress Management & The Art Of Relaxation

2009-12-03 21:10:33

Relax and Stress

I had mentioned in a previous article about my desire to relieve stress from my world. I wanted to share some tools I have discovered that may be useful to others. I started off with my basic issue of sleep deprivation and discovered some great apps for my iPod Touch. These apps are mostly sound-based such as WhiteNoise which plays a variety of background noise such as wind chimes, rainfall, airplane travel and more. Another discovery and one that was a little awkward to get use to is iBrainWave which allows you to “tune your brain”. It is a binaural brain stimulator by playing constant tones at frequencies you choose, you can sleep, meditate, or relax. If you need energy, just simply raise the megahertz frequency.

I have even downloaded a few yoga and meditation apps to guide my breathing, posture, stretching and body/mind relaxation. I’ve even downloaded a few relaxation/meditation podcasts that incorporate verbal instruction as well as soothing music to help relieve stress.

Perhaps as a new year resolution to self I will pursue light yoga as a means to stretch and relax my body more. In the past I will admit I had had reservations about these techniques but when I hear of professional athletes using these as a means to stay healthy in addition to their workouts…well, it deserves consideration. I will avoid all references to Eastern spiritualism as I know it is not relevant in my world. Instead I will probably meditate on God’s Word just as the writers of Psalms instruct.

I’ll be honest when I say that this is an endeavor I will struggle with and could use some support and guidance. How do you manage your stress?

Snow Day

2009-12-04 22:07:01

Snow Day, originally uploaded by Photo Denbow.

Houston had a rare day today with the winter blast that hit us. We here on the third coast are not used to this or prepared for it. Daphne thoroughly enjoyed her first experience with it by helping to make a snowman.

Scripture Sunday 12.06.09

2009-12-06 19:25:38

The Never Ending Path

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Every Sunday I’ll add some blessing and encouragement here starting today!

It’s My Birthday Today

2009-12-07 09:00:00


Where Ya Headed, Buddy?

2009-12-10 13:33:20

ROAD TRIP 1 (Revenge of the Baby Boomer)

I hear this question a lot during interviews: “Where do you see yourself in five years?” Well five years might as well be fifty. At the pace our society and technology are going we need to shorten that down to a maximum of two years.

If you haven’t asked yourself this question now (end of year) may be the best time. Time to start planning your goals for 2010 and maybe even to 2012. For me this includes not only my personal life but one for the photo business as well.

If we fail to do so it will be as if we are on a road trip with no destination in mind. All of a sudden you have to pull over for a pit stop and realize you have no idea where you are, where you are going, how to get back, and are out of fuel with no way to pay for it.

Plan your journey to get to where you want to go.

The Art of Relaxation

2009-12-03 16:08:00

I had mentioned in a previous article about my desire to relieve stress from my world. I wanted to share some tools I have discovered that may be useful to others. I started off with my basic issue of sleep deprivation and discovered some great apps for my iPod Touch. These apps are mostly sound-based such as WhiteNoise which plays a variety of background noise such as wind chimes, rainfall, airplane travel and more. Another discovery and one that was a little awkward to get use to is iBrainWave which allows you to “tune your brain”. It is a binaural brain stimulator by playing constant tones at frequencies you choose, you can sleep, meditate, or relax. If you need energy, just simply raise the megahertz frequency. 

I have even downloaded a few yoga and meditation apps to guide my breathing, posture, stretching and body/mind relaxation. I’ve even downloaded a few relaxation/meditation podcasts that incorporate verbal instruction as well as soothing music to help relieve stress. 

Perhaps as a new year resolution to self I will pursue light yoga as a means to stretch and relax my body more. In the past I will admit I had had reservations about these techniques but when I hear of professional athletes using these as a means to stay healthy in addition to their workouts…well, it deserves consideration. I will avoid all references to Eastern spiritualism as I know it is not relevant in my world. Instead I will probably meditate on God’s Word just as the writers of Psalms instruct.

I’ll be honest when I say that this is an endeavor I will struggle with and could use some support and guidance. How do you manage your stress?

Birthday Video

2009-12-15 10:34:19

Disclaimer: I don't know these people but wanted to thank them anyway for the birthday well wishes last week. Thanks!

Happy Birthday, Chris! from John Denbow on Vimeo.

Elfing Ourselves

2009-12-17 20:21:16

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Merry Christmas!

I've Been A Good Girl

2009-12-20 00:16:04

I've Been A Good Girl, originally uploaded by Photo Denbow.

Scripture Sunday 12.20.09

2009-12-20 13:32:03

Tiny hand

In celebration of the Christmas holiday this week, here is a very relevant passage. Below that are the lyrics to one of the only modern day Christmas songs I can actually stand and that is from Michael W. Smith’s “Welcome To Our World”.

Luke 2:11 “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”


Tears are falling, hearts are breaking
How we need to hear from God
You've been promised, we've been waiting

Welcome Holy Child

Hope that you don't mind our manger
How I wish we would have known
But long-awaited Holy Stranger
Make Yourself at home
Please make Yourself at home
Bring Your peace into our violence
Bid our hungry souls be filled
Word now breaking Heaven's silence

Welcome to our world

Fragile finger sent to heal us
Tender brow prepared for thorn
Tiny heart whose blood will save us
Unto us is born
Unto us is born

So wrap our injured flesh around You
Breathe our air and walk our sod
Rob our sin and make us holy

Perfect Son of God
Welcome to our world

Last Minute Gift Ideas

2009-12-20 14:51:24

Vintage Santa Claus Calls All Good Children

Just in case you are a last minute shopper as I have been known to be, stress not at the thought of visiting the mall with all of the other slackers. These are but a few suggestions. Not for me of course, although I would never turn them down! What makes them a great gift is the fact that most of them allow you to choose what you would actually want, come in various dollar increments,  or would be something you would actually use and appreciate.

  1. iTunes gift cards for music, movies, apps & more
  2. Flickr Pro subscription (mine is up in 03/2010, oops!)
  3. The only thing on my wishlist was an Amazon gift card
  4. Netflix. I’ve given away a few of these myself. Love this service.
  5. Jelly-of-the-month club. Yes, it exists. No, this is not what anyone wants

Simply Wow.

2009-12-23 00:56:10

Did you enjoy the special effects of the original King Kong and the Matrix movies mixed in with a little Dances With Wolves? Go see Avatar in 3D. The imagination, details, depth and scope of this movie is amazing. The future of film making is here and it doesn’t disappoint. Thank me afterwards. I’m thanking my good friend Jacob who took me to go see the visually best film I've seen in a long time and a great story today.

Denbow The Daring

2009-12-23 04:16:35


Way back in 1983 I was a wee lad who lost a lot of quarters at the video arcade and especially to the game depicted above, Dragon’s Lair. As valiant knight Dirk the Daring, your noble but precarious quest is to rescue the beautiful Princess Daphne from the lair of Singe, a fire-breathing dragon who lurks in the foreboding castle of an evil wizard. DL was twenty years ahead of anything else and was also the most challenging video game.

I am happy to report to everyone else my age that you can now play this on your iPhone/Touch for only $5 (iTunes store link). Heck, I spent that much for the game within thirty minutes. Nowadays I am not a gamer, having outgrown such wastes of time and money. I am however looking forward to getting past the first level finally.

Merry Christmas to me!

Know & Tell 12.23.09

2009-12-23 12:02:50

Stacked Newspapers

Bringing some useful tips, tricks & tutorials so you don’t have to find them yourself…

  1. 4 Lessons Being a Programmer Taught me about Photography
  2. Essential Habits Of An Effective Professional Freelancer
  3. Most Popular Photography Hacks of 2009 [Best Of 2009]
  4. Have You Started Planning for a Successful 2010?
  5. Annual Review: 2009 Life Lessons
  6. 48 Fun Ways to Exercise
  7. Shoot for the Crop – Don’t Cut Yourself Short
  8. 2009 Annual Review: Overview and Outline
  9. My Business Wish List for 2010
  10. Shootin’ ain’t all ya’ do – The business of doing business

Top 10 Feeds

2009-12-26 15:02:27

Newspaper RSS Feed Icon 

Based on my stats report from FeedDemon, the following 10 providers are the ones I give my attention to the most. Each provider has multiple, intelligent articles up every day. They are all well worth your time and mental bandwidth.

  1. Lifehacker
  2. Mashable
  3. WebWorkerDaily
  4. Digital Photography School
  5. Digital Inspiration
  6. Freelance Switch
  8. New Media Photographer
  9. Smashing Magazine
  10. Houstonist

I’m always looking for new sources of information. What is in your top 10 that I need to subscribe to?

While you are in subscribe mode, why not do so for my feed?

Sick & Tired

2009-12-29 14:52:45

Dark & Gloomy

I am ready to kick 2009 out of here and welcome 2010, aren’t you? It has not been a very pleasant year in regards to life changes here. I’m projecting a positive outlook and making the necessary changes. I love the "Good Riddance Day" idea.

December has been a grey, gloomy month down here in Houston. We typically enjoy pleasant weather and green landscapes but this year is something else. 3 out of the 4 weeks have been like this including snow, sleet, brown grass and bare trees.

I’m going on week #2 of cold here and I don’t like it. It just throws everything off including sleep schedules. So if you see me online at 3am, give me a shout.

Here’s wishing you a happy, healthy, energetic and prosperous new year. We deserve it

The Art of Relaxation

2009-12-12 17:11:00

I had mentioned in a previous article about my desire to relieve stress from my world. I wanted to share some tools I have discovered that may be useful to others. I started off with my basic issue of sleep deprivation and discovered some great apps for my iPod Touch. These apps are mostly sound-based such as WhiteNoise which plays a variety of background noise such as wind chimes, rainfall, airplane travel and more. Another discovery and one that was a little awkward to get use to is iBrainWave which allows you to “tune your brain”. It is a binaural brain stimulator by playing constant tones at frequencies you choose, you can sleep, meditate, or relax. If you need energy, just simply raise the megahertz frequency. 

I have even downloaded a few yoga and meditation apps to guide my breathing, posture, stretching and body/mind relaxation. I’ve even downloaded a few relaxation/meditation podcasts that incorporate verbal instruction as well as soothing music to help relieve stress. 

Perhaps as a new year resolution to self I will pursue light yoga as a means to stretch and relax my body more. In the past I will admit I had had reservations about these techniques but when I hear of professional athletes using these as a means to stay healthy in addition to their workouts…well, it deserves consideration. I will avoid all references to Eastern spiritualism as I know it is not relevant in my world. Instead I will probably meditate on God’s Word just as the writers of Psalms instruct.

I’ll be honest when I say that this is an endeavor I will struggle with and could use some support and guidance. How do you manage your stress?

Take Advantage Of Opportunity

2009-12-01 10:04:27

The Doors of Opportunity

Smart people plan ahead for whatever economic issues are going on. In times of plenty and poverty we should always be thinking of opportunities to generate more income. I am not talking about get rich quick schemes or programs to help you live the life of your dreams. No, what I am talking about will be just enough extra income to have your passion pay for itself. If what you love to do helps you make money and provide value to someone else, why not explore your options?

These are a few opportunities I am looking at as a means to generate income outside of a regular paying gig. By all means, take what you will and make it yours. Heck, feel free to share your ideas here as well. We’re all in this together, right?

Its a safe bet that if you use tools that you already own and the savvy to produce it, you can create something of value. Be willing to explore your options and even think outside of your niche for opportunities. I’ve witnessed a few friends earning extra cash just for a minimal investment.

Ask your immediate network of their interest to gauge the needs/wants and expand from there. Market yourself again, using all the tools at your disposal. Try not to be pushy or spammy. The content or service will speak for itself. Do ask for feedback and testimonials as this will go far in establishing yourself as someone who can deliver.

And remember what my mother always told me:

Be prepared to take advantage of the opportunity…

Again, I’d love to hear more ideas if you are keen on sharing them. I’d even consider a collaborative project too if we can swing it. Best regards and much success to you!

Know & Tell 12.02.09

2009-12-02 11:31:37

Extra Action Bandleader

Every week I share links of interest in hopes you & I learn something new. Are you on Delicious too? Add me to the social bookmarking site here:

Stress Management & The Art Of Relaxation

2009-12-03 21:10:33

Relax and Stress

I had mentioned in a previous article about my desire to relieve stress from my world. I wanted to share some tools I have discovered that may be useful to others. I started off with my basic issue of sleep deprivation and discovered some great apps for my iPod Touch. These apps are mostly sound-based such as WhiteNoise which plays a variety of background noise such as wind chimes, rainfall, airplane travel and more. Another discovery and one that was a little awkward to get use to is iBrainWave which allows you to “tune your brain”. It is a binaural brain stimulator by playing constant tones at frequencies you choose, you can sleep, meditate, or relax. If you need energy, just simply raise the megahertz frequency.

I have even downloaded a few yoga and meditation apps to guide my breathing, posture, stretching and body/mind relaxation. I’ve even downloaded a few relaxation/meditation podcasts that incorporate verbal instruction as well as soothing music to help relieve stress.

Perhaps as a new year resolution to self I will pursue light yoga as a means to stretch and relax my body more. In the past I will admit I had had reservations about these techniques but when I hear of professional athletes using these as a means to stay healthy in addition to their workouts…well, it deserves consideration. I will avoid all references to Eastern spiritualism as I know it is not relevant in my world. Instead I will probably meditate on God’s Word just as the writers of Psalms instruct.

I’ll be honest when I say that this is an endeavor I will struggle with and could use some support and guidance. How do you manage your stress?

Snow Day

2009-12-04 22:07:01

Snow Day, originally uploaded by Photo Denbow.

Houston had a rare day today with the winter blast that hit us. We here on the third coast are not used to this or prepared for it. Daphne thoroughly enjoyed her first experience with it by helping to make a snowman.

Scripture Sunday 12.06.09

2009-12-06 19:25:38

The Never Ending Path

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Every Sunday I’ll add some blessing and encouragement here starting today!

It’s My Birthday Today

2009-12-07 09:00:00


Where Ya Headed, Buddy?

2009-12-10 13:33:20

ROAD TRIP 1 (Revenge of the Baby Boomer)

I hear this question a lot during interviews: “Where do you see yourself in five years?” Well five years might as well be fifty. At the pace our society and technology are going we need to shorten that down to a maximum of two years.

If you haven’t asked yourself this question now (end of year) may be the best time. Time to start planning your goals for 2010 and maybe even to 2012. For me this includes not only my personal life but one for the photo business as well.

If we fail to do so it will be as if we are on a road trip with no destination in mind. All of a sudden you have to pull over for a pit stop and realize you have no idea where you are, where you are going, how to get back, and are out of fuel with no way to pay for it.

Plan your journey to get to where you want to go.

The Art of Relaxation

2009-12-03 16:08:00

I had mentioned in a previous article about my desire to relieve stress from my world. I wanted to share some tools I have discovered that may be useful to others. I started off with my basic issue of sleep deprivation and discovered some great apps for my iPod Touch. These apps are mostly sound-based such as WhiteNoise which plays a variety of background noise such as wind chimes, rainfall, airplane travel and more. Another discovery and one that was a little awkward to get use to is iBrainWave which allows you to “tune your brain”. It is a binaural brain stimulator by playing constant tones at frequencies you choose, you can sleep, meditate, or relax. If you need energy, just simply raise the megahertz frequency. 

I have even downloaded a few yoga and meditation apps to guide my breathing, posture, stretching and body/mind relaxation. I’ve even downloaded a few relaxation/meditation podcasts that incorporate verbal instruction as well as soothing music to help relieve stress. 

Perhaps as a new year resolution to self I will pursue light yoga as a means to stretch and relax my body more. In the past I will admit I had had reservations about these techniques but when I hear of professional athletes using these as a means to stay healthy in addition to their workouts…well, it deserves consideration. I will avoid all references to Eastern spiritualism as I know it is not relevant in my world. Instead I will probably meditate on God’s Word just as the writers of Psalms instruct.

I’ll be honest when I say that this is an endeavor I will struggle with and could use some support and guidance. How do you manage your stress?

Birthday Video

2009-12-15 10:34:19

Disclaimer: I don't know these people but wanted to thank them anyway for the birthday well wishes last week. Thanks!

Happy Birthday, Chris! from John Denbow on Vimeo.

Elfing Ourselves

2009-12-17 20:21:16

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Merry Christmas!

I've Been A Good Girl

2009-12-20 00:16:04

I've Been A Good Girl, originally uploaded by Photo Denbow.

Scripture Sunday 12.20.09

2009-12-20 13:32:03

Tiny hand

In celebration of the Christmas holiday this week, here is a very relevant passage. Below that are the lyrics to one of the only modern day Christmas songs I can actually stand and that is from Michael W. Smith’s “Welcome To Our World”.

Luke 2:11 “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”


Tears are falling, hearts are breaking
How we need to hear from God
You've been promised, we've been waiting

Welcome Holy Child

Hope that you don't mind our manger
How I wish we would have known
But long-awaited Holy Stranger
Make Yourself at home
Please make Yourself at home
Bring Your peace into our violence
Bid our hungry souls be filled
Word now breaking Heaven's silence

Welcome to our world

Fragile finger sent to heal us
Tender brow prepared for thorn
Tiny heart whose blood will save us
Unto us is born
Unto us is born

So wrap our injured flesh around You
Breathe our air and walk our sod
Rob our sin and make us holy

Perfect Son of God
Welcome to our world

Last Minute Gift Ideas

2009-12-20 14:51:24

Vintage Santa Claus Calls All Good Children

Just in case you are a last minute shopper as I have been known to be, stress not at the thought of visiting the mall with all of the other slackers. These are but a few suggestions. Not for me of course, although I would never turn them down! What makes them a great gift is the fact that most of them allow you to choose what you would actually want, come in various dollar increments,  or would be something you would actually use and appreciate.

  1. iTunes gift cards for music, movies, apps & more
  2. Flickr Pro subscription (mine is up in 03/2010, oops!)
  3. The only thing on my wishlist was an Amazon gift card
  4. Netflix. I’ve given away a few of these myself. Love this service.
  5. Jelly-of-the-month club. Yes, it exists. No, this is not what anyone wants

Simply Wow.

2009-12-23 00:56:10

Did you enjoy the special effects of the original King Kong and the Matrix movies mixed in with a little Dances With Wolves? Go see Avatar in 3D. The imagination, details, depth and scope of this movie is amazing. The future of film making is here and it doesn’t disappoint. Thank me afterwards. I’m thanking my good friend Jacob who took me to go see the visually best film I've seen in a long time and a great story today.

Denbow The Daring

2009-12-23 04:16:35


Way back in 1983 I was a wee lad who lost a lot of quarters at the video arcade and especially to the game depicted above, Dragon’s Lair. As valiant knight Dirk the Daring, your noble but precarious quest is to rescue the beautiful Princess Daphne from the lair of Singe, a fire-breathing dragon who lurks in the foreboding castle of an evil wizard. DL was twenty years ahead of anything else and was also the most challenging video game.

I am happy to report to everyone else my age that you can now play this on your iPhone/Touch for only $5 (iTunes store link). Heck, I spent that much for the game within thirty minutes. Nowadays I am not a gamer, having outgrown such wastes of time and money. I am however looking forward to getting past the first level finally.

Merry Christmas to me!

Know & Tell 12.23.09

2009-12-23 12:02:50

Stacked Newspapers

Bringing some useful tips, tricks & tutorials so you don’t have to find them yourself…

  1. 4 Lessons Being a Programmer Taught me about Photography
  2. Essential Habits Of An Effective Professional Freelancer
  3. Most Popular Photography Hacks of 2009 [Best Of 2009]
  4. Have You Started Planning for a Successful 2010?
  5. Annual Review: 2009 Life Lessons
  6. 48 Fun Ways to Exercise
  7. Shoot for the Crop – Don’t Cut Yourself Short
  8. 2009 Annual Review: Overview and Outline
  9. My Business Wish List for 2010
  10. Shootin’ ain’t all ya’ do – The business of doing business

Top 10 Feeds

2009-12-26 15:02:27

Newspaper RSS Feed Icon 

Based on my stats report from FeedDemon, the following 10 providers are the ones I give my attention to the most. Each provider has multiple, intelligent articles up every day. They are all well worth your time and mental bandwidth.

  1. Lifehacker
  2. Mashable
  3. WebWorkerDaily
  4. Digital Photography School
  5. Digital Inspiration
  6. Freelance Switch
  8. New Media Photographer
  9. Smashing Magazine
  10. Houstonist

I’m always looking for new sources of information. What is in your top 10 that I need to subscribe to?

While you are in subscribe mode, why not do so for my feed?

Sick & Tired

2009-12-29 14:52:45

Dark & Gloomy

I am ready to kick 2009 out of here and welcome 2010, aren’t you? It has not been a very pleasant year in regards to life changes here. I’m projecting a positive outlook and making the necessary changes. I love the "Good Riddance Day" idea.

December has been a grey, gloomy month down here in Houston. We typically enjoy pleasant weather and green landscapes but this year is something else. 3 out of the 4 weeks have been like this including snow, sleet, brown grass and bare trees.

I’m going on week #2 of cold here and I don’t like it. It just throws everything off including sleep schedules. So if you see me online at 3am, give me a shout.

Here’s wishing you a happy, healthy, energetic and prosperous new year. We deserve it

The Art of Relaxation

2009-12-12 17:11:00

I had mentioned in a previous article about my desire to relieve stress from my world. I wanted to share some tools I have discovered that may be useful to others. I started off with my basic issue of sleep deprivation and discovered some great apps for my iPod Touch. These apps are mostly sound-based such as WhiteNoise which plays a variety of background noise such as wind chimes, rainfall, airplane travel and more. Another discovery and one that was a little awkward to get use to is iBrainWave which allows you to “tune your brain”. It is a binaural brain stimulator by playing constant tones at frequencies you choose, you can sleep, meditate, or relax. If you need energy, just simply raise the megahertz frequency. 

I have even downloaded a few yoga and meditation apps to guide my breathing, posture, stretching and body/mind relaxation. I’ve even downloaded a few relaxation/meditation podcasts that incorporate verbal instruction as well as soothing music to help relieve stress. 

Perhaps as a new year resolution to self I will pursue light yoga as a means to stretch and relax my body more. In the past I will admit I had had reservations about these techniques but when I hear of professional athletes using these as a means to stay healthy in addition to their workouts…well, it deserves consideration. I will avoid all references to Eastern spiritualism as I know it is not relevant in my world. Instead I will probably meditate on God’s Word just as the writers of Psalms instruct.

I’ll be honest when I say that this is an endeavor I will struggle with and could use some support and guidance. How do you manage your stress?

Take Advantage Of Opportunity

2009-12-01 10:04:27

The Doors of Opportunity

Smart people plan ahead for whatever economic issues are going on. In times of plenty and poverty we should always be thinking of opportunities to generate more income. I am not talking about get rich quick schemes or programs to help you live the life of your dreams. No, what I am talking about will be just enough extra income to have your passion pay for itself. If what you love to do helps you make money and provide value to someone else, why not explore your options?

These are a few opportunities I am looking at as a means to generate income outside of a regular paying gig. By all means, take what you will and make it yours. Heck, feel free to share your ideas here as well. We’re all in this together, right?

Its a safe bet that if you use tools that you already own and the savvy to produce it, you can create something of value. Be willing to explore your options and even think outside of your niche for opportunities. I’ve witnessed a few friends earning extra cash just for a minimal investment.

Ask your immediate network of their interest to gauge the needs/wants and expand from there. Market yourself again, using all the tools at your disposal. Try not to be pushy or spammy. The content or service will speak for itself. Do ask for feedback and testimonials as this will go far in establishing yourself as someone who can deliver.

And remember what my mother always told me:

Be prepared to take advantage of the opportunity…

Again, I’d love to hear more ideas if you are keen on sharing them. I’d even consider a collaborative project too if we can swing it. Best regards and much success to you!

Know & Tell 12.02.09

2009-12-02 11:31:37

Extra Action Bandleader

Every week I share links of interest in hopes you & I learn something new. Are you on Delicious too? Add me to the social bookmarking site here:

Stress Management & The Art Of Relaxation

2009-12-03 21:10:33

Relax and Stress

I had mentioned in a previous article about my desire to relieve stress from my world. I wanted to share some tools I have discovered that may be useful to others. I started off with my basic issue of sleep deprivation and discovered some great apps for my iPod Touch. These apps are mostly sound-based such as WhiteNoise which plays a variety of background noise such as wind chimes, rainfall, airplane travel and more. Another discovery and one that was a little awkward to get use to is iBrainWave which allows you to “tune your brain”. It is a binaural brain stimulator by playing constant tones at frequencies you choose, you can sleep, meditate, or relax. If you need energy, just simply raise the megahertz frequency.

I have even downloaded a few yoga and meditation apps to guide my breathing, posture, stretching and body/mind relaxation. I’ve even downloaded a few relaxation/meditation podcasts that incorporate verbal instruction as well as soothing music to help relieve stress.

Perhaps as a new year resolution to self I will pursue light yoga as a means to stretch and relax my body more. In the past I will admit I had had reservations about these techniques but when I hear of professional athletes using these as a means to stay healthy in addition to their workouts…well, it deserves consideration. I will avoid all references to Eastern spiritualism as I know it is not relevant in my world. Instead I will probably meditate on God’s Word just as the writers of Psalms instruct.

I’ll be honest when I say that this is an endeavor I will struggle with and could use some support and guidance. How do you manage your stress?

Snow Day

2009-12-04 22:07:01

Snow Day, originally uploaded by Photo Denbow.

Houston had a rare day today with the winter blast that hit us. We here on the third coast are not used to this or prepared for it. Daphne thoroughly enjoyed her first experience with it by helping to make a snowman.

Scripture Sunday 12.06.09

2009-12-06 19:25:38

The Never Ending Path

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Every Sunday I’ll add some blessing and encouragement here starting today!

It’s My Birthday Today

2009-12-07 09:00:00


Where Ya Headed, Buddy?

2009-12-10 13:33:20

ROAD TRIP 1 (Revenge of the Baby Boomer)

I hear this question a lot during interviews: “Where do you see yourself in five years?” Well five years might as well be fifty. At the pace our society and technology are going we need to shorten that down to a maximum of two years.

If you haven’t asked yourself this question now (end of year) may be the best time. Time to start planning your goals for 2010 and maybe even to 2012. For me this includes not only my personal life but one for the photo business as well.

If we fail to do so it will be as if we are on a road trip with no destination in mind. All of a sudden you have to pull over for a pit stop and realize you have no idea where you are, where you are going, how to get back, and are out of fuel with no way to pay for it.

Plan your journey to get to where you want to go.

The Art of Relaxation

2009-12-03 16:08:00

I had mentioned in a previous article about my desire to relieve stress from my world. I wanted to share some tools I have discovered that may be useful to others. I started off with my basic issue of sleep deprivation and discovered some great apps for my iPod Touch. These apps are mostly sound-based such as WhiteNoise which plays a variety of background noise such as wind chimes, rainfall, airplane travel and more. Another discovery and one that was a little awkward to get use to is iBrainWave which allows you to “tune your brain”. It is a binaural brain stimulator by playing constant tones at frequencies you choose, you can sleep, meditate, or relax. If you need energy, just simply raise the megahertz frequency. 

I have even downloaded a few yoga and meditation apps to guide my breathing, posture, stretching and body/mind relaxation. I’ve even downloaded a few relaxation/meditation podcasts that incorporate verbal instruction as well as soothing music to help relieve stress. 

Perhaps as a new year resolution to self I will pursue light yoga as a means to stretch and relax my body more. In the past I will admit I had had reservations about these techniques but when I hear of professional athletes using these as a means to stay healthy in addition to their workouts…well, it deserves consideration. I will avoid all references to Eastern spiritualism as I know it is not relevant in my world. Instead I will probably meditate on God’s Word just as the writers of Psalms instruct.

I’ll be honest when I say that this is an endeavor I will struggle with and could use some support and guidance. How do you manage your stress?

Birthday Video

2009-12-15 10:34:19

Disclaimer: I don't know these people but wanted to thank them anyway for the birthday well wishes last week. Thanks!

Happy Birthday, Chris! from John Denbow on Vimeo.

Elfing Ourselves

2009-12-17 20:21:16

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Merry Christmas!

I've Been A Good Girl

2009-12-20 00:16:04

I've Been A Good Girl, originally uploaded by Photo Denbow.

Scripture Sunday 12.20.09

2009-12-20 13:32:03

Tiny hand

In celebration of the Christmas holiday this week, here is a very relevant passage. Below that are the lyrics to one of the only modern day Christmas songs I can actually stand and that is from Michael W. Smith’s “Welcome To Our World”.

Luke 2:11 “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”


Tears are falling, hearts are breaking
How we need to hear from God
You've been promised, we've been waiting

Welcome Holy Child

Hope that you don't mind our manger
How I wish we would have known
But long-awaited Holy Stranger
Make Yourself at home
Please make Yourself at home
Bring Your peace into our violence
Bid our hungry souls be filled
Word now breaking Heaven's silence

Welcome to our world

Fragile finger sent to heal us
Tender brow prepared for thorn
Tiny heart whose blood will save us
Unto us is born
Unto us is born

So wrap our injured flesh around You
Breathe our air and walk our sod
Rob our sin and make us holy

Perfect Son of God
Welcome to our world

Last Minute Gift Ideas

2009-12-20 14:51:24

Vintage Santa Claus Calls All Good Children

Just in case you are a last minute shopper as I have been known to be, stress not at the thought of visiting the mall with all of the other slackers. These are but a few suggestions. Not for me of course, although I would never turn them down! What makes them a great gift is the fact that most of them allow you to choose what you would actually want, come in various dollar increments,  or would be something you would actually use and appreciate.

  1. iTunes gift cards for music, movies, apps & more
  2. Flickr Pro subscription (mine is up in 03/2010, oops!)
  3. The only thing on my wishlist was an Amazon gift card
  4. Netflix. I’ve given away a few of these myself. Love this service.
  5. Jelly-of-the-month club. Yes, it exists. No, this is not what anyone wants

Simply Wow.

2009-12-23 00:56:10

Did you enjoy the special effects of the original King Kong and the Matrix movies mixed in with a little Dances With Wolves? Go see Avatar in 3D. The imagination, details, depth and scope of this movie is amazing. The future of film making is here and it doesn’t disappoint. Thank me afterwards. I’m thanking my good friend Jacob who took me to go see the visually best film I've seen in a long time and a great story today.

Denbow The Daring

2009-12-23 04:16:35


Way back in 1983 I was a wee lad who lost a lot of quarters at the video arcade and especially to the game depicted above, Dragon’s Lair. As valiant knight Dirk the Daring, your noble but precarious quest is to rescue the beautiful Princess Daphne from the lair of Singe, a fire-breathing dragon who lurks in the foreboding castle of an evil wizard. DL was twenty years ahead of anything else and was also the most challenging video game.

I am happy to report to everyone else my age that you can now play this on your iPhone/Touch for only $5 (iTunes store link). Heck, I spent that much for the game within thirty minutes. Nowadays I am not a gamer, having outgrown such wastes of time and money. I am however looking forward to getting past the first level finally.

Merry Christmas to me!

Know & Tell 12.23.09

2009-12-23 12:02:50

Stacked Newspapers

Bringing some useful tips, tricks & tutorials so you don’t have to find them yourself…

  1. 4 Lessons Being a Programmer Taught me about Photography
  2. Essential Habits Of An Effective Professional Freelancer
  3. Most Popular Photography Hacks of 2009 [Best Of 2009]
  4. Have You Started Planning for a Successful 2010?
  5. Annual Review: 2009 Life Lessons
  6. 48 Fun Ways to Exercise
  7. Shoot for the Crop – Don’t Cut Yourself Short
  8. 2009 Annual Review: Overview and Outline
  9. My Business Wish List for 2010
  10. Shootin’ ain’t all ya’ do – The business of doing business

Top 10 Feeds

2009-12-26 15:02:27

Newspaper RSS Feed Icon 

Based on my stats report from FeedDemon, the following 10 providers are the ones I give my attention to the most. Each provider has multiple, intelligent articles up every day. They are all well worth your time and mental bandwidth.

  1. Lifehacker
  2. Mashable
  3. WebWorkerDaily
  4. Digital Photography School
  5. Digital Inspiration
  6. Freelance Switch
  8. New Media Photographer
  9. Smashing Magazine
  10. Houstonist

I’m always looking for new sources of information. What is in your top 10 that I need to subscribe to?

While you are in subscribe mode, why not do so for my feed?

Sick & Tired

2009-12-29 14:52:45

Dark & Gloomy

I am ready to kick 2009 out of here and welcome 2010, aren’t you? It has not been a very pleasant year in regards to life changes here. I’m projecting a positive outlook and making the necessary changes. I love the "Good Riddance Day" idea.

December has been a grey, gloomy month down here in Houston. We typically enjoy pleasant weather and green landscapes but this year is something else. 3 out of the 4 weeks have been like this including snow, sleet, brown grass and bare trees.

I’m going on week #2 of cold here and I don’t like it. It just throws everything off including sleep schedules. So if you see me online at 3am, give me a shout.

Here’s wishing you a happy, healthy, energetic and prosperous new year. We deserve it

The Art of Relaxation

2009-12-12 17:11:00

I had mentioned in a previous article about my desire to relieve stress from my world. I wanted to share some tools I have discovered that may be useful to others. I started off with my basic issue of sleep deprivation and discovered some great apps for my iPod Touch. These apps are mostly sound-based such as WhiteNoise which plays a variety of background noise such as wind chimes, rainfall, airplane travel and more. Another discovery and one that was a little awkward to get use to is iBrainWave which allows you to “tune your brain”. It is a binaural brain stimulator by playing constant tones at frequencies you choose, you can sleep, meditate, or relax. If you need energy, just simply raise the megahertz frequency. 

I have even downloaded a few yoga and meditation apps to guide my breathing, posture, stretching and body/mind relaxation. I’ve even downloaded a few relaxation/meditation podcasts that incorporate verbal instruction as well as soothing music to help relieve stress. 

Perhaps as a new year resolution to self I will pursue light yoga as a means to stretch and relax my body more. In the past I will admit I had had reservations about these techniques but when I hear of professional athletes using these as a means to stay healthy in addition to their workouts…well, it deserves consideration. I will avoid all references to Eastern spiritualism as I know it is not relevant in my world. Instead I will probably meditate on God’s Word just as the writers of Psalms instruct.

I’ll be honest when I say that this is an endeavor I will struggle with and could use some support and guidance. How do you manage your stress?