November 2008 Archive

November 2008 Archive

Co-Working Comes To Katy

2008-11-03 21:00:59


Join me and some new friends at the grand opening of the Houston area’s new co-working space called the Katy Dock (officially called the Technology Center of West Houston) on November 5th between 4-8PM. This is the newest space for professionals in Katy who are passionate about their work, but tired of working alone at home or in noisy coffee shops. Think of it as a co-op artist and tech space. It’s also a great environment for relaxing and collaborating with like-minded people. Official announcement here:

Mobile and creative professionals now have the opportunity to grow their businesses in a more work-friendly setting than a coffee shop with less structure than an executive suite – no long term leases, or home office distractions.
The Katy Dock allows Katy/West Houston area entrepreneurs, inventors, consultants, developers, and designers to work in a creative business atmosphere and successfully grow their companies. Katy Dock membership starts at 'free' for infrequent drop-ins to reasonable pricing for private desks and dedicated offices. Along with Wi Fi and coffee service, Katy Dock through its partnership with the Katy Commerce Center also offers warehousing, fulfillment and light manufacturing space available onsite, all at a fraction of the cost of traditional office leasing arrangements.

The Technology Center of West Houston (TCWH), a Katy Area Business Incubator and Accelerator, has created an exciting new opportunity for early-stage technology companies in the Katy/West Houston area. The mission of the TCWH is to enable, launch and accelerate technology companies in Katy/West Houston and thereby create jobs and economic growth.

If you are close to the museum district of Houston, you can always stop by the Caroline Collective as well!

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Vagabond Cirque

2008-11-03 22:01:08

Avant Garden plays host to burlesque dancers, vagabonds, Vaudeville acts, belly dancers, fire dancers and more this Friday night.


hat tip to katie with Dr. Sketchy


2008-11-10 10:58:03

walking towards heaven

Now we come to the part of the year where my birthday and Christmas arrives in December. Every year, right around mid-September, Wonderwife pops the question: “So, what do you want for birthday/Christmas?” Of course I have not put any thought to it and am totally unprepared to answer effectively and refuse to do so because what if I blurt out the wrong thing under pressure and I end up actually GETTING IT. I would then have to conjure up some acting skills to pretend that I like it, right?

This year is no different except maybe my attitude towards receiving gifts. With so much economic irresponsibility out there, corporate abuse, lay-offs, not to mention we have yet to sell our home in Birmingham, it may be time to hunker down and store some nuts for the winter. In the course of the year, and years past, we have denied ourselves nothing. We took care of our needs and we had a chance to address our wants too. Therefore, I do not need anything as gifts. Yes, I have wants and Wonderwife has said that I need my “wanter” fixed, but I find myself in a new place this year.

I am content.

I had this revelation awhile back but didn’t pursue it until now. I have a gorgeous, intelligent, unselfish wife who supports me in just about everything I do. We were blessed with a beautiful child last year who makes me proud every day. I am a 35.9 year old man with loads of toys to play with and need to take out of the closet.

What do I want for my birthday? A job. All right, not just a job, but a career. A place where I can work with like-minded peers and earn their respect for my hard work.

For Christmas, I wish my Alabama home would sell so we can finally move on and plant seeds here in Texas.

In spite of these, I will remain content and happy.

Sick Sucks

2008-11-12 23:41:01

Vader with Tie

Thanks to whatever creeping crud is going around, meteorological changes, and leaving the ceiling fan on in a chilled room, I’ve been down since Friday afternoon.

What does this have to do with the photo above? everything. Thanks to the cooties, I have had a lovely Darth Vader voice, complete with raspy breathing. A lot of my friends on Twitter thought it was quite sexy. Ain’t nothing sexy about it, folks.

Needless to say, I have lost some of my blogging and photo mojo, but anticipate bouncing back very soon on both fronts.

Daddy/Daughter Day

2008-11-15 15:48:54

Santa RampageWonderwife and her mother wanted the chance to head to Reliant stadium for some arts & craps boutique thingy today. Well, Daphne and I made it up in our minds that we were not going to go and that was final. However, we ended up doing some Christmas shopping ourselves at the mall.

When we arrived at the mall we were in for a treat. Santa was there riding around on his shiny, red recumbent bike. His jolly smile and wave made Daphne giggle. Not too far behind Santa, we were greeted by a very tall man juggling bowling pins. On second glance, he must have been on stilts because only the Houston Rocket’s Yao Ming is that tall. After the man on stilts, there was a clown juggling the other 5 bowling pins on a unicycle wheeling around our stroller. No idea how he was able to throw candy while juggling but it was neat. That’s not all! We were buzzed by mall security wearing Santa caps and riding Segways and even an 80-piece marching band playing Christmas favorites! Daphne loves music and was clapping excitedly and waving. The band missed a few notes because they were waving and smiling back. Disney Radio was representing there as well and of course Daphne was dancing with a few Disney reps and got a sticker for her troubles. Santa must have worked off his milk & cookies on that bicycle because we found him later on sitting on his throne and listening to good children’s wishes. All of that shopping and dancing worked up an appetite in us so we grabbed some food across the parking lot. Daphne was proving that she was a big girl indeed by grabbing the fork out of my hand and dipping it into her fruit bowl to feed herself. I intended to snap some images of little DVD today but it was way too blustery and chilled. Maybe tomorrow. Thanks, Daphne!

via Colori

2008-11-23 20:17:03

This weekend I had an opportunity to document the Via Colori street art festival in downtown Houston, Texas. I am always in constant awe at how artistic and creative people can be. Not-so-secretly, I envy them and their talents. Big thanks to Tina Bomar with the invite!

Painted Painter

Via Colori Featured Artist

Via Colori-24

Portfolio Building Special!

2008-11-24 00:44:40

For a limited time only, Photo Mojo is waiving all sitting fees. Wow, you just saved yourself $100! Just visit the website to check the calendar and then fill in the blanks in the contact section. Couldn’t be easier, couldn’t be cheaper.

Why am I doing this? Well, just like the article title implies, I want to expand the portfolio with shiny, happy faces. Portraits, events, you name it and we’ll shoot it.

While I am thankful for the blessings I have in my life, I also enjoy giving back. I’m considering giving away an entire session and media disc for free.

Remember when I mentioned “limited time only” earlier? That means hurry!


_D90_DSC0467 copy

15 Months

2008-11-29 23:26:47

Daphne/Daddy day was extra special because we celebrated 15 months together while Wonderwife enjoyed a much needed break. Each day brings us something new and special. she is really getting into music and has even picked up singing. What do you have in store for us this next month?

Headband Girl

photo courtesy of the Wonderwife

Evolution of My Writing

2008-11-30 13:31:46

This explains a lack of heavy reading here at website de la Mojo...


2008-11-04 22:19:17

Obama in Birmingham

I’ve mentioned before that this is not a political blog and my voting leans heavily onto the conservative side. I admit I have been disappointed by President Bush II during his second term. Americans needed real leadership and he has failed us. It is time for a change.


These are things everyone can agree on and support that needs changing. The question is, will the change be for the better? Who knows?

I am disappointed, but not distraught at the election outcome. What really bothers me is the one-party rule that is about to take place in our country. No one political party should control power in the congressional and executive branches. There has to be a balance of ideology and principles.

“Change” and “hope” are fine but right now they are also good intentions. President-elect Obama will need to understand and appreciate the power that has been granted to him.

All Americans- every race, every party, need to hold our leaders accountable. That would be change that I can believe in.


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2008-11-13 21:42:19

Peek-a-boo Two, originally uploaded by eagerlittlemind.

Even when she is not feeling well, this girl is very playful and has a smile on her face.

stuffed & Grateful

2008-11-28 01:06:14

I cannot believe we ate the whole thing!

What's In Your Bag?

2008-11-29 13:42:30

My Bag

Several people are always asking me “what kind of photo gear do you have?” which leads to this post. Here is a peek inside to the bodies and lenses that assist with my photo mojo…

Nikon D200- this is my primary camera and is quite the handful. With the metal body, longer, heavier lenses, battery pack and speed light it can literally be a pain in the neck! Quite fun to use and has really forced me to focus on details because there are no “idiot” modes like automatic settings.

Nikon D200 with 18-200 VR

Nikon D90- the 90 is one of Nikon’s latest releases that is packed with a lot of features. This is Wonderwife’s camera although I am allowed to use it on occasions!




Tamron 70-300mm telephoto zoom/micro

Sigma 10-20mm wide angle, 24-70mm

Nikon 18-55mm, 50mm, 18-105mm, 18-200mm

Toy lens: Lensbaby, fisheye

Nikon Creative Lighting System: SB-800, SB-400

Show Off

Now that I have shown mine, it is time to show us yours! Anyone getting something nice in their stockings this holiday?

Co-Working Comes To Katy

2008-11-03 21:00:59


Join me and some new friends at the grand opening of the Houston area’s new co-working space called the Katy Dock (officially called the Technology Center of West Houston) on November 5th between 4-8PM. This is the newest space for professionals in Katy who are passionate about their work, but tired of working alone at home or in noisy coffee shops. Think of it as a co-op artist and tech space. It’s also a great environment for relaxing and collaborating with like-minded people. Official announcement here:

Mobile and creative professionals now have the opportunity to grow their businesses in a more work-friendly setting than a coffee shop with less structure than an executive suite – no long term leases, or home office distractions.
The Katy Dock allows Katy/West Houston area entrepreneurs, inventors, consultants, developers, and designers to work in a creative business atmosphere and successfully grow their companies. Katy Dock membership starts at 'free' for infrequent drop-ins to reasonable pricing for private desks and dedicated offices. Along with Wi Fi and coffee service, Katy Dock through its partnership with the Katy Commerce Center also offers warehousing, fulfillment and light manufacturing space available onsite, all at a fraction of the cost of traditional office leasing arrangements.

The Technology Center of West Houston (TCWH), a Katy Area Business Incubator and Accelerator, has created an exciting new opportunity for early-stage technology companies in the Katy/West Houston area. The mission of the TCWH is to enable, launch and accelerate technology companies in Katy/West Houston and thereby create jobs and economic growth.

If you are close to the museum district of Houston, you can always stop by the Caroline Collective as well!

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Vagabond Cirque

2008-11-03 22:01:08

Avant Garden plays host to burlesque dancers, vagabonds, Vaudeville acts, belly dancers, fire dancers and more this Friday night.


hat tip to katie with Dr. Sketchy


2008-11-10 10:58:03

walking towards heaven

Now we come to the part of the year where my birthday and Christmas arrives in December. Every year, right around mid-September, Wonderwife pops the question: “So, what do you want for birthday/Christmas?” Of course I have not put any thought to it and am totally unprepared to answer effectively and refuse to do so because what if I blurt out the wrong thing under pressure and I end up actually GETTING IT. I would then have to conjure up some acting skills to pretend that I like it, right?

This year is no different except maybe my attitude towards receiving gifts. With so much economic irresponsibility out there, corporate abuse, lay-offs, not to mention we have yet to sell our home in Birmingham, it may be time to hunker down and store some nuts for the winter. In the course of the year, and years past, we have denied ourselves nothing. We took care of our needs and we had a chance to address our wants too. Therefore, I do not need anything as gifts. Yes, I have wants and Wonderwife has said that I need my “wanter” fixed, but I find myself in a new place this year.

I am content.

I had this revelation awhile back but didn’t pursue it until now. I have a gorgeous, intelligent, unselfish wife who supports me in just about everything I do. We were blessed with a beautiful child last year who makes me proud every day. I am a 35.9 year old man with loads of toys to play with and need to take out of the closet.

What do I want for my birthday? A job. All right, not just a job, but a career. A place where I can work with like-minded peers and earn their respect for my hard work.

For Christmas, I wish my Alabama home would sell so we can finally move on and plant seeds here in Texas.

In spite of these, I will remain content and happy.

Sick Sucks

2008-11-12 23:41:01

Vader with Tie

Thanks to whatever creeping crud is going around, meteorological changes, and leaving the ceiling fan on in a chilled room, I’ve been down since Friday afternoon.

What does this have to do with the photo above? everything. Thanks to the cooties, I have had a lovely Darth Vader voice, complete with raspy breathing. A lot of my friends on Twitter thought it was quite sexy. Ain’t nothing sexy about it, folks.

Needless to say, I have lost some of my blogging and photo mojo, but anticipate bouncing back very soon on both fronts.

Daddy/Daughter Day

2008-11-15 15:48:54

Santa RampageWonderwife and her mother wanted the chance to head to Reliant stadium for some arts & craps boutique thingy today. Well, Daphne and I made it up in our minds that we were not going to go and that was final. However, we ended up doing some Christmas shopping ourselves at the mall.

When we arrived at the mall we were in for a treat. Santa was there riding around on his shiny, red recumbent bike. His jolly smile and wave made Daphne giggle. Not too far behind Santa, we were greeted by a very tall man juggling bowling pins. On second glance, he must have been on stilts because only the Houston Rocket’s Yao Ming is that tall. After the man on stilts, there was a clown juggling the other 5 bowling pins on a unicycle wheeling around our stroller. No idea how he was able to throw candy while juggling but it was neat. That’s not all! We were buzzed by mall security wearing Santa caps and riding Segways and even an 80-piece marching band playing Christmas favorites! Daphne loves music and was clapping excitedly and waving. The band missed a few notes because they were waving and smiling back. Disney Radio was representing there as well and of course Daphne was dancing with a few Disney reps and got a sticker for her troubles. Santa must have worked off his milk & cookies on that bicycle because we found him later on sitting on his throne and listening to good children’s wishes. All of that shopping and dancing worked up an appetite in us so we grabbed some food across the parking lot. Daphne was proving that she was a big girl indeed by grabbing the fork out of my hand and dipping it into her fruit bowl to feed herself. I intended to snap some images of little DVD today but it was way too blustery and chilled. Maybe tomorrow. Thanks, Daphne!

via Colori

2008-11-23 20:17:03

This weekend I had an opportunity to document the Via Colori street art festival in downtown Houston, Texas. I am always in constant awe at how artistic and creative people can be. Not-so-secretly, I envy them and their talents. Big thanks to Tina Bomar with the invite!

Painted Painter

Via Colori Featured Artist

Via Colori-24

Portfolio Building Special!

2008-11-24 00:44:40

For a limited time only, Photo Mojo is waiving all sitting fees. Wow, you just saved yourself $100! Just visit the website to check the calendar and then fill in the blanks in the contact section. Couldn’t be easier, couldn’t be cheaper.

Why am I doing this? Well, just like the article title implies, I want to expand the portfolio with shiny, happy faces. Portraits, events, you name it and we’ll shoot it.

While I am thankful for the blessings I have in my life, I also enjoy giving back. I’m considering giving away an entire session and media disc for free.

Remember when I mentioned “limited time only” earlier? That means hurry!


_D90_DSC0467 copy

15 Months

2008-11-29 23:26:47

Daphne/Daddy day was extra special because we celebrated 15 months together while Wonderwife enjoyed a much needed break. Each day brings us something new and special. she is really getting into music and has even picked up singing. What do you have in store for us this next month?

Headband Girl

photo courtesy of the Wonderwife

Evolution of My Writing

2008-11-30 13:31:46

This explains a lack of heavy reading here at website de la Mojo...


2008-11-04 22:19:17

Obama in Birmingham

I’ve mentioned before that this is not a political blog and my voting leans heavily onto the conservative side. I admit I have been disappointed by President Bush II during his second term. Americans needed real leadership and he has failed us. It is time for a change.


These are things everyone can agree on and support that needs changing. The question is, will the change be for the better? Who knows?

I am disappointed, but not distraught at the election outcome. What really bothers me is the one-party rule that is about to take place in our country. No one political party should control power in the congressional and executive branches. There has to be a balance of ideology and principles.

“Change” and “hope” are fine but right now they are also good intentions. President-elect Obama will need to understand and appreciate the power that has been granted to him.

All Americans- every race, every party, need to hold our leaders accountable. That would be change that I can believe in.


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2008-11-13 21:42:19

Peek-a-boo Two, originally uploaded by eagerlittlemind.

Even when she is not feeling well, this girl is very playful and has a smile on her face.

stuffed & Grateful

2008-11-28 01:06:14

I cannot believe we ate the whole thing!

What's In Your Bag?

2008-11-29 13:42:30

My Bag

Several people are always asking me “what kind of photo gear do you have?” which leads to this post. Here is a peek inside to the bodies and lenses that assist with my photo mojo…

Nikon D200- this is my primary camera and is quite the handful. With the metal body, longer, heavier lenses, battery pack and speed light it can literally be a pain in the neck! Quite fun to use and has really forced me to focus on details because there are no “idiot” modes like automatic settings.

Nikon D200 with 18-200 VR

Nikon D90- the 90 is one of Nikon’s latest releases that is packed with a lot of features. This is Wonderwife’s camera although I am allowed to use it on occasions!




Tamron 70-300mm telephoto zoom/micro

Sigma 10-20mm wide angle, 24-70mm

Nikon 18-55mm, 50mm, 18-105mm, 18-200mm

Toy lens: Lensbaby, fisheye

Nikon Creative Lighting System: SB-800, SB-400

Show Off

Now that I have shown mine, it is time to show us yours! Anyone getting something nice in their stockings this holiday?

Co-Working Comes To Katy

2008-11-03 21:00:59


Join me and some new friends at the grand opening of the Houston area’s new co-working space called the Katy Dock (officially called the Technology Center of West Houston) on November 5th between 4-8PM. This is the newest space for professionals in Katy who are passionate about their work, but tired of working alone at home or in noisy coffee shops. Think of it as a co-op artist and tech space. It’s also a great environment for relaxing and collaborating with like-minded people. Official announcement here:

Mobile and creative professionals now have the opportunity to grow their businesses in a more work-friendly setting than a coffee shop with less structure than an executive suite – no long term leases, or home office distractions.
The Katy Dock allows Katy/West Houston area entrepreneurs, inventors, consultants, developers, and designers to work in a creative business atmosphere and successfully grow their companies. Katy Dock membership starts at 'free' for infrequent drop-ins to reasonable pricing for private desks and dedicated offices. Along with Wi Fi and coffee service, Katy Dock through its partnership with the Katy Commerce Center also offers warehousing, fulfillment and light manufacturing space available onsite, all at a fraction of the cost of traditional office leasing arrangements.

The Technology Center of West Houston (TCWH), a Katy Area Business Incubator and Accelerator, has created an exciting new opportunity for early-stage technology companies in the Katy/West Houston area. The mission of the TCWH is to enable, launch and accelerate technology companies in Katy/West Houston and thereby create jobs and economic growth.

If you are close to the museum district of Houston, you can always stop by the Caroline Collective as well!

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Vagabond Cirque

2008-11-03 22:01:08

Avant Garden plays host to burlesque dancers, vagabonds, Vaudeville acts, belly dancers, fire dancers and more this Friday night.


hat tip to katie with Dr. Sketchy


2008-11-10 10:58:03

walking towards heaven

Now we come to the part of the year where my birthday and Christmas arrives in December. Every year, right around mid-September, Wonderwife pops the question: “So, what do you want for birthday/Christmas?” Of course I have not put any thought to it and am totally unprepared to answer effectively and refuse to do so because what if I blurt out the wrong thing under pressure and I end up actually GETTING IT. I would then have to conjure up some acting skills to pretend that I like it, right?

This year is no different except maybe my attitude towards receiving gifts. With so much economic irresponsibility out there, corporate abuse, lay-offs, not to mention we have yet to sell our home in Birmingham, it may be time to hunker down and store some nuts for the winter. In the course of the year, and years past, we have denied ourselves nothing. We took care of our needs and we had a chance to address our wants too. Therefore, I do not need anything as gifts. Yes, I have wants and Wonderwife has said that I need my “wanter” fixed, but I find myself in a new place this year.

I am content.

I had this revelation awhile back but didn’t pursue it until now. I have a gorgeous, intelligent, unselfish wife who supports me in just about everything I do. We were blessed with a beautiful child last year who makes me proud every day. I am a 35.9 year old man with loads of toys to play with and need to take out of the closet.

What do I want for my birthday? A job. All right, not just a job, but a career. A place where I can work with like-minded peers and earn their respect for my hard work.

For Christmas, I wish my Alabama home would sell so we can finally move on and plant seeds here in Texas.

In spite of these, I will remain content and happy.

Sick Sucks

2008-11-12 23:41:01

Vader with Tie

Thanks to whatever creeping crud is going around, meteorological changes, and leaving the ceiling fan on in a chilled room, I’ve been down since Friday afternoon.

What does this have to do with the photo above? everything. Thanks to the cooties, I have had a lovely Darth Vader voice, complete with raspy breathing. A lot of my friends on Twitter thought it was quite sexy. Ain’t nothing sexy about it, folks.

Needless to say, I have lost some of my blogging and photo mojo, but anticipate bouncing back very soon on both fronts.

Daddy/Daughter Day

2008-11-15 15:48:54

Santa RampageWonderwife and her mother wanted the chance to head to Reliant stadium for some arts & craps boutique thingy today. Well, Daphne and I made it up in our minds that we were not going to go and that was final. However, we ended up doing some Christmas shopping ourselves at the mall.

When we arrived at the mall we were in for a treat. Santa was there riding around on his shiny, red recumbent bike. His jolly smile and wave made Daphne giggle. Not too far behind Santa, we were greeted by a very tall man juggling bowling pins. On second glance, he must have been on stilts because only the Houston Rocket’s Yao Ming is that tall. After the man on stilts, there was a clown juggling the other 5 bowling pins on a unicycle wheeling around our stroller. No idea how he was able to throw candy while juggling but it was neat. That’s not all! We were buzzed by mall security wearing Santa caps and riding Segways and even an 80-piece marching band playing Christmas favorites! Daphne loves music and was clapping excitedly and waving. The band missed a few notes because they were waving and smiling back. Disney Radio was representing there as well and of course Daphne was dancing with a few Disney reps and got a sticker for her troubles. Santa must have worked off his milk & cookies on that bicycle because we found him later on sitting on his throne and listening to good children’s wishes. All of that shopping and dancing worked up an appetite in us so we grabbed some food across the parking lot. Daphne was proving that she was a big girl indeed by grabbing the fork out of my hand and dipping it into her fruit bowl to feed herself. I intended to snap some images of little DVD today but it was way too blustery and chilled. Maybe tomorrow. Thanks, Daphne!

via Colori

2008-11-23 20:17:03

This weekend I had an opportunity to document the Via Colori street art festival in downtown Houston, Texas. I am always in constant awe at how artistic and creative people can be. Not-so-secretly, I envy them and their talents. Big thanks to Tina Bomar with the invite!

Painted Painter

Via Colori Featured Artist

Via Colori-24

Portfolio Building Special!

2008-11-24 00:44:40

For a limited time only, Photo Mojo is waiving all sitting fees. Wow, you just saved yourself $100! Just visit the website to check the calendar and then fill in the blanks in the contact section. Couldn’t be easier, couldn’t be cheaper.

Why am I doing this? Well, just like the article title implies, I want to expand the portfolio with shiny, happy faces. Portraits, events, you name it and we’ll shoot it.

While I am thankful for the blessings I have in my life, I also enjoy giving back. I’m considering giving away an entire session and media disc for free.

Remember when I mentioned “limited time only” earlier? That means hurry!


_D90_DSC0467 copy

15 Months

2008-11-29 23:26:47

Daphne/Daddy day was extra special because we celebrated 15 months together while Wonderwife enjoyed a much needed break. Each day brings us something new and special. she is really getting into music and has even picked up singing. What do you have in store for us this next month?

Headband Girl

photo courtesy of the Wonderwife

Evolution of My Writing

2008-11-30 13:31:46

This explains a lack of heavy reading here at website de la Mojo...


2008-11-04 22:19:17

Obama in Birmingham

I’ve mentioned before that this is not a political blog and my voting leans heavily onto the conservative side. I admit I have been disappointed by President Bush II during his second term. Americans needed real leadership and he has failed us. It is time for a change.


These are things everyone can agree on and support that needs changing. The question is, will the change be for the better? Who knows?

I am disappointed, but not distraught at the election outcome. What really bothers me is the one-party rule that is about to take place in our country. No one political party should control power in the congressional and executive branches. There has to be a balance of ideology and principles.

“Change” and “hope” are fine but right now they are also good intentions. President-elect Obama will need to understand and appreciate the power that has been granted to him.

All Americans- every race, every party, need to hold our leaders accountable. That would be change that I can believe in.


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2008-11-13 21:42:19

Peek-a-boo Two, originally uploaded by eagerlittlemind.

Even when she is not feeling well, this girl is very playful and has a smile on her face.

stuffed & Grateful

2008-11-28 01:06:14

I cannot believe we ate the whole thing!

What's In Your Bag?

2008-11-29 13:42:30

My Bag

Several people are always asking me “what kind of photo gear do you have?” which leads to this post. Here is a peek inside to the bodies and lenses that assist with my photo mojo…

Nikon D200- this is my primary camera and is quite the handful. With the metal body, longer, heavier lenses, battery pack and speed light it can literally be a pain in the neck! Quite fun to use and has really forced me to focus on details because there are no “idiot” modes like automatic settings.

Nikon D200 with 18-200 VR

Nikon D90- the 90 is one of Nikon’s latest releases that is packed with a lot of features. This is Wonderwife’s camera although I am allowed to use it on occasions!




Tamron 70-300mm telephoto zoom/micro

Sigma 10-20mm wide angle, 24-70mm

Nikon 18-55mm, 50mm, 18-105mm, 18-200mm

Toy lens: Lensbaby, fisheye

Nikon Creative Lighting System: SB-800, SB-400

Show Off

Now that I have shown mine, it is time to show us yours! Anyone getting something nice in their stockings this holiday?