May 2008 Archive

May 2008 Archive

Can We Go Again?

2008-05-02 21:06:01

Can We Go Again?, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo.

Daphne just loves to slide!

Twelve Years & Counting

2008-05-04 15:07:06

My Girls, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo.

Today, Jenny and I enjoyed our twelfth anniversary by enjoying a cajun brunch and live jazz. I kept it simple with a ham/cheese omelette and she had the shrimp & grits. Afterwards found us on a stroll through the park and to watch Daphne swing and slide.


You are all I've ever dreamed of as a wife and all I ever needed as a friend. With love & pride,


Brunch Bunch

2008-05-04 17:51:49

Anniversary Brunch from Video Mojo on Vimeo.

To: Mom From: Chris

2008-05-10 21:15:17

"I'll love you forever. I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living my mommy you'll be."


I Suck

2008-05-08 22:03:24

Again, I am so overwhelmed at the many things I come across on my daily journeys on the interwebs. I am a digital nomad. I am a busy guy. So my blogging suffers and you are denied my wit. my sincerity, and me.

I've been relying on micro-blogging and photos to get by, to have something, ANYTHING posted for that day. Its frustrating & embarrassing. Are you using Twitter or Pownce or Jaiku? Befriend me and lets turn my monologue into a dialog together.

Weekend Update 5.18.08

2008-05-18 21:25:52

What another busy, fun, productive weekend! I hope yours was equally fun. My mother & her husband went to the Oklahoma panhandle to shoot at prairie dogs and jackrabbits. The cattle farmers appreciate this because the critters burrow holes that the cow's hooves fall into. I'd share photos of some of the kill but that'd be gross.

Just found out my father is on vacation this week to the Colorado Rockies. I'm jealous.

OK, back to me. I got to shoot the beautiful people attending Art on the Rocks vent at the Birmingham Museum of Art on Friday. Good times, music, drinks and culture. Happy times.

The girls and I did a photo shoot with Daphne on Saturday and then raced downtown for the annual Do Dah Day parade with dogs dressed in costume.

Sunday was another portrait session with a fun family. They have a gorgeous 17 y/o and two 9 y/o twins that were rambunctious.

My girls and I enjoyed a lazy Sunday after the shoot and then gorged ourselves on margaritas & fajitas. We're detoxing this week, I promise. I'm going to roll into work an exhausted, bloated but content guy.

What'd you do?

What's In Your Bag?

2008-05-20 22:33:13


I tease Wonderwife about her bag obsessions which has blossomed even more since we carry a diaper bag around as well now. I really should be careful after I realized that I too carry a purse. So what kind of baggage does the Mojo carry?


  1. Magellan eXplorist GPS unit
  2. Microsoft wireless mouse
  3. Motorola bluetooth headset
  4. ipod data/charger cable
  5. moble phone data cable/charger
  6. Sony headphones
  7. 30GB video iPod
  8. Leatherman micromini tool
  9. Swiss army knife
  10. Moleskine notebook
  11. Photo Mojo business cards
  12. Flash drive case with 10GB storage total, an SD/miniSD card reader, SD adapter
  13. ATT 8925 Tilt smartphone with Windows Mobile & Office 2007, wifi, camera, video etc
  14. Dell Vostro 1500 and power brick
  15. Flip video camera (not shown)
  16. Nikon D50 w/ 18-55 kit lens (taking picture)

So yeah, I got a lot of crap I carry with me in my man purse. Just everything a mobile professional needs and nothing I don't. What's in your wallet?



If you have enjoyed this article, please add a comment and/or subscribe to this site's feed. Thanks!

I Wonder Why

2008-05-25 23:44:17

or what is holding me back from writing down the words in my head. Pride?  I want to produce something full of wit and epic in it's own right.


Can We Go Again?

2008-05-02 21:06:01

Can We Go Again?, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo.

Daphne just loves to slide!

Twelve Years & Counting

2008-05-04 15:07:06

My Girls, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo.

Today, Jenny and I enjoyed our twelfth anniversary by enjoying a cajun brunch and live jazz. I kept it simple with a ham/cheese omelette and she had the shrimp & grits. Afterwards found us on a stroll through the park and to watch Daphne swing and slide.


You are all I've ever dreamed of as a wife and all I ever needed as a friend. With love & pride,


Brunch Bunch

2008-05-04 17:51:49

Anniversary Brunch from Video Mojo on Vimeo.

To: Mom From: Chris

2008-05-10 21:15:17

"I'll love you forever. I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living my mommy you'll be."


I Suck

2008-05-08 22:03:24

Again, I am so overwhelmed at the many things I come across on my daily journeys on the interwebs. I am a digital nomad. I am a busy guy. So my blogging suffers and you are denied my wit. my sincerity, and me.

I've been relying on micro-blogging and photos to get by, to have something, ANYTHING posted for that day. Its frustrating & embarrassing. Are you using Twitter or Pownce or Jaiku? Befriend me and lets turn my monologue into a dialog together.

Weekend Update 5.18.08

2008-05-18 21:25:52

What another busy, fun, productive weekend! I hope yours was equally fun. My mother & her husband went to the Oklahoma panhandle to shoot at prairie dogs and jackrabbits. The cattle farmers appreciate this because the critters burrow holes that the cow's hooves fall into. I'd share photos of some of the kill but that'd be gross.

Just found out my father is on vacation this week to the Colorado Rockies. I'm jealous.

OK, back to me. I got to shoot the beautiful people attending Art on the Rocks vent at the Birmingham Museum of Art on Friday. Good times, music, drinks and culture. Happy times.

The girls and I did a photo shoot with Daphne on Saturday and then raced downtown for the annual Do Dah Day parade with dogs dressed in costume.

Sunday was another portrait session with a fun family. They have a gorgeous 17 y/o and two 9 y/o twins that were rambunctious.

My girls and I enjoyed a lazy Sunday after the shoot and then gorged ourselves on margaritas & fajitas. We're detoxing this week, I promise. I'm going to roll into work an exhausted, bloated but content guy.

What'd you do?

What's In Your Bag?

2008-05-20 22:33:13


I tease Wonderwife about her bag obsessions which has blossomed even more since we carry a diaper bag around as well now. I really should be careful after I realized that I too carry a purse. So what kind of baggage does the Mojo carry?


  1. Magellan eXplorist GPS unit
  2. Microsoft wireless mouse
  3. Motorola bluetooth headset
  4. ipod data/charger cable
  5. moble phone data cable/charger
  6. Sony headphones
  7. 30GB video iPod
  8. Leatherman micromini tool
  9. Swiss army knife
  10. Moleskine notebook
  11. Photo Mojo business cards
  12. Flash drive case with 10GB storage total, an SD/miniSD card reader, SD adapter
  13. ATT 8925 Tilt smartphone with Windows Mobile & Office 2007, wifi, camera, video etc
  14. Dell Vostro 1500 and power brick
  15. Flip video camera (not shown)
  16. Nikon D50 w/ 18-55 kit lens (taking picture)

So yeah, I got a lot of crap I carry with me in my man purse. Just everything a mobile professional needs and nothing I don't. What's in your wallet?



If you have enjoyed this article, please add a comment and/or subscribe to this site's feed. Thanks!

I Wonder Why

2008-05-25 23:44:17

or what is holding me back from writing down the words in my head. Pride?  I want to produce something full of wit and epic in it's own right.


Can We Go Again?

2008-05-02 21:06:01

Can We Go Again?, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo.

Daphne just loves to slide!

Twelve Years & Counting

2008-05-04 15:07:06

My Girls, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo.

Today, Jenny and I enjoyed our twelfth anniversary by enjoying a cajun brunch and live jazz. I kept it simple with a ham/cheese omelette and she had the shrimp & grits. Afterwards found us on a stroll through the park and to watch Daphne swing and slide.


You are all I've ever dreamed of as a wife and all I ever needed as a friend. With love & pride,


Brunch Bunch

2008-05-04 17:51:49

Anniversary Brunch from Video Mojo on Vimeo.

To: Mom From: Chris

2008-05-10 21:15:17

"I'll love you forever. I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living my mommy you'll be."


I Suck

2008-05-08 22:03:24

Again, I am so overwhelmed at the many things I come across on my daily journeys on the interwebs. I am a digital nomad. I am a busy guy. So my blogging suffers and you are denied my wit. my sincerity, and me.

I've been relying on micro-blogging and photos to get by, to have something, ANYTHING posted for that day. Its frustrating & embarrassing. Are you using Twitter or Pownce or Jaiku? Befriend me and lets turn my monologue into a dialog together.

Weekend Update 5.18.08

2008-05-18 21:25:52

What another busy, fun, productive weekend! I hope yours was equally fun. My mother & her husband went to the Oklahoma panhandle to shoot at prairie dogs and jackrabbits. The cattle farmers appreciate this because the critters burrow holes that the cow's hooves fall into. I'd share photos of some of the kill but that'd be gross.

Just found out my father is on vacation this week to the Colorado Rockies. I'm jealous.

OK, back to me. I got to shoot the beautiful people attending Art on the Rocks vent at the Birmingham Museum of Art on Friday. Good times, music, drinks and culture. Happy times.

The girls and I did a photo shoot with Daphne on Saturday and then raced downtown for the annual Do Dah Day parade with dogs dressed in costume.

Sunday was another portrait session with a fun family. They have a gorgeous 17 y/o and two 9 y/o twins that were rambunctious.

My girls and I enjoyed a lazy Sunday after the shoot and then gorged ourselves on margaritas & fajitas. We're detoxing this week, I promise. I'm going to roll into work an exhausted, bloated but content guy.

What'd you do?

What's In Your Bag?

2008-05-20 22:33:13


I tease Wonderwife about her bag obsessions which has blossomed even more since we carry a diaper bag around as well now. I really should be careful after I realized that I too carry a purse. So what kind of baggage does the Mojo carry?


  1. Magellan eXplorist GPS unit
  2. Microsoft wireless mouse
  3. Motorola bluetooth headset
  4. ipod data/charger cable
  5. moble phone data cable/charger
  6. Sony headphones
  7. 30GB video iPod
  8. Leatherman micromini tool
  9. Swiss army knife
  10. Moleskine notebook
  11. Photo Mojo business cards
  12. Flash drive case with 10GB storage total, an SD/miniSD card reader, SD adapter
  13. ATT 8925 Tilt smartphone with Windows Mobile & Office 2007, wifi, camera, video etc
  14. Dell Vostro 1500 and power brick
  15. Flip video camera (not shown)
  16. Nikon D50 w/ 18-55 kit lens (taking picture)

So yeah, I got a lot of crap I carry with me in my man purse. Just everything a mobile professional needs and nothing I don't. What's in your wallet?



If you have enjoyed this article, please add a comment and/or subscribe to this site's feed. Thanks!

I Wonder Why

2008-05-25 23:44:17

or what is holding me back from writing down the words in my head. Pride?  I want to produce something full of wit and epic in it's own right.
