June 2008 Archive
The Winds of Change
2008-06-05 20:27:25
The Change Agent: Wednesday afternoon was when I found out that I had lost my job. After Daphne was born, Wonderwife & I decided it was best if the girls would stay at home and still feel this is what is best for Daphne. So the weight of the financial stability falls to the Mojo.
I survived a layoff from the same company 2 weeks before Daphne was born and was laid of from a previous job that was moving to El Paso. No thanks.
This solidified our decision to pack our bags and leave Birmingham, Alabama for Houston, Texas. WW has her parents there and Daphne will get to see family often. For the first time in our entire marriage (12 yrs), we will be living in a city with family in it.
The City:
Houston, Texas is a huge town with almost 5 million people and unlimited opportunity. In fact, I am happy to say that I already have a job.
What We Leave Behind:
I have been in Birmingham for six years and fell in love with it. The surrounding mountains, the nearby destinations, the people is what makes it difficult in leaving. I've met a ton of people here in this city that has made my life better & I won't be able to name them all here. I have grown so much from this network of people who in true Southern style, embraced outsiders and made them feel welcome. Thank you.
Here are a few snippets of well wishes from friends/contacts:
rock & roll mojo!
wow. big news. bham will miss the mojo
What? Wow! Geez. That's great? I guess? LOL. Surprise, surprise, surprise. I didn't see that one coming but wish you great luck.
We will miss the anecdotes that only the mojo could bring
But who's gonna take my pictures from now on??
Congrats... Big change, which is fitting since isn't everything bigger in texas?
wow! Congrats on your new job! Sucks for Bham though, but good for you. Best of luck!
Moving Out & Moving On
We bought our first home here. We had our first child here (do we classify her as a Southerner or a Texan)? So many numerous occasions and memories to take with us an yet we are happy to leave. It is time to go. Onward & upward. Closer to family and to make new friends while still embracing our current ones. The internet makes this possible.
Our target date is the July 4th weekend so we have about a month left here in the deep south. We look forward to getting the most out of Birmingham while we can.
You stay classy, Birmingham!
If you have enjoyed this article, please add a comment and/or subscribe to this site’s feed. Thanks!
Big Girl
2008-06-08 22:24:37
2008-06-09 03:21:10
The weekend after we found out we are moving to Houston found us sorting our basement & garage into nice neat sections. This is our 4th move in twelve years and it never ceases to amaze me how much stuff we bring onto ourselves. This time around we're blessed with baby stuff. Her stuff may very well take up half of the moving van itself.
It was surprising how easy it has been in deciding which of my possessions lived, died or find new homes elsewhere. We're hosting a moving sale on Friday/Saturday and placing items for sale on Craigslist. There can't be too much worse than having a sale where people pick over your stuff, ignore the sticker price and offer half of the already deeply discounted price.
Okay...back to work.

My First Father's Day
2008-06-15 16:44:17
There cannot be enough positive adjectives to describe how I feel when I say how happy I am to have Daphne in my life. She brings me so much joy. Without shame or pretense, I have to say that she is the cutest baby I have seen. Ever. I think Wonderwife & I did a pretty good job and we thank God for giving her to us.
She and Wonderwife got me some really neat/practical/cool presents such as the Wolverine all-in-one media reader and the Wacom graphic tablet. These will both help when processing photos. Thanks girls!
I want to wish a special thank you to my own father. He likes to quote Bill Cosby a lot in saying: "I brought you into this world & I can take you out. It doesn't make a difference to me because I can make another one look just like you." I owe a lot of who I am thanks to him, both good & bad. Happy father's day, dad. I love you.

What a Big Girl!!!
2008-06-15 17:14:12
2008-06-16 15:29:36
Wonderwife had turned on the television to unwind after our moving sale Saturday and stopped the channel flipping on a showing of Pixar's animated movie, Monsters Inc. What stopped us was the fact that monsters are supposed to scare children and the child on screen (nicknamed Boo) looks VERY similar to our little Daphne when she has her hair in pigtails.
The clincher? Daphne blows raspberries at us, just like Boo does to a monster on screen.
See a resemblance?

Innovation & Adoption
2008-06-24 03:58:01
Is it me or is there very little new, creative & innovative web technologies being cranked out lately? There are tons of services with almost all of them mimicking each other and very few standouts such as Flickr, Delicious, Wordpress etc. Why are we using 4 different web apps that do the same thing in a different way? We are too spread out. Let us pick one excellent service & stick with it.
Microblogging Examples:
- Twitter- mojodenbow
- Pownce- mojodenbow
- Jaiku- mojodenbow
- Brightkite- mojodenbow
- Plurk- you guessed it, mojodenbow
At the same time, most of these services have been around for a few years and is finally seen widespread acceptance of people that are not early adopters/users i.e. Twitter, Youtube, Gmail.
So my question is, what is next for we who like to break in the newest and shiniest web toys? What tools do we have in our web toolbox that are used so frequently, they are as common place as email is?
Also, most of these services are free and even offer paid services. Which ones would/do you pay for because they are so invaluable?
Hell Week
2008-06-24 04:56:29
Crunch time here at Casa de Mojo. We're wrapping up our keep/sell/trash mode by selling a lot of stuff on Craigslist, garage sales and even a Twitter sale. Our packing is ongoing as boxes are scarce. Apparently I am in an unspoken contest for boxes at our nearest grocery store with another customer so when the truck arrives Tuesday/Thursdays I will be waiting like a hungry scavenger looking for scraps & bones. Yes, I am too cheap to buy boxes.
All utilities except for power are scheduled for shut-off. Services are suspended or transferred to Texas.
As if I don't have enough on my plate by migrating to Houston, I'm still taking on extra activities such as a few portrait sessions, conference planning sessions, and meetups. How ironic is it that the people I see online here locally and am big fans of, I finally meet and then I split? If you aren't reading Ike, Brian, Lauren or Kenny then you have no taste. Honestly. There are way too many more friends over the past 5 years to mention here. I mentioned before that the hardest part about leaving Birmingham is the people and it is truer now than when I said it. The Esmans have been a real blessing lately because they have adopted our dog, Allie and even granted me a few photo gigs.
The rest of the week will be fast & furious with more of the same, plus we are flying to Chicago for the weekend for Wonderwife's family reunion with people we see every 5 years or so. We're back on Sunday night but then I am driving the girls to Houston on Monday, flying back to Birmingham on Tuesday, finishing up business here, loading the moving truck & heading out for Texas on Friday.
I'm considering taking up several generous offers of loading up the van with promises of adult beverages next week. If you are interested, let me know.
thanks to Werner for the photo
Storage Sneak Peek
2008-06-25 19:17:39
Packing the boxes isn't enough. Taking them downstairs is the hard part!

Buddy Guy Blues Jam Session
2008-06-15 00:50:13
Ben Harper
2008-06-15 00:50:36
2008-06-15 16:02:06
Yesterday we said goodbye to Allie, our 7 yr old family dog. We had her since she was a little puppy in Missouri. When we decided to move to Texas next month, we knew we could not take her with us and it broke our hearts to give her away.
What makes this easier for us is knowing that she is with a really nice family now. She has 3 girls and another dog to play with as well as loving parents. We couldn't be happier in our choice to give her up. We know she will be loved and cared for. Thank you, Esmans, we appreciate this.
Goodbye, Allie, we love and miss you!

Got My Mojo Workin'
2008-06-17 11:01:38
2008-06-22 13:29:51
Sold: deep freezer, sofa, chairs. Ladder is spoken for. Thanks gang, keep em coming!
We've had a garage sale and listed these items on Craigslist and got a lot of inquiries & hits. So far no takers, which is odd. Good prices on good pieces here. See something you like? Add your comment or send me an email mojodenbow@gmail.com Twitter me @mojodenbow
Haier 5 cu ft deep freezer- almost new! $75
Wood desk (accessories not included!)- $25
Sleeper Sofa with Queen bed- $250
2 chairs and ottoman-
4 drawer wood, vintage dresser- $30
16' extension ladder- $50
metal desk & matching credenza- both for $65
Other items coming soon: washer/dryer, refrigerator, lawnmower, workbench. Interested?
Life Imitates Art
2008-06-29 23:20:35
As an aficionado of good music and blues, I was struck by how odd that 2 of my favorite songs on the Blues Brothers soundtrack have to do with our lives in a span of one week. This past weekend we visited Chicago (Sweet Home Chicago) for Wonderwife's family reunion and today we are taking off for Katy (She Caught the Katy), Texas outside of Houston.
"We're on a mission from God."
The Winds of Change
2008-06-05 20:27:25
The Change Agent: Wednesday afternoon was when I found out that I had lost my job. After Daphne was born, Wonderwife & I decided it was best if the girls would stay at home and still feel this is what is best for Daphne. So the weight of the financial stability falls to the Mojo.
I survived a layoff from the same company 2 weeks before Daphne was born and was laid of from a previous job that was moving to El Paso. No thanks.
This solidified our decision to pack our bags and leave Birmingham, Alabama for Houston, Texas. WW has her parents there and Daphne will get to see family often. For the first time in our entire marriage (12 yrs), we will be living in a city with family in it.
The City:
Houston, Texas is a huge town with almost 5 million people and unlimited opportunity. In fact, I am happy to say that I already have a job.
What We Leave Behind:
I have been in Birmingham for six years and fell in love with it. The surrounding mountains, the nearby destinations, the people is what makes it difficult in leaving. I've met a ton of people here in this city that has made my life better & I won't be able to name them all here. I have grown so much from this network of people who in true Southern style, embraced outsiders and made them feel welcome. Thank you.
Here are a few snippets of well wishes from friends/contacts:
rock & roll mojo!
wow. big news. bham will miss the mojo
What? Wow! Geez. That's great? I guess? LOL. Surprise, surprise, surprise. I didn't see that one coming but wish you great luck.
We will miss the anecdotes that only the mojo could bring
But who's gonna take my pictures from now on??
Congrats... Big change, which is fitting since isn't everything bigger in texas?
wow! Congrats on your new job! Sucks for Bham though, but good for you. Best of luck!
Moving Out & Moving On
We bought our first home here. We had our first child here (do we classify her as a Southerner or a Texan)? So many numerous occasions and memories to take with us an yet we are happy to leave. It is time to go. Onward & upward. Closer to family and to make new friends while still embracing our current ones. The internet makes this possible.
Our target date is the July 4th weekend so we have about a month left here in the deep south. We look forward to getting the most out of Birmingham while we can.
You stay classy, Birmingham!
If you have enjoyed this article, please add a comment and/or subscribe to this site’s feed. Thanks!
Big Girl
2008-06-08 22:24:37
2008-06-09 03:21:10
The weekend after we found out we are moving to Houston found us sorting our basement & garage into nice neat sections. This is our 4th move in twelve years and it never ceases to amaze me how much stuff we bring onto ourselves. This time around we're blessed with baby stuff. Her stuff may very well take up half of the moving van itself.
It was surprising how easy it has been in deciding which of my possessions lived, died or find new homes elsewhere. We're hosting a moving sale on Friday/Saturday and placing items for sale on Craigslist. There can't be too much worse than having a sale where people pick over your stuff, ignore the sticker price and offer half of the already deeply discounted price.
Okay...back to work.

My First Father's Day
2008-06-15 16:44:17
There cannot be enough positive adjectives to describe how I feel when I say how happy I am to have Daphne in my life. She brings me so much joy. Without shame or pretense, I have to say that she is the cutest baby I have seen. Ever. I think Wonderwife & I did a pretty good job and we thank God for giving her to us.
She and Wonderwife got me some really neat/practical/cool presents such as the Wolverine all-in-one media reader and the Wacom graphic tablet. These will both help when processing photos. Thanks girls!
I want to wish a special thank you to my own father. He likes to quote Bill Cosby a lot in saying: "I brought you into this world & I can take you out. It doesn't make a difference to me because I can make another one look just like you." I owe a lot of who I am thanks to him, both good & bad. Happy father's day, dad. I love you.

What a Big Girl!!!
2008-06-15 17:14:12
2008-06-16 15:29:36
Wonderwife had turned on the television to unwind after our moving sale Saturday and stopped the channel flipping on a showing of Pixar's animated movie, Monsters Inc. What stopped us was the fact that monsters are supposed to scare children and the child on screen (nicknamed Boo) looks VERY similar to our little Daphne when she has her hair in pigtails.
The clincher? Daphne blows raspberries at us, just like Boo does to a monster on screen.
See a resemblance?

Innovation & Adoption
2008-06-24 03:58:01
Is it me or is there very little new, creative & innovative web technologies being cranked out lately? There are tons of services with almost all of them mimicking each other and very few standouts such as Flickr, Delicious, Wordpress etc. Why are we using 4 different web apps that do the same thing in a different way? We are too spread out. Let us pick one excellent service & stick with it.
Microblogging Examples:
- Twitter- mojodenbow
- Pownce- mojodenbow
- Jaiku- mojodenbow
- Brightkite- mojodenbow
- Plurk- you guessed it, mojodenbow
At the same time, most of these services have been around for a few years and is finally seen widespread acceptance of people that are not early adopters/users i.e. Twitter, Youtube, Gmail.
So my question is, what is next for we who like to break in the newest and shiniest web toys? What tools do we have in our web toolbox that are used so frequently, they are as common place as email is?
Also, most of these services are free and even offer paid services. Which ones would/do you pay for because they are so invaluable?
Hell Week
2008-06-24 04:56:29
Crunch time here at Casa de Mojo. We're wrapping up our keep/sell/trash mode by selling a lot of stuff on Craigslist, garage sales and even a Twitter sale. Our packing is ongoing as boxes are scarce. Apparently I am in an unspoken contest for boxes at our nearest grocery store with another customer so when the truck arrives Tuesday/Thursdays I will be waiting like a hungry scavenger looking for scraps & bones. Yes, I am too cheap to buy boxes.
All utilities except for power are scheduled for shut-off. Services are suspended or transferred to Texas.
As if I don't have enough on my plate by migrating to Houston, I'm still taking on extra activities such as a few portrait sessions, conference planning sessions, and meetups. How ironic is it that the people I see online here locally and am big fans of, I finally meet and then I split? If you aren't reading Ike, Brian, Lauren or Kenny then you have no taste. Honestly. There are way too many more friends over the past 5 years to mention here. I mentioned before that the hardest part about leaving Birmingham is the people and it is truer now than when I said it. The Esmans have been a real blessing lately because they have adopted our dog, Allie and even granted me a few photo gigs.
The rest of the week will be fast & furious with more of the same, plus we are flying to Chicago for the weekend for Wonderwife's family reunion with people we see every 5 years or so. We're back on Sunday night but then I am driving the girls to Houston on Monday, flying back to Birmingham on Tuesday, finishing up business here, loading the moving truck & heading out for Texas on Friday.
I'm considering taking up several generous offers of loading up the van with promises of adult beverages next week. If you are interested, let me know.
thanks to Werner for the photo
Storage Sneak Peek
2008-06-25 19:17:39
Packing the boxes isn't enough. Taking them downstairs is the hard part!

Buddy Guy Blues Jam Session
2008-06-15 00:50:13
Ben Harper
2008-06-15 00:50:36
2008-06-15 16:02:06
Yesterday we said goodbye to Allie, our 7 yr old family dog. We had her since she was a little puppy in Missouri. When we decided to move to Texas next month, we knew we could not take her with us and it broke our hearts to give her away.
What makes this easier for us is knowing that she is with a really nice family now. She has 3 girls and another dog to play with as well as loving parents. We couldn't be happier in our choice to give her up. We know she will be loved and cared for. Thank you, Esmans, we appreciate this.
Goodbye, Allie, we love and miss you!

Got My Mojo Workin'
2008-06-17 11:01:38
2008-06-22 13:29:51
Sold: deep freezer, sofa, chairs. Ladder is spoken for. Thanks gang, keep em coming!
We've had a garage sale and listed these items on Craigslist and got a lot of inquiries & hits. So far no takers, which is odd. Good prices on good pieces here. See something you like? Add your comment or send me an email mojodenbow@gmail.com Twitter me @mojodenbow
Haier 5 cu ft deep freezer- almost new! $75
Wood desk (accessories not included!)- $25
Sleeper Sofa with Queen bed- $250
2 chairs and ottoman-
4 drawer wood, vintage dresser- $30
16' extension ladder- $50
metal desk & matching credenza- both for $65
Other items coming soon: washer/dryer, refrigerator, lawnmower, workbench. Interested?
Life Imitates Art
2008-06-29 23:20:35
As an aficionado of good music and blues, I was struck by how odd that 2 of my favorite songs on the Blues Brothers soundtrack have to do with our lives in a span of one week. This past weekend we visited Chicago (Sweet Home Chicago) for Wonderwife's family reunion and today we are taking off for Katy (She Caught the Katy), Texas outside of Houston.
"We're on a mission from God."
The Winds of Change
2008-06-05 20:27:25
The Change Agent: Wednesday afternoon was when I found out that I had lost my job. After Daphne was born, Wonderwife & I decided it was best if the girls would stay at home and still feel this is what is best for Daphne. So the weight of the financial stability falls to the Mojo.
I survived a layoff from the same company 2 weeks before Daphne was born and was laid of from a previous job that was moving to El Paso. No thanks.
This solidified our decision to pack our bags and leave Birmingham, Alabama for Houston, Texas. WW has her parents there and Daphne will get to see family often. For the first time in our entire marriage (12 yrs), we will be living in a city with family in it.
The City:
Houston, Texas is a huge town with almost 5 million people and unlimited opportunity. In fact, I am happy to say that I already have a job.
What We Leave Behind:
I have been in Birmingham for six years and fell in love with it. The surrounding mountains, the nearby destinations, the people is what makes it difficult in leaving. I've met a ton of people here in this city that has made my life better & I won't be able to name them all here. I have grown so much from this network of people who in true Southern style, embraced outsiders and made them feel welcome. Thank you.
Here are a few snippets of well wishes from friends/contacts:
rock & roll mojo!
wow. big news. bham will miss the mojo
What? Wow! Geez. That's great? I guess? LOL. Surprise, surprise, surprise. I didn't see that one coming but wish you great luck.
We will miss the anecdotes that only the mojo could bring
But who's gonna take my pictures from now on??
Congrats... Big change, which is fitting since isn't everything bigger in texas?
wow! Congrats on your new job! Sucks for Bham though, but good for you. Best of luck!
Moving Out & Moving On
We bought our first home here. We had our first child here (do we classify her as a Southerner or a Texan)? So many numerous occasions and memories to take with us an yet we are happy to leave. It is time to go. Onward & upward. Closer to family and to make new friends while still embracing our current ones. The internet makes this possible.
Our target date is the July 4th weekend so we have about a month left here in the deep south. We look forward to getting the most out of Birmingham while we can.
You stay classy, Birmingham!
If you have enjoyed this article, please add a comment and/or subscribe to this site’s feed. Thanks!
Big Girl
2008-06-08 22:24:37
2008-06-09 03:21:10
The weekend after we found out we are moving to Houston found us sorting our basement & garage into nice neat sections. This is our 4th move in twelve years and it never ceases to amaze me how much stuff we bring onto ourselves. This time around we're blessed with baby stuff. Her stuff may very well take up half of the moving van itself.
It was surprising how easy it has been in deciding which of my possessions lived, died or find new homes elsewhere. We're hosting a moving sale on Friday/Saturday and placing items for sale on Craigslist. There can't be too much worse than having a sale where people pick over your stuff, ignore the sticker price and offer half of the already deeply discounted price.
Okay...back to work.

My First Father's Day
2008-06-15 16:44:17
There cannot be enough positive adjectives to describe how I feel when I say how happy I am to have Daphne in my life. She brings me so much joy. Without shame or pretense, I have to say that she is the cutest baby I have seen. Ever. I think Wonderwife & I did a pretty good job and we thank God for giving her to us.
She and Wonderwife got me some really neat/practical/cool presents such as the Wolverine all-in-one media reader and the Wacom graphic tablet. These will both help when processing photos. Thanks girls!
I want to wish a special thank you to my own father. He likes to quote Bill Cosby a lot in saying: "I brought you into this world & I can take you out. It doesn't make a difference to me because I can make another one look just like you." I owe a lot of who I am thanks to him, both good & bad. Happy father's day, dad. I love you.

What a Big Girl!!!
2008-06-15 17:14:12
2008-06-16 15:29:36
Wonderwife had turned on the television to unwind after our moving sale Saturday and stopped the channel flipping on a showing of Pixar's animated movie, Monsters Inc. What stopped us was the fact that monsters are supposed to scare children and the child on screen (nicknamed Boo) looks VERY similar to our little Daphne when she has her hair in pigtails.
The clincher? Daphne blows raspberries at us, just like Boo does to a monster on screen.
See a resemblance?

Innovation & Adoption
2008-06-24 03:58:01
Is it me or is there very little new, creative & innovative web technologies being cranked out lately? There are tons of services with almost all of them mimicking each other and very few standouts such as Flickr, Delicious, Wordpress etc. Why are we using 4 different web apps that do the same thing in a different way? We are too spread out. Let us pick one excellent service & stick with it.
Microblogging Examples:
- Twitter- mojodenbow
- Pownce- mojodenbow
- Jaiku- mojodenbow
- Brightkite- mojodenbow
- Plurk- you guessed it, mojodenbow
At the same time, most of these services have been around for a few years and is finally seen widespread acceptance of people that are not early adopters/users i.e. Twitter, Youtube, Gmail.
So my question is, what is next for we who like to break in the newest and shiniest web toys? What tools do we have in our web toolbox that are used so frequently, they are as common place as email is?
Also, most of these services are free and even offer paid services. Which ones would/do you pay for because they are so invaluable?
Hell Week
2008-06-24 04:56:29
Crunch time here at Casa de Mojo. We're wrapping up our keep/sell/trash mode by selling a lot of stuff on Craigslist, garage sales and even a Twitter sale. Our packing is ongoing as boxes are scarce. Apparently I am in an unspoken contest for boxes at our nearest grocery store with another customer so when the truck arrives Tuesday/Thursdays I will be waiting like a hungry scavenger looking for scraps & bones. Yes, I am too cheap to buy boxes.
All utilities except for power are scheduled for shut-off. Services are suspended or transferred to Texas.
As if I don't have enough on my plate by migrating to Houston, I'm still taking on extra activities such as a few portrait sessions, conference planning sessions, and meetups. How ironic is it that the people I see online here locally and am big fans of, I finally meet and then I split? If you aren't reading Ike, Brian, Lauren or Kenny then you have no taste. Honestly. There are way too many more friends over the past 5 years to mention here. I mentioned before that the hardest part about leaving Birmingham is the people and it is truer now than when I said it. The Esmans have been a real blessing lately because they have adopted our dog, Allie and even granted me a few photo gigs.
The rest of the week will be fast & furious with more of the same, plus we are flying to Chicago for the weekend for Wonderwife's family reunion with people we see every 5 years or so. We're back on Sunday night but then I am driving the girls to Houston on Monday, flying back to Birmingham on Tuesday, finishing up business here, loading the moving truck & heading out for Texas on Friday.
I'm considering taking up several generous offers of loading up the van with promises of adult beverages next week. If you are interested, let me know.
thanks to Werner for the photo
Storage Sneak Peek
2008-06-25 19:17:39
Packing the boxes isn't enough. Taking them downstairs is the hard part!

Buddy Guy Blues Jam Session
2008-06-15 00:50:13
Ben Harper
2008-06-15 00:50:36
2008-06-15 16:02:06
Yesterday we said goodbye to Allie, our 7 yr old family dog. We had her since she was a little puppy in Missouri. When we decided to move to Texas next month, we knew we could not take her with us and it broke our hearts to give her away.
What makes this easier for us is knowing that she is with a really nice family now. She has 3 girls and another dog to play with as well as loving parents. We couldn't be happier in our choice to give her up. We know she will be loved and cared for. Thank you, Esmans, we appreciate this.
Goodbye, Allie, we love and miss you!

Got My Mojo Workin'
2008-06-17 11:01:38
2008-06-22 13:29:51
Sold: deep freezer, sofa, chairs. Ladder is spoken for. Thanks gang, keep em coming!
We've had a garage sale and listed these items on Craigslist and got a lot of inquiries & hits. So far no takers, which is odd. Good prices on good pieces here. See something you like? Add your comment or send me an email mojodenbow@gmail.com Twitter me @mojodenbow
Haier 5 cu ft deep freezer- almost new! $75
Wood desk (accessories not included!)- $25
Sleeper Sofa with Queen bed- $250
2 chairs and ottoman-
4 drawer wood, vintage dresser- $30
16' extension ladder- $50
metal desk & matching credenza- both for $65
Other items coming soon: washer/dryer, refrigerator, lawnmower, workbench. Interested?
Life Imitates Art
2008-06-29 23:20:35
As an aficionado of good music and blues, I was struck by how odd that 2 of my favorite songs on the Blues Brothers soundtrack have to do with our lives in a span of one week. This past weekend we visited Chicago (Sweet Home Chicago) for Wonderwife's family reunion and today we are taking off for Katy (She Caught the Katy), Texas outside of Houston.
"We're on a mission from God."