August 2008 Archive
Show's Over
2008-08-01 07:36:41
You Will Get Wet On This Ride
2008-08-04 21:57:26
Looks like we're in the path of Mr. Ed here in Houston. Not expecting any damage here in Katy but we should get a nice soaking from it provided the winds stay lower than hurricane force. A few people on Twitter suggested we have a tweetup on the Galveston Island seawall to greet Ed. Sounds like fun!
Date Night
2008-08-08 14:02:06
Holy moly! Has it really been over a year since WonderWife went out on a date? Where did the time go? How does a married couple date these days? It has been too long.
We have a very good reason and she is being watched by her grandparents tonight. So goodnight, little DVD... we love and miss you but we need time for ourselves!
Redesigning The Mojo
2008-08-17 19:49:05

Wonderwife just received a birthday makeover with new hairstyle this weekend and looks fantastic! While she was enjoying that, little DVD and I headed out for a daddy/daughter day that included shopping for WW, playing, eating out and a quick nap. With her makeover and a quick look into the mirror (and scale), it was decided a makeover for the Mojo was long overdue.
- Specific, daily workouts
- Better nutrition (no junk or fast food!)
- De-stress
- supplements
- yoga(?)
- Learn something new
- Get back into printed books
- Read the Bible daily
- find a church home here in Houston
- unplug and truly be more social as opposed to Twitter, IM, Skype
- Rebuild my network of fascinating people
At 35 pushing 36, I need this. Watching Olympians train and achieve their goals is pretty good inspiration this week. Not to mention Wonderwife is strutting around the house, bragging that not only is she younger than I am, but looks & feels like it too. I'm getting a redesign. Makeover sounds so....girly.
photo courtesy of Mindy
Happy 35th Birthday, WonderWife!
2008-08-19 07:00:14
I love you, Jenny.
survey Says...
2008-08-20 19:46:27

Software programs and web applications are very handy, but which ones do you use most?
Let me break it down for everyone.
- operating system
- office and document suites
- email service
- instant messenger
- media player
- RSS feed reader
- internet browser
- PC protection
- photo service
- bookmark manager
- online maps
- blog software
- widgets
- add-ons/extensions
- calendar/event manager
This is a pretty good breakdown of tools that most of us use on a daily basis. Others are frequent but not as important. If you are like me, you have more than one application for each category but have just the one that you use the most.
So in the comments section, list your faves and maybe even try to justify it a little bit. Maybe someone reading your suggestions is sitting on a fence and may lean towards it with your help.
Example: 3 OS: MS Vista on one PC for testing, WinXP Media Center, Ubuntu Linux on the laptop.
Add yourself to the informal poll!
Now What?
2008-08-20 19:59:25

The Next Best Thing
Is it me or are you looking for the next best thing in software? Gadgets are nice, but who can afford all of them? Most of them are obsolete after you unwrap it. With software and web apps though, they can become a tool that is used daily. To prevent obsolescence, the software is modified and enhanced (or should be).
I use Flickr,, Gmail, ,Skype, FeedDemon, Firefox 3, Wordpress on a daily basis. These are absolutely essential to my daily life. I am sure there are a few more apps, but who can keep up with them all?
I am at the point now where I still enjoy testing new software for companies, provide feedback and write up a review/opinion, but I also want to integrate them into my daily world too.
At what point does something move from “shiny new thing” to a usable tool? The answer is “when your mother uses it”. Also, when you use it daily. How long did it take for email integration? Instant messaging? When Time magazine listed “You” as the person of the year, several articles mentioned Web 2.0 companies and trends. Have we crossed over yet? Is web 2.0 mainstream? Not yet because it has not been generally accepted by moms everywhere. Ask yourself, “Does mom use RSS? Why not?”
So my original question remains, now what? I’ve checked the memes out there this week and nothing is piquing my interest. A new social site here, a clone software app there. What is original? What can I use daily?
So many questions, I know, but I’ll finish with one more: What are you seeing out there that you can share with us?
2008-08-24 19:22:30
2008-08-28 08:00:36

Today is my little girl's first birthday. Wow. I've been thinking of what I wanted to say to commemorate this occasion for awhile now but for some reason just get too emotional. This time last year, Wonderwife was at the hospital 3 weeks before the due date for a routine baby check-up when the doctor said she was ready to go. At 7:37PM, little Daphne changed our lives forever.
The first thing I saw of her was the gorgeous, brown hair and then when I saw the rest of her I cried. Profusely. Already I was a proud father and could not be happier. If possible, I love Wonderwife even more for bringing us Daphne.
The past couple of months have seen amazing change in her when she started walking around 9 months, starting to talk (overjoyed when I walked in and she said "Hi da-da"), has become more social including flirting with the preacher's 4 yr old kid, and has even started kicking/dribbling a soccer ball around the living room!
Daphne Veronica: your mother and I love you very much and we are overwhelmed with happiness that you bring to us. Happy birthday!

80's Video Mojo
2008-08-04 22:33:58
Just like every other teen guy in the 80's, I secretly wished I was Robert Palmer for a day.
Welcome to Houston, Edouard!
2008-08-05 10:36:40
Lone Star
2008-08-09 21:54:39
This is difficult to admit for a guy who was born/raised, as an Okie but I am enjoying being a Texan now. I've been here in Houston a month and am loving almost every bit of it. One aspect I enjoy has been comparing Texas beers like Shiner Bock and Lone Star. Previously, I have been a big fan of British ales, stouts, Mexican and recently settled down on Budweiser. Now, since Budweiser has sold out to the Belgians, I want an American beer.
Yep, I am loving Lone Star beer. Not only is it American, but it is TEXAN, damn it!
Challenge: If you see the Mojo at a function/event with a Lone Star beer in hand and snap a photo, you get a case of the good stuff on me. Free beer? Yowza...

2008-08-10 21:18:07
Lets face it, The Mojo Network wouldn’t be around if it wasn’t for your readership and participation, I know this and it is encouraging. Heck, it inspires me to keep it up. I won’t quit my day job over it because lets face it, this is one of many hobbies for this enthusiast. So, enough about me for now. What about you?
Here’s your opportunity to share your passions. Want free advertising? Shoot me an email to mojodenbow AT with “Me, Me, Me” in the subject line. Add your company name, what you do there, the service it provides, company home page or blog. Your company may be chosen at random to get some free ad space on this site.
Got a project you are working on that needs publicity? Add it to the comments of this article or shoot me an email.
Do you write/maintain a bLog that needs a little link love? Gimme.
Festival coming soon? Shoot me the details and we’ll promote it.
Shameless plugs are welcome.
Have something to say about a product or service mentioned in previous articles? Why not express your opinion in the comments so others can join in on the discussion? Who knows, you may just start a conversation that affects change.
Let’s turn my monologue into a dialogue.
2008-08-18 21:52:01

Daphne was born with a full head of hair and was down to her chin/shoulders until today when Wonderwife decided to take matters into her own scissors. Here is the result of her first haircut. It is amazing to me that an almost-one-year-old can have this much hair, but then again, she comes by it honestly!

The Mojo at 9 months
My mother tells me that when I was 6 months old, my father locked us into the bathroom and cut my locks while mom was trying to bang the door down. He was tired of everyone saying "what a cute girl you have there". Of course, it grew back...
It's All Connected
2008-08-20 19:18:27

With so many websites in the Mojo Network, I don’t have time to add blog posts to every social site I am a member of. These websites are my spaces. I am paying for the domain names and server space so why would I consistently use the free, hosted sites? As someone recently said “It’s like remodeling your kitchen in the home that you rent” it just adds content to something that isn’t yours and the host makes money off of the content. No thanks!
So why am I on Facebook/MySpace/lickr, etc? Because a lot of people are on them. You go where the traffic is to glean information and to network. Also, think of the social sites as parties. You go to see and be seen, and have a good time doing it, right? The same holds true online as well. With RSS feeds, and open networks between all of the various web apps, I don’t have to go to say, Facebook and post content from Photo Mojo because it is done automagically.
Facebook- I use this strictly as a means to view what others are doing or find interesting. Anytime one of my contacts adds something it is tracked and delivered via RSS feed so I can bypass the site and its increasing advertisements. Look me up: Chris Denbow
Linked In- Think of it as a web 2.0 contact book for workers seeking to expand their professional network. Let’s get linked: Chris “Mojo” Denbow
Plaxo- Used to be the bane of the professional world because of spamming issues and no privacy but has cleaned up and makes nice with more than a few applications since joining Google’s Open Social initiative. I just recently signed up so I can add/remove/sync all of my contacts from Gmail, Outlook, LinkedIn and my smartphone. Add me: Chris “Mojo” Denbow
Outlook 2007- quickly becoming my first stop when managing contacts as well as a social tool. Third party software including Xobni (inbox spelled backwards) allows you to connect with your contacts.
Windows Mobile 6.1- all contacts are stored into my phone, just in case it is needed. Sync’d with Outlook/Plaxo/Gmail/LinkedIn it is an indispensable tool on my smartphone. By using Fring, mobileware that allows you to chat with your contacts via Google Talk, Skype, Twitter, etc the value just increased.
Groups- Got a collaborative project? Need to connect with like-minded people? Both Yahoo & Google Groups are the place to go when you want secure interaction and a place to hang out collectively.
Twitter- almost as good as instant messaging individuals and groups about whatever it is on your mind or for event tracking in 140 characters or less for each “tweet”. Read/Share tweets: mojodenbow
These sites and connections help build my digital brand and allow me to meet new people both on/offline. There are people I meet with similar passions out there that I want to share with. There are a huge number of folks I meet that I need information and can learn from.
What social tools do you use to connect with new people, contacts? Let me know!
PhotoCamp Houston
2008-08-27 21:39:47

Coming in January, passionate photographers in the area will gather for an UNconference to discuss, learn and share all things photography. I'll go into further details as time allows and pieces fall into place but for now, if you are interested, go ahead and add yourself to the wiki page and follow us on Twitter!
PhotoCamp Houston wiki:
Twitter: @PhotoCampHouston
logo courtesy of David Herrold, thanks!
Show's Over
2008-08-01 07:36:41
You Will Get Wet On This Ride
2008-08-04 21:57:26
Looks like we're in the path of Mr. Ed here in Houston. Not expecting any damage here in Katy but we should get a nice soaking from it provided the winds stay lower than hurricane force. A few people on Twitter suggested we have a tweetup on the Galveston Island seawall to greet Ed. Sounds like fun!
Date Night
2008-08-08 14:02:06
Holy moly! Has it really been over a year since WonderWife went out on a date? Where did the time go? How does a married couple date these days? It has been too long.
We have a very good reason and she is being watched by her grandparents tonight. So goodnight, little DVD... we love and miss you but we need time for ourselves!
Redesigning The Mojo
2008-08-17 19:49:05

Wonderwife just received a birthday makeover with new hairstyle this weekend and looks fantastic! While she was enjoying that, little DVD and I headed out for a daddy/daughter day that included shopping for WW, playing, eating out and a quick nap. With her makeover and a quick look into the mirror (and scale), it was decided a makeover for the Mojo was long overdue.
- Specific, daily workouts
- Better nutrition (no junk or fast food!)
- De-stress
- supplements
- yoga(?)
- Learn something new
- Get back into printed books
- Read the Bible daily
- find a church home here in Houston
- unplug and truly be more social as opposed to Twitter, IM, Skype
- Rebuild my network of fascinating people
At 35 pushing 36, I need this. Watching Olympians train and achieve their goals is pretty good inspiration this week. Not to mention Wonderwife is strutting around the house, bragging that not only is she younger than I am, but looks & feels like it too. I'm getting a redesign. Makeover sounds so....girly.
photo courtesy of Mindy
Happy 35th Birthday, WonderWife!
2008-08-19 07:00:14
I love you, Jenny.
survey Says...
2008-08-20 19:46:27

Software programs and web applications are very handy, but which ones do you use most?
Let me break it down for everyone.
- operating system
- office and document suites
- email service
- instant messenger
- media player
- RSS feed reader
- internet browser
- PC protection
- photo service
- bookmark manager
- online maps
- blog software
- widgets
- add-ons/extensions
- calendar/event manager
This is a pretty good breakdown of tools that most of us use on a daily basis. Others are frequent but not as important. If you are like me, you have more than one application for each category but have just the one that you use the most.
So in the comments section, list your faves and maybe even try to justify it a little bit. Maybe someone reading your suggestions is sitting on a fence and may lean towards it with your help.
Example: 3 OS: MS Vista on one PC for testing, WinXP Media Center, Ubuntu Linux on the laptop.
Add yourself to the informal poll!
Now What?
2008-08-20 19:59:25

The Next Best Thing
Is it me or are you looking for the next best thing in software? Gadgets are nice, but who can afford all of them? Most of them are obsolete after you unwrap it. With software and web apps though, they can become a tool that is used daily. To prevent obsolescence, the software is modified and enhanced (or should be).
I use Flickr,, Gmail, ,Skype, FeedDemon, Firefox 3, Wordpress on a daily basis. These are absolutely essential to my daily life. I am sure there are a few more apps, but who can keep up with them all?
I am at the point now where I still enjoy testing new software for companies, provide feedback and write up a review/opinion, but I also want to integrate them into my daily world too.
At what point does something move from “shiny new thing” to a usable tool? The answer is “when your mother uses it”. Also, when you use it daily. How long did it take for email integration? Instant messaging? When Time magazine listed “You” as the person of the year, several articles mentioned Web 2.0 companies and trends. Have we crossed over yet? Is web 2.0 mainstream? Not yet because it has not been generally accepted by moms everywhere. Ask yourself, “Does mom use RSS? Why not?”
So my original question remains, now what? I’ve checked the memes out there this week and nothing is piquing my interest. A new social site here, a clone software app there. What is original? What can I use daily?
So many questions, I know, but I’ll finish with one more: What are you seeing out there that you can share with us?
2008-08-24 19:22:30
2008-08-28 08:00:36

Today is my little girl's first birthday. Wow. I've been thinking of what I wanted to say to commemorate this occasion for awhile now but for some reason just get too emotional. This time last year, Wonderwife was at the hospital 3 weeks before the due date for a routine baby check-up when the doctor said she was ready to go. At 7:37PM, little Daphne changed our lives forever.
The first thing I saw of her was the gorgeous, brown hair and then when I saw the rest of her I cried. Profusely. Already I was a proud father and could not be happier. If possible, I love Wonderwife even more for bringing us Daphne.
The past couple of months have seen amazing change in her when she started walking around 9 months, starting to talk (overjoyed when I walked in and she said "Hi da-da"), has become more social including flirting with the preacher's 4 yr old kid, and has even started kicking/dribbling a soccer ball around the living room!
Daphne Veronica: your mother and I love you very much and we are overwhelmed with happiness that you bring to us. Happy birthday!

80's Video Mojo
2008-08-04 22:33:58
Just like every other teen guy in the 80's, I secretly wished I was Robert Palmer for a day.
Welcome to Houston, Edouard!
2008-08-05 10:36:40
Lone Star
2008-08-09 21:54:39
This is difficult to admit for a guy who was born/raised, as an Okie but I am enjoying being a Texan now. I've been here in Houston a month and am loving almost every bit of it. One aspect I enjoy has been comparing Texas beers like Shiner Bock and Lone Star. Previously, I have been a big fan of British ales, stouts, Mexican and recently settled down on Budweiser. Now, since Budweiser has sold out to the Belgians, I want an American beer.
Yep, I am loving Lone Star beer. Not only is it American, but it is TEXAN, damn it!
Challenge: If you see the Mojo at a function/event with a Lone Star beer in hand and snap a photo, you get a case of the good stuff on me. Free beer? Yowza...

2008-08-10 21:18:07
Lets face it, The Mojo Network wouldn’t be around if it wasn’t for your readership and participation, I know this and it is encouraging. Heck, it inspires me to keep it up. I won’t quit my day job over it because lets face it, this is one of many hobbies for this enthusiast. So, enough about me for now. What about you?
Here’s your opportunity to share your passions. Want free advertising? Shoot me an email to mojodenbow AT with “Me, Me, Me” in the subject line. Add your company name, what you do there, the service it provides, company home page or blog. Your company may be chosen at random to get some free ad space on this site.
Got a project you are working on that needs publicity? Add it to the comments of this article or shoot me an email.
Do you write/maintain a bLog that needs a little link love? Gimme.
Festival coming soon? Shoot me the details and we’ll promote it.
Shameless plugs are welcome.
Have something to say about a product or service mentioned in previous articles? Why not express your opinion in the comments so others can join in on the discussion? Who knows, you may just start a conversation that affects change.
Let’s turn my monologue into a dialogue.
2008-08-18 21:52:01

Daphne was born with a full head of hair and was down to her chin/shoulders until today when Wonderwife decided to take matters into her own scissors. Here is the result of her first haircut. It is amazing to me that an almost-one-year-old can have this much hair, but then again, she comes by it honestly!

The Mojo at 9 months
My mother tells me that when I was 6 months old, my father locked us into the bathroom and cut my locks while mom was trying to bang the door down. He was tired of everyone saying "what a cute girl you have there". Of course, it grew back...
It's All Connected
2008-08-20 19:18:27

With so many websites in the Mojo Network, I don’t have time to add blog posts to every social site I am a member of. These websites are my spaces. I am paying for the domain names and server space so why would I consistently use the free, hosted sites? As someone recently said “It’s like remodeling your kitchen in the home that you rent” it just adds content to something that isn’t yours and the host makes money off of the content. No thanks!
So why am I on Facebook/MySpace/lickr, etc? Because a lot of people are on them. You go where the traffic is to glean information and to network. Also, think of the social sites as parties. You go to see and be seen, and have a good time doing it, right? The same holds true online as well. With RSS feeds, and open networks between all of the various web apps, I don’t have to go to say, Facebook and post content from Photo Mojo because it is done automagically.
Facebook- I use this strictly as a means to view what others are doing or find interesting. Anytime one of my contacts adds something it is tracked and delivered via RSS feed so I can bypass the site and its increasing advertisements. Look me up: Chris Denbow
Linked In- Think of it as a web 2.0 contact book for workers seeking to expand their professional network. Let’s get linked: Chris “Mojo” Denbow
Plaxo- Used to be the bane of the professional world because of spamming issues and no privacy but has cleaned up and makes nice with more than a few applications since joining Google’s Open Social initiative. I just recently signed up so I can add/remove/sync all of my contacts from Gmail, Outlook, LinkedIn and my smartphone. Add me: Chris “Mojo” Denbow
Outlook 2007- quickly becoming my first stop when managing contacts as well as a social tool. Third party software including Xobni (inbox spelled backwards) allows you to connect with your contacts.
Windows Mobile 6.1- all contacts are stored into my phone, just in case it is needed. Sync’d with Outlook/Plaxo/Gmail/LinkedIn it is an indispensable tool on my smartphone. By using Fring, mobileware that allows you to chat with your contacts via Google Talk, Skype, Twitter, etc the value just increased.
Groups- Got a collaborative project? Need to connect with like-minded people? Both Yahoo & Google Groups are the place to go when you want secure interaction and a place to hang out collectively.
Twitter- almost as good as instant messaging individuals and groups about whatever it is on your mind or for event tracking in 140 characters or less for each “tweet”. Read/Share tweets: mojodenbow
These sites and connections help build my digital brand and allow me to meet new people both on/offline. There are people I meet with similar passions out there that I want to share with. There are a huge number of folks I meet that I need information and can learn from.
What social tools do you use to connect with new people, contacts? Let me know!
PhotoCamp Houston
2008-08-27 21:39:47

Coming in January, passionate photographers in the area will gather for an UNconference to discuss, learn and share all things photography. I'll go into further details as time allows and pieces fall into place but for now, if you are interested, go ahead and add yourself to the wiki page and follow us on Twitter!
PhotoCamp Houston wiki:
Twitter: @PhotoCampHouston
logo courtesy of David Herrold, thanks!
Show's Over
2008-08-01 07:36:41
You Will Get Wet On This Ride
2008-08-04 21:57:26
Looks like we're in the path of Mr. Ed here in Houston. Not expecting any damage here in Katy but we should get a nice soaking from it provided the winds stay lower than hurricane force. A few people on Twitter suggested we have a tweetup on the Galveston Island seawall to greet Ed. Sounds like fun!
Date Night
2008-08-08 14:02:06
Holy moly! Has it really been over a year since WonderWife went out on a date? Where did the time go? How does a married couple date these days? It has been too long.
We have a very good reason and she is being watched by her grandparents tonight. So goodnight, little DVD... we love and miss you but we need time for ourselves!
Redesigning The Mojo
2008-08-17 19:49:05

Wonderwife just received a birthday makeover with new hairstyle this weekend and looks fantastic! While she was enjoying that, little DVD and I headed out for a daddy/daughter day that included shopping for WW, playing, eating out and a quick nap. With her makeover and a quick look into the mirror (and scale), it was decided a makeover for the Mojo was long overdue.
- Specific, daily workouts
- Better nutrition (no junk or fast food!)
- De-stress
- supplements
- yoga(?)
- Learn something new
- Get back into printed books
- Read the Bible daily
- find a church home here in Houston
- unplug and truly be more social as opposed to Twitter, IM, Skype
- Rebuild my network of fascinating people
At 35 pushing 36, I need this. Watching Olympians train and achieve their goals is pretty good inspiration this week. Not to mention Wonderwife is strutting around the house, bragging that not only is she younger than I am, but looks & feels like it too. I'm getting a redesign. Makeover sounds so....girly.
photo courtesy of Mindy
Happy 35th Birthday, WonderWife!
2008-08-19 07:00:14
I love you, Jenny.
survey Says...
2008-08-20 19:46:27

Software programs and web applications are very handy, but which ones do you use most?
Let me break it down for everyone.
- operating system
- office and document suites
- email service
- instant messenger
- media player
- RSS feed reader
- internet browser
- PC protection
- photo service
- bookmark manager
- online maps
- blog software
- widgets
- add-ons/extensions
- calendar/event manager
This is a pretty good breakdown of tools that most of us use on a daily basis. Others are frequent but not as important. If you are like me, you have more than one application for each category but have just the one that you use the most.
So in the comments section, list your faves and maybe even try to justify it a little bit. Maybe someone reading your suggestions is sitting on a fence and may lean towards it with your help.
Example: 3 OS: MS Vista on one PC for testing, WinXP Media Center, Ubuntu Linux on the laptop.
Add yourself to the informal poll!
Now What?
2008-08-20 19:59:25

The Next Best Thing
Is it me or are you looking for the next best thing in software? Gadgets are nice, but who can afford all of them? Most of them are obsolete after you unwrap it. With software and web apps though, they can become a tool that is used daily. To prevent obsolescence, the software is modified and enhanced (or should be).
I use Flickr,, Gmail, ,Skype, FeedDemon, Firefox 3, Wordpress on a daily basis. These are absolutely essential to my daily life. I am sure there are a few more apps, but who can keep up with them all?
I am at the point now where I still enjoy testing new software for companies, provide feedback and write up a review/opinion, but I also want to integrate them into my daily world too.
At what point does something move from “shiny new thing” to a usable tool? The answer is “when your mother uses it”. Also, when you use it daily. How long did it take for email integration? Instant messaging? When Time magazine listed “You” as the person of the year, several articles mentioned Web 2.0 companies and trends. Have we crossed over yet? Is web 2.0 mainstream? Not yet because it has not been generally accepted by moms everywhere. Ask yourself, “Does mom use RSS? Why not?”
So my original question remains, now what? I’ve checked the memes out there this week and nothing is piquing my interest. A new social site here, a clone software app there. What is original? What can I use daily?
So many questions, I know, but I’ll finish with one more: What are you seeing out there that you can share with us?
2008-08-24 19:22:30
2008-08-28 08:00:36

Today is my little girl's first birthday. Wow. I've been thinking of what I wanted to say to commemorate this occasion for awhile now but for some reason just get too emotional. This time last year, Wonderwife was at the hospital 3 weeks before the due date for a routine baby check-up when the doctor said she was ready to go. At 7:37PM, little Daphne changed our lives forever.
The first thing I saw of her was the gorgeous, brown hair and then when I saw the rest of her I cried. Profusely. Already I was a proud father and could not be happier. If possible, I love Wonderwife even more for bringing us Daphne.
The past couple of months have seen amazing change in her when she started walking around 9 months, starting to talk (overjoyed when I walked in and she said "Hi da-da"), has become more social including flirting with the preacher's 4 yr old kid, and has even started kicking/dribbling a soccer ball around the living room!
Daphne Veronica: your mother and I love you very much and we are overwhelmed with happiness that you bring to us. Happy birthday!

80's Video Mojo
2008-08-04 22:33:58
Just like every other teen guy in the 80's, I secretly wished I was Robert Palmer for a day.
Welcome to Houston, Edouard!
2008-08-05 10:36:40
Lone Star
2008-08-09 21:54:39
This is difficult to admit for a guy who was born/raised, as an Okie but I am enjoying being a Texan now. I've been here in Houston a month and am loving almost every bit of it. One aspect I enjoy has been comparing Texas beers like Shiner Bock and Lone Star. Previously, I have been a big fan of British ales, stouts, Mexican and recently settled down on Budweiser. Now, since Budweiser has sold out to the Belgians, I want an American beer.
Yep, I am loving Lone Star beer. Not only is it American, but it is TEXAN, damn it!
Challenge: If you see the Mojo at a function/event with a Lone Star beer in hand and snap a photo, you get a case of the good stuff on me. Free beer? Yowza...

2008-08-10 21:18:07
Lets face it, The Mojo Network wouldn’t be around if it wasn’t for your readership and participation, I know this and it is encouraging. Heck, it inspires me to keep it up. I won’t quit my day job over it because lets face it, this is one of many hobbies for this enthusiast. So, enough about me for now. What about you?
Here’s your opportunity to share your passions. Want free advertising? Shoot me an email to mojodenbow AT with “Me, Me, Me” in the subject line. Add your company name, what you do there, the service it provides, company home page or blog. Your company may be chosen at random to get some free ad space on this site.
Got a project you are working on that needs publicity? Add it to the comments of this article or shoot me an email.
Do you write/maintain a bLog that needs a little link love? Gimme.
Festival coming soon? Shoot me the details and we’ll promote it.
Shameless plugs are welcome.
Have something to say about a product or service mentioned in previous articles? Why not express your opinion in the comments so others can join in on the discussion? Who knows, you may just start a conversation that affects change.
Let’s turn my monologue into a dialogue.
2008-08-18 21:52:01

Daphne was born with a full head of hair and was down to her chin/shoulders until today when Wonderwife decided to take matters into her own scissors. Here is the result of her first haircut. It is amazing to me that an almost-one-year-old can have this much hair, but then again, she comes by it honestly!

The Mojo at 9 months
My mother tells me that when I was 6 months old, my father locked us into the bathroom and cut my locks while mom was trying to bang the door down. He was tired of everyone saying "what a cute girl you have there". Of course, it grew back...
It's All Connected
2008-08-20 19:18:27

With so many websites in the Mojo Network, I don’t have time to add blog posts to every social site I am a member of. These websites are my spaces. I am paying for the domain names and server space so why would I consistently use the free, hosted sites? As someone recently said “It’s like remodeling your kitchen in the home that you rent” it just adds content to something that isn’t yours and the host makes money off of the content. No thanks!
So why am I on Facebook/MySpace/lickr, etc? Because a lot of people are on them. You go where the traffic is to glean information and to network. Also, think of the social sites as parties. You go to see and be seen, and have a good time doing it, right? The same holds true online as well. With RSS feeds, and open networks between all of the various web apps, I don’t have to go to say, Facebook and post content from Photo Mojo because it is done automagically.
Facebook- I use this strictly as a means to view what others are doing or find interesting. Anytime one of my contacts adds something it is tracked and delivered via RSS feed so I can bypass the site and its increasing advertisements. Look me up: Chris Denbow
Linked In- Think of it as a web 2.0 contact book for workers seeking to expand their professional network. Let’s get linked: Chris “Mojo” Denbow
Plaxo- Used to be the bane of the professional world because of spamming issues and no privacy but has cleaned up and makes nice with more than a few applications since joining Google’s Open Social initiative. I just recently signed up so I can add/remove/sync all of my contacts from Gmail, Outlook, LinkedIn and my smartphone. Add me: Chris “Mojo” Denbow
Outlook 2007- quickly becoming my first stop when managing contacts as well as a social tool. Third party software including Xobni (inbox spelled backwards) allows you to connect with your contacts.
Windows Mobile 6.1- all contacts are stored into my phone, just in case it is needed. Sync’d with Outlook/Plaxo/Gmail/LinkedIn it is an indispensable tool on my smartphone. By using Fring, mobileware that allows you to chat with your contacts via Google Talk, Skype, Twitter, etc the value just increased.
Groups- Got a collaborative project? Need to connect with like-minded people? Both Yahoo & Google Groups are the place to go when you want secure interaction and a place to hang out collectively.
Twitter- almost as good as instant messaging individuals and groups about whatever it is on your mind or for event tracking in 140 characters or less for each “tweet”. Read/Share tweets: mojodenbow
These sites and connections help build my digital brand and allow me to meet new people both on/offline. There are people I meet with similar passions out there that I want to share with. There are a huge number of folks I meet that I need information and can learn from.
What social tools do you use to connect with new people, contacts? Let me know!
PhotoCamp Houston
2008-08-27 21:39:47

Coming in January, passionate photographers in the area will gather for an UNconference to discuss, learn and share all things photography. I'll go into further details as time allows and pieces fall into place but for now, if you are interested, go ahead and add yourself to the wiki page and follow us on Twitter!
PhotoCamp Houston wiki:
Twitter: @PhotoCampHouston
logo courtesy of David Herrold, thanks!