March 2007 Archive
Is It Friday Yet?
2007-03-06 22:25:08
The new job career is going great and is absolutely an upgrade from the previous company. Next week begins intensive computer training on top of my own quick & dirty Oracle, SQL training.
The study for MCSE and MCDST certifications are on standby for now until I figure out the career path from here.
Wonderwife revisits the baby doctor on Wednesday for our first ultrasound. It'll be interesting to see what Baby Denbow looks like. From what I hear, it'll look like a blob which guarantees it'll have it's father's looks. I'll miss hearing the heartbeat while I am at work, though.
My brain hurts from all of the mental exercise it got today. Peace out.
Baby Denbow
2007-03-07 21:18:01
.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }
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EXCLUSIVE FIRST LOOK at the next generation of Denbows
Dog Tired
2007-03-13 07:40:12

Hey gang, thanks for sticking it out and waiting for a new post here. I am still trying to figure out how to manage my new job, pregnant wonderwife and have time for self. It is a great mental workout which leaves little time for blogging. My brain and body are tired trying to adjust.
There are TONS to talk about and will be discussed here soon (today, tomorrow?)
Hope you are well!
2007-03-24 05:23:41
Originally uploaded by Mojo Denbow's Photo Studio.
A good hike interrupted by rain and then intense humidity in the Dismals Canyon, Alabama. Past twilight the canyon lights up with tiny creatures called Dismalites. These "glowworms" require a select habitat to survive and are unique to only a few places on Earth. Dismals Canyon is one of only a few places outside New Zealand where they are known to exist.
Colloquially known as Dismalites, they are the larvae stage in the life of an insect called the fungus gnat "Arachnocampa luminosa" that emits a bright blue-green light to attract food, in the form of other flying insects.
It requires a select habitat to survive: humidity to prevent it from drying out; hanging surfaces to allow it to send down sticky feeding lines to trap the food; an adequate food supply of insects brought in on the river flowing through the canyon; a still atmosphere to prevent lines from tangling and darkness to allow it to show a light.
Dismals Canyon provides the perfect habitat for these unique insects to survive.
Cornelia Denbow
2007-03-25 22:47:45
Grandma, originally uploaded by Mojo Denbow's Photo Studio.
Rest in peace and comfort, grandma. We love you.
Its All About You…and Me
2007-03-30 16:10:25
Lets face it, The Mojo Network wouldn't be around if it wasn't for your readership and participation, I know this and it is encouraging. Heck, it inspires me to keep it up. I won't quit my day job over it because lets face it, this is one of many hobbies for this enthusiast. So, enough about me for now. What about you?
Here's your opportunity to share your passions. Want free advertising? Shoot me an email to mojodenbow AT with "Me, Me, Me" in the subject line. Add your company name, what you do there, the service it provides, company home page or blog. Your company may be chosen at random to get some free ad space on this site.
Got a project you are working on that needs publicity? Add it to the comments of this article or shoot me an email.
Do you write/maintain a bog that needs a little link love? Gimme.
Festival coming soon? Shoot me the details and we'll promote it.
Shameless plugs are welcome.
Have something to say about a product or service mentioned in previous articles? Why not express your opinion in the comments so others can join in on the discussion? Who knows, you may just start a conversation that affects change.
Let's turn my monologue into a dialogue.
Technorati tags: You, Me, company, blog, passion
2007-03-30 20:59:14
Recently, I discovered three, count em, 3 grey chest hairs. ACK! Oh well, at least I'll never have to worry about baldness.
2007-03-24 14:16:42
Everyone who knows me, can attest to my good-nature and ability to get along great with people, but sometimes, that is not enough. This week, WonderWife discovered a used crib and changing table/dresser for a great price on craigslist Birmingham.
After the initial contact, status check of the furniture, we agreed to meet this Saturday to purchase. With cash in hand and traveling in a rented cargo van from Trussville to Helena, the owner called us 10 minutes out and said they had just sold the furniture!! What the ****?
Dumbass: "Didn't you know there were other interested parties?"
Denbow's: Um, no, how would we?
Dumbass: "They paid us what we were asking"
Denbow's: Um, okay, we had cash in hand and were willing to part with it.
Dumbass: "Sorry about that"
Denbow's **click**
The Dumbasses gave us their address an hour before the meetup and called 10 minutes before after traveling 40 miles one-way? On top of all this, the pregnant Wonderwife took it a lot better than I did. She was really looking forward to this furniture because it WAS a great deal because it is still available at Babies-R-Us for a lot more.
Is It Friday Yet?
2007-03-06 22:25:08
The new job career is going great and is absolutely an upgrade from the previous company. Next week begins intensive computer training on top of my own quick & dirty Oracle, SQL training.
The study for MCSE and MCDST certifications are on standby for now until I figure out the career path from here.
Wonderwife revisits the baby doctor on Wednesday for our first ultrasound. It'll be interesting to see what Baby Denbow looks like. From what I hear, it'll look like a blob which guarantees it'll have it's father's looks. I'll miss hearing the heartbeat while I am at work, though.
My brain hurts from all of the mental exercise it got today. Peace out.
Baby Denbow
2007-03-07 21:18:01
.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }
.flickr-yourcomment { }
.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }
.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; }
EXCLUSIVE FIRST LOOK at the next generation of Denbows
Dog Tired
2007-03-13 07:40:12

Hey gang, thanks for sticking it out and waiting for a new post here. I am still trying to figure out how to manage my new job, pregnant wonderwife and have time for self. It is a great mental workout which leaves little time for blogging. My brain and body are tired trying to adjust.
There are TONS to talk about and will be discussed here soon (today, tomorrow?)
Hope you are well!
2007-03-24 05:23:41
Originally uploaded by Mojo Denbow's Photo Studio.
A good hike interrupted by rain and then intense humidity in the Dismals Canyon, Alabama. Past twilight the canyon lights up with tiny creatures called Dismalites. These "glowworms" require a select habitat to survive and are unique to only a few places on Earth. Dismals Canyon is one of only a few places outside New Zealand where they are known to exist.
Colloquially known as Dismalites, they are the larvae stage in the life of an insect called the fungus gnat "Arachnocampa luminosa" that emits a bright blue-green light to attract food, in the form of other flying insects.
It requires a select habitat to survive: humidity to prevent it from drying out; hanging surfaces to allow it to send down sticky feeding lines to trap the food; an adequate food supply of insects brought in on the river flowing through the canyon; a still atmosphere to prevent lines from tangling and darkness to allow it to show a light.
Dismals Canyon provides the perfect habitat for these unique insects to survive.
Cornelia Denbow
2007-03-25 22:47:45
Grandma, originally uploaded by Mojo Denbow's Photo Studio.
Rest in peace and comfort, grandma. We love you.
Its All About You…and Me
2007-03-30 16:10:25
Lets face it, The Mojo Network wouldn't be around if it wasn't for your readership and participation, I know this and it is encouraging. Heck, it inspires me to keep it up. I won't quit my day job over it because lets face it, this is one of many hobbies for this enthusiast. So, enough about me for now. What about you?
Here's your opportunity to share your passions. Want free advertising? Shoot me an email to mojodenbow AT with "Me, Me, Me" in the subject line. Add your company name, what you do there, the service it provides, company home page or blog. Your company may be chosen at random to get some free ad space on this site.
Got a project you are working on that needs publicity? Add it to the comments of this article or shoot me an email.
Do you write/maintain a bog that needs a little link love? Gimme.
Festival coming soon? Shoot me the details and we'll promote it.
Shameless plugs are welcome.
Have something to say about a product or service mentioned in previous articles? Why not express your opinion in the comments so others can join in on the discussion? Who knows, you may just start a conversation that affects change.
Let's turn my monologue into a dialogue.
Technorati tags: You, Me, company, blog, passion
2007-03-30 20:59:14
Recently, I discovered three, count em, 3 grey chest hairs. ACK! Oh well, at least I'll never have to worry about baldness.
2007-03-24 14:16:42
Everyone who knows me, can attest to my good-nature and ability to get along great with people, but sometimes, that is not enough. This week, WonderWife discovered a used crib and changing table/dresser for a great price on craigslist Birmingham.
After the initial contact, status check of the furniture, we agreed to meet this Saturday to purchase. With cash in hand and traveling in a rented cargo van from Trussville to Helena, the owner called us 10 minutes out and said they had just sold the furniture!! What the ****?
Dumbass: "Didn't you know there were other interested parties?"
Denbow's: Um, no, how would we?
Dumbass: "They paid us what we were asking"
Denbow's: Um, okay, we had cash in hand and were willing to part with it.
Dumbass: "Sorry about that"
Denbow's **click**
The Dumbasses gave us their address an hour before the meetup and called 10 minutes before after traveling 40 miles one-way? On top of all this, the pregnant Wonderwife took it a lot better than I did. She was really looking forward to this furniture because it WAS a great deal because it is still available at Babies-R-Us for a lot more.
Is It Friday Yet?
2007-03-06 22:25:08
The new job career is going great and is absolutely an upgrade from the previous company. Next week begins intensive computer training on top of my own quick & dirty Oracle, SQL training.
The study for MCSE and MCDST certifications are on standby for now until I figure out the career path from here.
Wonderwife revisits the baby doctor on Wednesday for our first ultrasound. It'll be interesting to see what Baby Denbow looks like. From what I hear, it'll look like a blob which guarantees it'll have it's father's looks. I'll miss hearing the heartbeat while I am at work, though.
My brain hurts from all of the mental exercise it got today. Peace out.
Baby Denbow
2007-03-07 21:18:01
.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }
.flickr-yourcomment { }
.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }
.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; }
EXCLUSIVE FIRST LOOK at the next generation of Denbows
Dog Tired
2007-03-13 07:40:12

Hey gang, thanks for sticking it out and waiting for a new post here. I am still trying to figure out how to manage my new job, pregnant wonderwife and have time for self. It is a great mental workout which leaves little time for blogging. My brain and body are tired trying to adjust.
There are TONS to talk about and will be discussed here soon (today, tomorrow?)
Hope you are well!
2007-03-24 05:23:41
Originally uploaded by Mojo Denbow's Photo Studio.
A good hike interrupted by rain and then intense humidity in the Dismals Canyon, Alabama. Past twilight the canyon lights up with tiny creatures called Dismalites. These "glowworms" require a select habitat to survive and are unique to only a few places on Earth. Dismals Canyon is one of only a few places outside New Zealand where they are known to exist.
Colloquially known as Dismalites, they are the larvae stage in the life of an insect called the fungus gnat "Arachnocampa luminosa" that emits a bright blue-green light to attract food, in the form of other flying insects.
It requires a select habitat to survive: humidity to prevent it from drying out; hanging surfaces to allow it to send down sticky feeding lines to trap the food; an adequate food supply of insects brought in on the river flowing through the canyon; a still atmosphere to prevent lines from tangling and darkness to allow it to show a light.
Dismals Canyon provides the perfect habitat for these unique insects to survive.
Cornelia Denbow
2007-03-25 22:47:45
Grandma, originally uploaded by Mojo Denbow's Photo Studio.
Rest in peace and comfort, grandma. We love you.
Its All About You…and Me
2007-03-30 16:10:25
Lets face it, The Mojo Network wouldn't be around if it wasn't for your readership and participation, I know this and it is encouraging. Heck, it inspires me to keep it up. I won't quit my day job over it because lets face it, this is one of many hobbies for this enthusiast. So, enough about me for now. What about you?
Here's your opportunity to share your passions. Want free advertising? Shoot me an email to mojodenbow AT with "Me, Me, Me" in the subject line. Add your company name, what you do there, the service it provides, company home page or blog. Your company may be chosen at random to get some free ad space on this site.
Got a project you are working on that needs publicity? Add it to the comments of this article or shoot me an email.
Do you write/maintain a bog that needs a little link love? Gimme.
Festival coming soon? Shoot me the details and we'll promote it.
Shameless plugs are welcome.
Have something to say about a product or service mentioned in previous articles? Why not express your opinion in the comments so others can join in on the discussion? Who knows, you may just start a conversation that affects change.
Let's turn my monologue into a dialogue.
Technorati tags: You, Me, company, blog, passion
2007-03-30 20:59:14
Recently, I discovered three, count em, 3 grey chest hairs. ACK! Oh well, at least I'll never have to worry about baldness.
2007-03-24 14:16:42
Everyone who knows me, can attest to my good-nature and ability to get along great with people, but sometimes, that is not enough. This week, WonderWife discovered a used crib and changing table/dresser for a great price on craigslist Birmingham.
After the initial contact, status check of the furniture, we agreed to meet this Saturday to purchase. With cash in hand and traveling in a rented cargo van from Trussville to Helena, the owner called us 10 minutes out and said they had just sold the furniture!! What the ****?
Dumbass: "Didn't you know there were other interested parties?"
Denbow's: Um, no, how would we?
Dumbass: "They paid us what we were asking"
Denbow's: Um, okay, we had cash in hand and were willing to part with it.
Dumbass: "Sorry about that"
Denbow's **click**
The Dumbasses gave us their address an hour before the meetup and called 10 minutes before after traveling 40 miles one-way? On top of all this, the pregnant Wonderwife took it a lot better than I did. She was really looking forward to this furniture because it WAS a great deal because it is still available at Babies-R-Us for a lot more.