July 2007 Archive

July 2007 Archive

Website Do-Overs

2007-07-01 00:07:10

 I get bored easily with designs and so I have upgraded to Wordpress 2.2 and gave this site as well as Techno Mojo an interfacelift. Check them out!

Mojo Network Redesigns

2007-07-02 23:03:20

As mentioned previously, I love change. Change is good. Things get changed around here often because there is always something bigger/better/prettier. Go Mojo has a new interface as does Techno Mojo. Photo Mojo is untouched...for now. After a brief hiatus (yes, it was neglected, thanks for noticing!), Techno Mojo is back with more news about social software, web 2.0 and must have gadgets. Today's 2 posts include web applications that are by invitation only that I want you to have. Spock is a web search app for people. Pownce is an instant messenger/Twitter-like piece that allows you instant communication between friends. Go check it out and add some comments to Techno Mojo. Feedback is appreciated! Techno Mojo screen shot untitled-1.jpg

Empathetic Pregnancy

2007-07-14 23:09:59

Empathetic Pregnancy, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo.

Planning for Parenthood class at St. Vincent's hospital. Almost 9 weeks to go!

Geo Mojo

2007-07-15 01:01:39

Something I have been interested in for awhile but never really could pursue until now (maybe) is geocaching. Geocaching.com describes it this way: "Geocaching is an entertaining adventure game for gps users. Participating in a cache hunt is a good way to take advantage of the wonderful features and capability of a gps unit. The basic idea is to have individuals and organizations set up caches all over the world and share the locations of these caches on the internet. GPS users can then use the location coordinates to find the caches. Once found, a cache may provide the visitor with a wide variety of rewards. All the visitor is asked to do is if they get something they should try to leave something for the cache." I was prevented from enjoying this activity because there was a lack of a GPS receiver, until now. My mother had been reading this blog & listening to me ramble on about it for a year and finally decided enough was enough and surprised me with a Magellan eXplorist 500 recently. Thanks, mom! So the nearest geocache near me is exactly 1.3 miles from my home coordinates, according to geocache.com Details also provided show a map of the area, description of the area's surroundings as clues, and a legend of what to expect in the area so you can prepare yourself for the environment. For example, this geocache says there are cliffs/falling rocks, snakes, poison plants, kid/pet-friendly and available parking. Once the cache is discovered, usually in plastic containers, metal ammo boxes, toolboxes, metal tins, etc there are trinkets, that you can take and a log to notify the person who hid the cache that you were there. Everything is then uploaded to the cache's website as feedback. Neat, huh? So who is with me? As mentioned before, Geocaching.com is a great resource for finds. In a previous post here on Go Mojo there was mention about a book by a local author, Russell Helms called GPS Outdoors. See also GPS Made Easy by Lawrence Letham. Dixie Cachers Also locally and state-wide here in Alabama is the Dixie Cachers. Check us out!

The MOB Scene

2007-07-17 23:25:56

I had a great time connecting with a more than a few folks in the local media last night at Workplay. The Media Of Birmingham (MOB) hosted their July event, Monday Bloody Monday, a reference to the U2 concert playing in the Workplay theater at the same time. Here are a few shots from last night's event: even U2 lead singer Bono showed up!

So Wassup?

2007-07-17 23:41:52

Yes, I know that the highly-popular "Wassup?" Budweiser commercials are about 7 years old, but they are classics. A few people have decided to mashup Bud with Star Wars and Superfriends characters with hilarity. Just press play! I'll spare you the just-as funny "white-boy, granny & petshop" wassup commercials...for now.

Like Father Like Son

2007-07-19 23:09:18

Like Father Like Son, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo.

Mom just sent me a 34 year old photograph she took while pregnant with me. Here is my father staining my dresser while below I prepare to paint my baby's dresser.
Freaky cool.

Barcamp Birmingham 2.0

2007-07-19 23:40:31


Just throwing the idea out there to spark discussion. Leave your comments. OK, go!

barcamp Birmingham

Porsche 250

2007-07-19 23:52:11

Its time again for the Grand American Rolex Porsche 250 race weekend at the Barber Motorsports Park. Last year was my first time attending the new event and what a blast it was! Friends ask why I enjoy this over NASCAR. The answer is simple, really. Which would you rather watch, European sports cars that are created to go fast with left/right turns on hairpin curves or Ford/Chevy cars turning left for a few hundred laps?

I thought so, too. One of my photos from last year's event below...


Battle of the Houses

2007-07-22 16:00:30

Battle of the Houses, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book release.
Gryffindor versus Slytherin at the Barnes & Noble bookstore. The Summit, Birmingham, Alabama.

Nice Parking, Bud!

2007-07-27 00:02:54

Nice Parking, Bud!, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo.

A real website where you can upload mobile photos when you see a car parked poorly. Leave the cutout under their windshield. Hysterical.

Mojo’s Media Consumption

2007-07-29 22:22:24

A sneak peek into what I fill my brain with

The image “http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/1690400/2/istockphoto_1690400_shiny_icons_mass_media.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.


  1. Adobe Lightroom Book For Digital Photographers
  2. GPS Made Easy
  3. Outdoor Guide To GPS
  4. The Essential GPS Guide to Geocaching
  5. Rule The Web
  6. Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows

Music (iPod random shuffle)

  1. All Your Love- John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers
  2. Numb- U2
  3. Is It Any Wonder- Keane
  4. Let Her Cry- Hootie & The Blowfish
  5. Heads In Mississippi- Z.Z. Top
  6. Bang-A-Gong- Power Station


  1. Lucky Number Slevin
  2. Crank
  3. Black Snake Moan
  4. Smokin Aces


  1. The Wildebeat
  2. TikiBar
  3. Mugglecast
  4. Diggnation
  5. 3 Guys 3 Beers

Feed Reading

  1. Lifehacker
  2. TechCrunch
  3. Cybernet Technology News
  4. Mashable!
  5. Webware.com
  6. The Birthplace of the Process of Illogical Logic
  7. Read/WriteWeb
  8. Laughing Squid
  9. Scobelizer
  10. Two-Heel Drive

Shameless Social Media Slut

2007-07-30 22:30:13

Mojo's social circles It has been suggested that since I reveal so much of myself online, that I provide contact information. If you are a member of any of these websites/services...let's connect and add to the conversation! http://www.zooomr.com/photos/mojosphotostudio/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/mojodenbowsphotostudio/ http://www.linkedin.com/in/mojodenbow http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=668525588 http://pownce.com/mojodenbow/ http://twitter.com/mojodenbow http://upcoming.yahoo.com/user/27446/ All IMs & Skype: mojodenbow

sick as a dog

2007-07-30 22:37:56

sick as a dog, originally uploaded by Jelloeggs.

I picked up a sinus infection this weekend that could be developing into strep throat. Also just found out that I may have high blood pressure. If I can lose 15 pounds in 3 months, I won't need medication. Lets hear some support, people!

**cough, sniff, snort**

Website Do-Overs

2007-07-01 00:07:10

 I get bored easily with designs and so I have upgraded to Wordpress 2.2 and gave this site as well as Techno Mojo an interfacelift. Check them out!

Mojo Network Redesigns

2007-07-02 23:03:20

As mentioned previously, I love change. Change is good. Things get changed around here often because there is always something bigger/better/prettier. Go Mojo has a new interface as does Techno Mojo. Photo Mojo is untouched...for now. After a brief hiatus (yes, it was neglected, thanks for noticing!), Techno Mojo is back with more news about social software, web 2.0 and must have gadgets. Today's 2 posts include web applications that are by invitation only that I want you to have. Spock is a web search app for people. Pownce is an instant messenger/Twitter-like piece that allows you instant communication between friends. Go check it out and add some comments to Techno Mojo. Feedback is appreciated! Techno Mojo screen shot untitled-1.jpg

Empathetic Pregnancy

2007-07-14 23:09:59

Empathetic Pregnancy, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo.

Planning for Parenthood class at St. Vincent's hospital. Almost 9 weeks to go!

Geo Mojo

2007-07-15 01:01:39

Something I have been interested in for awhile but never really could pursue until now (maybe) is geocaching. Geocaching.com describes it this way: "Geocaching is an entertaining adventure game for gps users. Participating in a cache hunt is a good way to take advantage of the wonderful features and capability of a gps unit. The basic idea is to have individuals and organizations set up caches all over the world and share the locations of these caches on the internet. GPS users can then use the location coordinates to find the caches. Once found, a cache may provide the visitor with a wide variety of rewards. All the visitor is asked to do is if they get something they should try to leave something for the cache." I was prevented from enjoying this activity because there was a lack of a GPS receiver, until now. My mother had been reading this blog & listening to me ramble on about it for a year and finally decided enough was enough and surprised me with a Magellan eXplorist 500 recently. Thanks, mom! So the nearest geocache near me is exactly 1.3 miles from my home coordinates, according to geocache.com Details also provided show a map of the area, description of the area's surroundings as clues, and a legend of what to expect in the area so you can prepare yourself for the environment. For example, this geocache says there are cliffs/falling rocks, snakes, poison plants, kid/pet-friendly and available parking. Once the cache is discovered, usually in plastic containers, metal ammo boxes, toolboxes, metal tins, etc there are trinkets, that you can take and a log to notify the person who hid the cache that you were there. Everything is then uploaded to the cache's website as feedback. Neat, huh? So who is with me? As mentioned before, Geocaching.com is a great resource for finds. In a previous post here on Go Mojo there was mention about a book by a local author, Russell Helms called GPS Outdoors. See also GPS Made Easy by Lawrence Letham. Dixie Cachers Also locally and state-wide here in Alabama is the Dixie Cachers. Check us out!

The MOB Scene

2007-07-17 23:25:56

I had a great time connecting with a more than a few folks in the local media last night at Workplay. The Media Of Birmingham (MOB) hosted their July event, Monday Bloody Monday, a reference to the U2 concert playing in the Workplay theater at the same time. Here are a few shots from last night's event: even U2 lead singer Bono showed up!

So Wassup?

2007-07-17 23:41:52

Yes, I know that the highly-popular "Wassup?" Budweiser commercials are about 7 years old, but they are classics. A few people have decided to mashup Bud with Star Wars and Superfriends characters with hilarity. Just press play! I'll spare you the just-as funny "white-boy, granny & petshop" wassup commercials...for now.

Like Father Like Son

2007-07-19 23:09:18

Like Father Like Son, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo.

Mom just sent me a 34 year old photograph she took while pregnant with me. Here is my father staining my dresser while below I prepare to paint my baby's dresser.
Freaky cool.

Barcamp Birmingham 2.0

2007-07-19 23:40:31


Just throwing the idea out there to spark discussion. Leave your comments. OK, go!

barcamp Birmingham

Porsche 250

2007-07-19 23:52:11

Its time again for the Grand American Rolex Porsche 250 race weekend at the Barber Motorsports Park. Last year was my first time attending the new event and what a blast it was! Friends ask why I enjoy this over NASCAR. The answer is simple, really. Which would you rather watch, European sports cars that are created to go fast with left/right turns on hairpin curves or Ford/Chevy cars turning left for a few hundred laps?

I thought so, too. One of my photos from last year's event below...


Battle of the Houses

2007-07-22 16:00:30

Battle of the Houses, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book release.
Gryffindor versus Slytherin at the Barnes & Noble bookstore. The Summit, Birmingham, Alabama.

Nice Parking, Bud!

2007-07-27 00:02:54

Nice Parking, Bud!, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo.

A real website where you can upload mobile photos when you see a car parked poorly. Leave the cutout under their windshield. Hysterical.

Mojo’s Media Consumption

2007-07-29 22:22:24

A sneak peek into what I fill my brain with

The image “http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/1690400/2/istockphoto_1690400_shiny_icons_mass_media.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.


  1. Adobe Lightroom Book For Digital Photographers
  2. GPS Made Easy
  3. Outdoor Guide To GPS
  4. The Essential GPS Guide to Geocaching
  5. Rule The Web
  6. Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows

Music (iPod random shuffle)

  1. All Your Love- John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers
  2. Numb- U2
  3. Is It Any Wonder- Keane
  4. Let Her Cry- Hootie & The Blowfish
  5. Heads In Mississippi- Z.Z. Top
  6. Bang-A-Gong- Power Station


  1. Lucky Number Slevin
  2. Crank
  3. Black Snake Moan
  4. Smokin Aces


  1. The Wildebeat
  2. TikiBar
  3. Mugglecast
  4. Diggnation
  5. 3 Guys 3 Beers

Feed Reading

  1. Lifehacker
  2. TechCrunch
  3. Cybernet Technology News
  4. Mashable!
  5. Webware.com
  6. The Birthplace of the Process of Illogical Logic
  7. Read/WriteWeb
  8. Laughing Squid
  9. Scobelizer
  10. Two-Heel Drive

Shameless Social Media Slut

2007-07-30 22:30:13

Mojo's social circles It has been suggested that since I reveal so much of myself online, that I provide contact information. If you are a member of any of these websites/services...let's connect and add to the conversation! http://www.zooomr.com/photos/mojosphotostudio/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/mojodenbowsphotostudio/ http://www.linkedin.com/in/mojodenbow http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=668525588 http://pownce.com/mojodenbow/ http://twitter.com/mojodenbow http://upcoming.yahoo.com/user/27446/ All IMs & Skype: mojodenbow

sick as a dog

2007-07-30 22:37:56

sick as a dog, originally uploaded by Jelloeggs.

I picked up a sinus infection this weekend that could be developing into strep throat. Also just found out that I may have high blood pressure. If I can lose 15 pounds in 3 months, I won't need medication. Lets hear some support, people!

**cough, sniff, snort**

Website Do-Overs

2007-07-01 00:07:10

 I get bored easily with designs and so I have upgraded to Wordpress 2.2 and gave this site as well as Techno Mojo an interfacelift. Check them out!

Mojo Network Redesigns

2007-07-02 23:03:20

As mentioned previously, I love change. Change is good. Things get changed around here often because there is always something bigger/better/prettier. Go Mojo has a new interface as does Techno Mojo. Photo Mojo is untouched...for now. After a brief hiatus (yes, it was neglected, thanks for noticing!), Techno Mojo is back with more news about social software, web 2.0 and must have gadgets. Today's 2 posts include web applications that are by invitation only that I want you to have. Spock is a web search app for people. Pownce is an instant messenger/Twitter-like piece that allows you instant communication between friends. Go check it out and add some comments to Techno Mojo. Feedback is appreciated! Techno Mojo screen shot untitled-1.jpg

Empathetic Pregnancy

2007-07-14 23:09:59

Empathetic Pregnancy, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo.

Planning for Parenthood class at St. Vincent's hospital. Almost 9 weeks to go!

Geo Mojo

2007-07-15 01:01:39

Something I have been interested in for awhile but never really could pursue until now (maybe) is geocaching. Geocaching.com describes it this way: "Geocaching is an entertaining adventure game for gps users. Participating in a cache hunt is a good way to take advantage of the wonderful features and capability of a gps unit. The basic idea is to have individuals and organizations set up caches all over the world and share the locations of these caches on the internet. GPS users can then use the location coordinates to find the caches. Once found, a cache may provide the visitor with a wide variety of rewards. All the visitor is asked to do is if they get something they should try to leave something for the cache." I was prevented from enjoying this activity because there was a lack of a GPS receiver, until now. My mother had been reading this blog & listening to me ramble on about it for a year and finally decided enough was enough and surprised me with a Magellan eXplorist 500 recently. Thanks, mom! So the nearest geocache near me is exactly 1.3 miles from my home coordinates, according to geocache.com Details also provided show a map of the area, description of the area's surroundings as clues, and a legend of what to expect in the area so you can prepare yourself for the environment. For example, this geocache says there are cliffs/falling rocks, snakes, poison plants, kid/pet-friendly and available parking. Once the cache is discovered, usually in plastic containers, metal ammo boxes, toolboxes, metal tins, etc there are trinkets, that you can take and a log to notify the person who hid the cache that you were there. Everything is then uploaded to the cache's website as feedback. Neat, huh? So who is with me? As mentioned before, Geocaching.com is a great resource for finds. In a previous post here on Go Mojo there was mention about a book by a local author, Russell Helms called GPS Outdoors. See also GPS Made Easy by Lawrence Letham. Dixie Cachers Also locally and state-wide here in Alabama is the Dixie Cachers. Check us out!

The MOB Scene

2007-07-17 23:25:56

I had a great time connecting with a more than a few folks in the local media last night at Workplay. The Media Of Birmingham (MOB) hosted their July event, Monday Bloody Monday, a reference to the U2 concert playing in the Workplay theater at the same time. Here are a few shots from last night's event: even U2 lead singer Bono showed up!

So Wassup?

2007-07-17 23:41:52

Yes, I know that the highly-popular "Wassup?" Budweiser commercials are about 7 years old, but they are classics. A few people have decided to mashup Bud with Star Wars and Superfriends characters with hilarity. Just press play! I'll spare you the just-as funny "white-boy, granny & petshop" wassup commercials...for now.

Like Father Like Son

2007-07-19 23:09:18

Like Father Like Son, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo.

Mom just sent me a 34 year old photograph she took while pregnant with me. Here is my father staining my dresser while below I prepare to paint my baby's dresser.
Freaky cool.

Barcamp Birmingham 2.0

2007-07-19 23:40:31


Just throwing the idea out there to spark discussion. Leave your comments. OK, go!

barcamp Birmingham

Porsche 250

2007-07-19 23:52:11

Its time again for the Grand American Rolex Porsche 250 race weekend at the Barber Motorsports Park. Last year was my first time attending the new event and what a blast it was! Friends ask why I enjoy this over NASCAR. The answer is simple, really. Which would you rather watch, European sports cars that are created to go fast with left/right turns on hairpin curves or Ford/Chevy cars turning left for a few hundred laps?

I thought so, too. One of my photos from last year's event below...


Battle of the Houses

2007-07-22 16:00:30

Battle of the Houses, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book release.
Gryffindor versus Slytherin at the Barnes & Noble bookstore. The Summit, Birmingham, Alabama.

Nice Parking, Bud!

2007-07-27 00:02:54

Nice Parking, Bud!, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo.

A real website where you can upload mobile photos when you see a car parked poorly. Leave the cutout under their windshield. Hysterical.

Mojo’s Media Consumption

2007-07-29 22:22:24

A sneak peek into what I fill my brain with

The image “http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/1690400/2/istockphoto_1690400_shiny_icons_mass_media.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.


  1. Adobe Lightroom Book For Digital Photographers
  2. GPS Made Easy
  3. Outdoor Guide To GPS
  4. The Essential GPS Guide to Geocaching
  5. Rule The Web
  6. Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows

Music (iPod random shuffle)

  1. All Your Love- John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers
  2. Numb- U2
  3. Is It Any Wonder- Keane
  4. Let Her Cry- Hootie & The Blowfish
  5. Heads In Mississippi- Z.Z. Top
  6. Bang-A-Gong- Power Station


  1. Lucky Number Slevin
  2. Crank
  3. Black Snake Moan
  4. Smokin Aces


  1. The Wildebeat
  2. TikiBar
  3. Mugglecast
  4. Diggnation
  5. 3 Guys 3 Beers

Feed Reading

  1. Lifehacker
  2. TechCrunch
  3. Cybernet Technology News
  4. Mashable!
  5. Webware.com
  6. The Birthplace of the Process of Illogical Logic
  7. Read/WriteWeb
  8. Laughing Squid
  9. Scobelizer
  10. Two-Heel Drive

Shameless Social Media Slut

2007-07-30 22:30:13

Mojo's social circles It has been suggested that since I reveal so much of myself online, that I provide contact information. If you are a member of any of these websites/services...let's connect and add to the conversation! http://www.zooomr.com/photos/mojosphotostudio/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/mojodenbowsphotostudio/ http://www.linkedin.com/in/mojodenbow http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=668525588 http://pownce.com/mojodenbow/ http://twitter.com/mojodenbow http://upcoming.yahoo.com/user/27446/ All IMs & Skype: mojodenbow

sick as a dog

2007-07-30 22:37:56

sick as a dog, originally uploaded by Jelloeggs.

I picked up a sinus infection this weekend that could be developing into strep throat. Also just found out that I may have high blood pressure. If I can lose 15 pounds in 3 months, I won't need medication. Lets hear some support, people!

**cough, sniff, snort**