February 2007 Archive

February 2007 Archive

Boulder Canyon Nature Trail

2007-02-01 00:55:23

Boulder Canyon Nature Trails is a small, fantastic walk that crosses a creek a few times, steep climbs up, down and back around in a twisted loop. Birmingham, Alabama has many trails within city limits as the mountains cross through the city diagonally from the southwest to the northeast towards the Appalachian Trail.

Diaper spelled backwards is “repaid”

2007-02-06 02:48:44

Diaper spelled backwards is "repaid", originally uploaded by Mojo Denbow's Photo Studio. My father in early 1973, a few months after I was born. My parents finally made the switch from cloth to plastic. Expensive! Why am I bringing this up? My turn. Wonderwife and I are expecting our first child in September.

How Could This Happen?

2007-02-09 12:02:33


I moved South so I wouldn't have to deal with this. Currently 34 and will get up to 44.  Oh well, it will be out of here in 30 minutes, and the sun will come out and Mr Bluebird will be singing on my shoulder.


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2007-02-14 11:10:10

So it occurred to me that I haven't shared a couple pieces of good news from the past 2 weeks. First, I have accepted a position with a fantastic, Fortune 500 company here in Birmingham. The salary is quite a bit more than what I was making previously with the possibility of promotion soon. I'll not share the company here online for fear of getting Dooced. Contact me if you really must know. Secondly, and most importantly, Jenny and I are expecting our first child in September. Within the coming months I guarantee you will see a flood of posts, pictures and video. In case you didn't know this, God is good.

Tulsa Time

2007-02-16 08:34:59

Wonderwife and I are headed to Tulsa to visit family, especially an ill grandmother. Posting will be sporadic at best. Difficult to post while driving 650 miles at 80mph. A stop in Memphis has us inhaling fall-off-the-bone wet ribs. Oh my. Hope you are well and enjoy your weekend. CORRECTION: 95 mph!

PhotoCamp Birmingham

2007-02-23 11:36:12

Mark your calendars for April 21st, 9-5 at the Homewood Public Library! PhotoCamp is an all day discussion about all things photography. This is an open invitation to anyone and everyone to attend. Professional photographers, amateurs, photojournalists, photo clubs, photo classes- don't be left out! We'll discuss what YOU want to hear because most attendees not only choose the topics, they present then as well! What are you good at? Portraits? Landscapes? From the hip? Share it. Got some Photoshop tips/tricks? Let's hear them. Interested in learning how to get more exposure? Come on in. This conference is designed for you, you make it happen. More details, information and opportunities to attend will be forthcoming soon, in the mean time, plan on coming and what you want to talk about. If you want to register now, add yourself to the PhotoCamp wiki by clicking here. You can also sign up on our Upcoming.org page, courtesy of Yahoo/Flickr. photo is courtesy of Glynnis and sponsored in part by the Magic City Flickr Group

Billy Joel Plays Birmingham

2007-02-26 10:05:01

http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/P/B000MTFFWC.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_V47000001_.jpg Tonight, Monday February 26 at the BJCC. Concert details will be forthcoming after the concert. Are you going? Let me know and we'll try to meet up. With a big thanks to Lara for the tickets... **UPDATE** Billy Joel started off with a bang and worked his way through hs earlier work from the 70's, even reaching as far back as 1971. "Angry Young Man," "Innocent Man," "My Life," "Allentown," "New York State of Mind," "Keeping the Faith" and "She's Always a Woman to Me." Very laid back and funny. Otherwise...meh. It was past our bedtime and we decided to split an hour and a half after the start (8:15).

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Back In Birmingham

2007-02-21 09:44:42

Wonderwife and I got back on Monday night from Tulsa, OK. It was a great weekend spent with family and an opportunity to say goodbye to my grandmother who is dying. My email inbox is stuffed, my RSS feed reader is engorged and I have almost 4GB of photos to filter, sort and publish. I've been relaxing but still overwelmed. If you sent me an email and didn't get a response, my apologies. IM me if it is a priority and we'll talk!

Baby Denbow- Month Two

2007-02-22 19:02:46

According to the book, The Expectant Father by Armin Brott & Jennifer Ash:
the baby will change from an embryo to a fetus. By the end of the month, he/she will have stubby little arms (no fingers yet), eyes, (without eyelids) on the side of their face, ears and a tiny beating heart (on the outside of their body). If you bumped into a six-foot-tall version of your baby in a dark alley, you'd run the other way.
Another resource says the size of the fetus could be between the size of a kumquat or a nutter butter, take your pic. I chose the nutter butter for a visual up top. Puts it into perspective doesn't it? Technorati tags: , , , ,

Boulder Canyon Nature Trail

2007-02-01 00:55:23

Boulder Canyon Nature Trails is a small, fantastic walk that crosses a creek a few times, steep climbs up, down and back around in a twisted loop. Birmingham, Alabama has many trails within city limits as the mountains cross through the city diagonally from the southwest to the northeast towards the Appalachian Trail.

Diaper spelled backwards is “repaid”

2007-02-06 02:48:44

Diaper spelled backwards is "repaid", originally uploaded by Mojo Denbow's Photo Studio. My father in early 1973, a few months after I was born. My parents finally made the switch from cloth to plastic. Expensive! Why am I bringing this up? My turn. Wonderwife and I are expecting our first child in September.

How Could This Happen?

2007-02-09 12:02:33


I moved South so I wouldn't have to deal with this. Currently 34 and will get up to 44.  Oh well, it will be out of here in 30 minutes, and the sun will come out and Mr Bluebird will be singing on my shoulder.


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2007-02-14 11:10:10

So it occurred to me that I haven't shared a couple pieces of good news from the past 2 weeks. First, I have accepted a position with a fantastic, Fortune 500 company here in Birmingham. The salary is quite a bit more than what I was making previously with the possibility of promotion soon. I'll not share the company here online for fear of getting Dooced. Contact me if you really must know. Secondly, and most importantly, Jenny and I are expecting our first child in September. Within the coming months I guarantee you will see a flood of posts, pictures and video. In case you didn't know this, God is good.

Tulsa Time

2007-02-16 08:34:59

Wonderwife and I are headed to Tulsa to visit family, especially an ill grandmother. Posting will be sporadic at best. Difficult to post while driving 650 miles at 80mph. A stop in Memphis has us inhaling fall-off-the-bone wet ribs. Oh my. Hope you are well and enjoy your weekend. CORRECTION: 95 mph!

PhotoCamp Birmingham

2007-02-23 11:36:12

Mark your calendars for April 21st, 9-5 at the Homewood Public Library! PhotoCamp is an all day discussion about all things photography. This is an open invitation to anyone and everyone to attend. Professional photographers, amateurs, photojournalists, photo clubs, photo classes- don't be left out! We'll discuss what YOU want to hear because most attendees not only choose the topics, they present then as well! What are you good at? Portraits? Landscapes? From the hip? Share it. Got some Photoshop tips/tricks? Let's hear them. Interested in learning how to get more exposure? Come on in. This conference is designed for you, you make it happen. More details, information and opportunities to attend will be forthcoming soon, in the mean time, plan on coming and what you want to talk about. If you want to register now, add yourself to the PhotoCamp wiki by clicking here. You can also sign up on our Upcoming.org page, courtesy of Yahoo/Flickr. photo is courtesy of Glynnis and sponsored in part by the Magic City Flickr Group

Billy Joel Plays Birmingham

2007-02-26 10:05:01

http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/P/B000MTFFWC.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_V47000001_.jpg Tonight, Monday February 26 at the BJCC. Concert details will be forthcoming after the concert. Are you going? Let me know and we'll try to meet up. With a big thanks to Lara for the tickets... **UPDATE** Billy Joel started off with a bang and worked his way through hs earlier work from the 70's, even reaching as far back as 1971. "Angry Young Man," "Innocent Man," "My Life," "Allentown," "New York State of Mind," "Keeping the Faith" and "She's Always a Woman to Me." Very laid back and funny. Otherwise...meh. It was past our bedtime and we decided to split an hour and a half after the start (8:15).

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Back In Birmingham

2007-02-21 09:44:42

Wonderwife and I got back on Monday night from Tulsa, OK. It was a great weekend spent with family and an opportunity to say goodbye to my grandmother who is dying. My email inbox is stuffed, my RSS feed reader is engorged and I have almost 4GB of photos to filter, sort and publish. I've been relaxing but still overwelmed. If you sent me an email and didn't get a response, my apologies. IM me if it is a priority and we'll talk!

Baby Denbow- Month Two

2007-02-22 19:02:46

According to the book, The Expectant Father by Armin Brott & Jennifer Ash:
the baby will change from an embryo to a fetus. By the end of the month, he/she will have stubby little arms (no fingers yet), eyes, (without eyelids) on the side of their face, ears and a tiny beating heart (on the outside of their body). If you bumped into a six-foot-tall version of your baby in a dark alley, you'd run the other way.
Another resource says the size of the fetus could be between the size of a kumquat or a nutter butter, take your pic. I chose the nutter butter for a visual up top. Puts it into perspective doesn't it? Technorati tags: , , , ,

Boulder Canyon Nature Trail

2007-02-01 00:55:23

Boulder Canyon Nature Trails is a small, fantastic walk that crosses a creek a few times, steep climbs up, down and back around in a twisted loop. Birmingham, Alabama has many trails within city limits as the mountains cross through the city diagonally from the southwest to the northeast towards the Appalachian Trail.

Diaper spelled backwards is “repaid”

2007-02-06 02:48:44

Diaper spelled backwards is "repaid", originally uploaded by Mojo Denbow's Photo Studio. My father in early 1973, a few months after I was born. My parents finally made the switch from cloth to plastic. Expensive! Why am I bringing this up? My turn. Wonderwife and I are expecting our first child in September.

How Could This Happen?

2007-02-09 12:02:33


I moved South so I wouldn't have to deal with this. Currently 34 and will get up to 44.  Oh well, it will be out of here in 30 minutes, and the sun will come out and Mr Bluebird will be singing on my shoulder.


Technorati tags: , ,


2007-02-14 11:10:10

So it occurred to me that I haven't shared a couple pieces of good news from the past 2 weeks. First, I have accepted a position with a fantastic, Fortune 500 company here in Birmingham. The salary is quite a bit more than what I was making previously with the possibility of promotion soon. I'll not share the company here online for fear of getting Dooced. Contact me if you really must know. Secondly, and most importantly, Jenny and I are expecting our first child in September. Within the coming months I guarantee you will see a flood of posts, pictures and video. In case you didn't know this, God is good.

Tulsa Time

2007-02-16 08:34:59

Wonderwife and I are headed to Tulsa to visit family, especially an ill grandmother. Posting will be sporadic at best. Difficult to post while driving 650 miles at 80mph. A stop in Memphis has us inhaling fall-off-the-bone wet ribs. Oh my. Hope you are well and enjoy your weekend. CORRECTION: 95 mph!

PhotoCamp Birmingham

2007-02-23 11:36:12

Mark your calendars for April 21st, 9-5 at the Homewood Public Library! PhotoCamp is an all day discussion about all things photography. This is an open invitation to anyone and everyone to attend. Professional photographers, amateurs, photojournalists, photo clubs, photo classes- don't be left out! We'll discuss what YOU want to hear because most attendees not only choose the topics, they present then as well! What are you good at? Portraits? Landscapes? From the hip? Share it. Got some Photoshop tips/tricks? Let's hear them. Interested in learning how to get more exposure? Come on in. This conference is designed for you, you make it happen. More details, information and opportunities to attend will be forthcoming soon, in the mean time, plan on coming and what you want to talk about. If you want to register now, add yourself to the PhotoCamp wiki by clicking here. You can also sign up on our Upcoming.org page, courtesy of Yahoo/Flickr. photo is courtesy of Glynnis and sponsored in part by the Magic City Flickr Group

Billy Joel Plays Birmingham

2007-02-26 10:05:01

http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/P/B000MTFFWC.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_V47000001_.jpg Tonight, Monday February 26 at the BJCC. Concert details will be forthcoming after the concert. Are you going? Let me know and we'll try to meet up. With a big thanks to Lara for the tickets... **UPDATE** Billy Joel started off with a bang and worked his way through hs earlier work from the 70's, even reaching as far back as 1971. "Angry Young Man," "Innocent Man," "My Life," "Allentown," "New York State of Mind," "Keeping the Faith" and "She's Always a Woman to Me." Very laid back and funny. Otherwise...meh. It was past our bedtime and we decided to split an hour and a half after the start (8:15).

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Back In Birmingham

2007-02-21 09:44:42

Wonderwife and I got back on Monday night from Tulsa, OK. It was a great weekend spent with family and an opportunity to say goodbye to my grandmother who is dying. My email inbox is stuffed, my RSS feed reader is engorged and I have almost 4GB of photos to filter, sort and publish. I've been relaxing but still overwelmed. If you sent me an email and didn't get a response, my apologies. IM me if it is a priority and we'll talk!

Baby Denbow- Month Two

2007-02-22 19:02:46

According to the book, The Expectant Father by Armin Brott & Jennifer Ash:
the baby will change from an embryo to a fetus. By the end of the month, he/she will have stubby little arms (no fingers yet), eyes, (without eyelids) on the side of their face, ears and a tiny beating heart (on the outside of their body). If you bumped into a six-foot-tall version of your baby in a dark alley, you'd run the other way.
Another resource says the size of the fetus could be between the size of a kumquat or a nutter butter, take your pic. I chose the nutter butter for a visual up top. Puts it into perspective doesn't it? Technorati tags: , , , ,