April 2007 Archive

April 2007 Archive

What’s Good Here?

2007-04-03 23:53:10

David's Fish Camp Wonderwife and I are taking a gulf coast vacation on this 3-day weekend. From Mobile to Dauphin Island, Gulf Shores to Destin, Florida. We're going to try Ed's Seafood Shed right on Mobile Bay, but are stymied as to where to go while in Gulf Shores.

Any seafood suggestions? Anyone? Anyone?

Insane In The Brain

2007-04-05 00:38:02

My poor brain needs more partitions and defragged. I'm exhausted. The new job is fantastic, the boss is a great lady who takes a genuine interest in her new hires and wants us to grow. For the past month, I have learned so much about Oracle, SQL, UNIX, and the company's proprietary software. The problem? I have come home mentally beat every night. I'm not complaining at all, just observing. But I look forward to the day when I can do the job & still have some brain bandwidth. PhotoCamp is coming up in 2 weeks (Sat. April 21) and I'll be working with the rest of the organizers to make sure it will be a success. Please attend! ipsa IPSA's April meeting is today! Dimitri Glazkov, Estrada Jeff Keeton, UAB Web Communications Thursday, April 5, 2007, 11:30am - 1pm (Networking 11:30-noon; Program noon - 1pm) St. Vincents' Bruno Conference Center - Auditorium On top of this, I'm trying to learn how to be a father. Baby Denbow is still 5 months away and I'll need all of that time. I'm also working on doing everything I can to support WonderWife with anything she needs/wants during this process. So far, she has been, well, wonderful. Because it is 12:24 on a work night, I'm typing away at my keyboard & scrambling whatever brain matter I have left. Time to defrag my brain and then shut down.

Gulf Of Mexico Meets Gulf Shores, AL

2007-04-11 12:37:49

Gulf Of Mexico Meets Gulf Shores, AL Originally uploaded by Mojo Denbow's Photo Studio.
Also known as the "redneck Riviera"

Photo Mojo Nomination

2007-04-16 16:51:39

My site was nominated for Best Photography Blog!

How cool is this? There are waaaay too many excellent photographers and photo sites out there. How do you choose the best? But if you agree, then please click the icon above and vote. Thanks! Click me.

PhotoCamp Is Here!

2007-04-20 23:02:32

photocamp, originally uploaded by RichardThomas.

Saturday, April 21st @ the Homewood Public Library from 10am to 5PM. This "un-conference" is born out of my fascination with photography and the desire to learn more. I am so looking forward to observing how both professionals and amateur photographers work their magic.

Many thanks to the volunteer organizers who helped me make this event possible. Special thanks to the Birmingham Public Library for sponsoring us as well as providing refreshments. Special thanks to Adobe & Flickr as well.

Watch for my behind the scenes shots on Flickr.

Photos Exist To Be Shared

2007-04-23 11:00:41

Photography & web 2.0 at this weekend’s PhotoCamp Birmingham

1040 Fest

2007-04-18 06:38:24

So I had heard about the tax day soiree from a Catalyst email and decided to head downtown to see what the festivities were all about. The line of cars waiting to hand off their tax forms and hard-earned money were wrapped around several blocks. The postal workers earned their money tonight.

There were several local bands playing and a good time was had by all, even Birmingham's finest. Next year, I'd suggest stopping by and getting some sort of tax relief! Flickr set is here.


1040 Fest 15 1040 Fest 1Birmingham's Finest 1040 Fest

1040 Fest 6

Andre & Betsy 1040 Fest 11

What’s Good Here?

2007-04-03 23:53:10

David's Fish Camp Wonderwife and I are taking a gulf coast vacation on this 3-day weekend. From Mobile to Dauphin Island, Gulf Shores to Destin, Florida. We're going to try Ed's Seafood Shed right on Mobile Bay, but are stymied as to where to go while in Gulf Shores.

Any seafood suggestions? Anyone? Anyone?

Insane In The Brain

2007-04-05 00:38:02

My poor brain needs more partitions and defragged. I'm exhausted. The new job is fantastic, the boss is a great lady who takes a genuine interest in her new hires and wants us to grow. For the past month, I have learned so much about Oracle, SQL, UNIX, and the company's proprietary software. The problem? I have come home mentally beat every night. I'm not complaining at all, just observing. But I look forward to the day when I can do the job & still have some brain bandwidth. PhotoCamp is coming up in 2 weeks (Sat. April 21) and I'll be working with the rest of the organizers to make sure it will be a success. Please attend! ipsa IPSA's April meeting is today! Dimitri Glazkov, Estrada Jeff Keeton, UAB Web Communications Thursday, April 5, 2007, 11:30am - 1pm (Networking 11:30-noon; Program noon - 1pm) St. Vincents' Bruno Conference Center - Auditorium On top of this, I'm trying to learn how to be a father. Baby Denbow is still 5 months away and I'll need all of that time. I'm also working on doing everything I can to support WonderWife with anything she needs/wants during this process. So far, she has been, well, wonderful. Because it is 12:24 on a work night, I'm typing away at my keyboard & scrambling whatever brain matter I have left. Time to defrag my brain and then shut down.

Gulf Of Mexico Meets Gulf Shores, AL

2007-04-11 12:37:49

Gulf Of Mexico Meets Gulf Shores, AL Originally uploaded by Mojo Denbow's Photo Studio.
Also known as the "redneck Riviera"

Photo Mojo Nomination

2007-04-16 16:51:39

My site was nominated for Best Photography Blog!

How cool is this? There are waaaay too many excellent photographers and photo sites out there. How do you choose the best? But if you agree, then please click the icon above and vote. Thanks! Click me.

PhotoCamp Is Here!

2007-04-20 23:02:32

photocamp, originally uploaded by RichardThomas.

Saturday, April 21st @ the Homewood Public Library from 10am to 5PM. This "un-conference" is born out of my fascination with photography and the desire to learn more. I am so looking forward to observing how both professionals and amateur photographers work their magic.

Many thanks to the volunteer organizers who helped me make this event possible. Special thanks to the Birmingham Public Library for sponsoring us as well as providing refreshments. Special thanks to Adobe & Flickr as well.

Watch for my behind the scenes shots on Flickr.

Photos Exist To Be Shared

2007-04-23 11:00:41

Photography & web 2.0 at this weekend’s PhotoCamp Birmingham

1040 Fest

2007-04-18 06:38:24

So I had heard about the tax day soiree from a Catalyst email and decided to head downtown to see what the festivities were all about. The line of cars waiting to hand off their tax forms and hard-earned money were wrapped around several blocks. The postal workers earned their money tonight.

There were several local bands playing and a good time was had by all, even Birmingham's finest. Next year, I'd suggest stopping by and getting some sort of tax relief! Flickr set is here.


1040 Fest 15 1040 Fest 1Birmingham's Finest 1040 Fest

1040 Fest 6

Andre & Betsy 1040 Fest 11

What’s Good Here?

2007-04-03 23:53:10

David's Fish Camp Wonderwife and I are taking a gulf coast vacation on this 3-day weekend. From Mobile to Dauphin Island, Gulf Shores to Destin, Florida. We're going to try Ed's Seafood Shed right on Mobile Bay, but are stymied as to where to go while in Gulf Shores.

Any seafood suggestions? Anyone? Anyone?

Insane In The Brain

2007-04-05 00:38:02

My poor brain needs more partitions and defragged. I'm exhausted. The new job is fantastic, the boss is a great lady who takes a genuine interest in her new hires and wants us to grow. For the past month, I have learned so much about Oracle, SQL, UNIX, and the company's proprietary software. The problem? I have come home mentally beat every night. I'm not complaining at all, just observing. But I look forward to the day when I can do the job & still have some brain bandwidth. PhotoCamp is coming up in 2 weeks (Sat. April 21) and I'll be working with the rest of the organizers to make sure it will be a success. Please attend! ipsa IPSA's April meeting is today! Dimitri Glazkov, Estrada Jeff Keeton, UAB Web Communications Thursday, April 5, 2007, 11:30am - 1pm (Networking 11:30-noon; Program noon - 1pm) St. Vincents' Bruno Conference Center - Auditorium On top of this, I'm trying to learn how to be a father. Baby Denbow is still 5 months away and I'll need all of that time. I'm also working on doing everything I can to support WonderWife with anything she needs/wants during this process. So far, she has been, well, wonderful. Because it is 12:24 on a work night, I'm typing away at my keyboard & scrambling whatever brain matter I have left. Time to defrag my brain and then shut down.

Gulf Of Mexico Meets Gulf Shores, AL

2007-04-11 12:37:49

Gulf Of Mexico Meets Gulf Shores, AL Originally uploaded by Mojo Denbow's Photo Studio.
Also known as the "redneck Riviera"

Photo Mojo Nomination

2007-04-16 16:51:39

My site was nominated for Best Photography Blog!

How cool is this? There are waaaay too many excellent photographers and photo sites out there. How do you choose the best? But if you agree, then please click the icon above and vote. Thanks! Click me.

PhotoCamp Is Here!

2007-04-20 23:02:32

photocamp, originally uploaded by RichardThomas.

Saturday, April 21st @ the Homewood Public Library from 10am to 5PM. This "un-conference" is born out of my fascination with photography and the desire to learn more. I am so looking forward to observing how both professionals and amateur photographers work their magic.

Many thanks to the volunteer organizers who helped me make this event possible. Special thanks to the Birmingham Public Library for sponsoring us as well as providing refreshments. Special thanks to Adobe & Flickr as well.

Watch for my behind the scenes shots on Flickr.

Photos Exist To Be Shared

2007-04-23 11:00:41

Photography & web 2.0 at this weekend’s PhotoCamp Birmingham

1040 Fest

2007-04-18 06:38:24

So I had heard about the tax day soiree from a Catalyst email and decided to head downtown to see what the festivities were all about. The line of cars waiting to hand off their tax forms and hard-earned money were wrapped around several blocks. The postal workers earned their money tonight.

There were several local bands playing and a good time was had by all, even Birmingham's finest. Next year, I'd suggest stopping by and getting some sort of tax relief! Flickr set is here.


1040 Fest 15 1040 Fest 1Birmingham's Finest 1040 Fest

1040 Fest 6

Andre & Betsy 1040 Fest 11