October 2006 Archive

October 2006 Archive

Take A Hike

2006-10-05 10:11:36

Fall is here and for just about everyone, the leaves are turning colors and dropping. I say almost everyone because it is still very green here in Alabama. Take advantage of the cooler weather by putting down the remote control, stretch your legs, take your kids and dog and just get out. Yes the new television shows are on and yes October is one of the best months for sports lovers and yes all the warm comfort food can weigh you down if you let it. So um, get out! Be sure to take your camera and share your pics with us! This pic and more can be seen at Photo Mojo!

How To Lose Friends And Alienate Your Family…

2006-10-06 08:47:05

Tell them you aren't coming home for the holidays.

Back to the Daily Grind

2006-10-17 11:24:02

...and we're back. Had a good time in Chattanooga, TN this weekend and ate 1/2 ton BBQ. Pics are on the Flickr site and Photo Mojo, details will be on Go Mojo soon.

Just A Thought…

2006-10-03 00:05:24

Nothing profound or provacative here, just random musings at midnight. Monday was a tough day. Ever since changing departments I have been riding a huge learning curve. I am totally out of my element here. When a client calls in looking for advice/support, I can stumble through it but not go the extra step or add additional value to them. Sometimes they get upset because I sound like an idiot and they expect/deserve better. What they dont know, or are too polite to mention is the fact that I have to ask someone else to help them with me. Frustration sits in for all involved. The difference is people, people. I work in a department of 98% women with 2 female supervisors. The women here are very supportive/understanding and like having an Alpha male around (me). It doesn't hurt that I feed them snacks from Wonder Wife's kitchen and share her recipes with them! At the end of the day, the clients are happy, the women are satiated from the treats, the bosses are happy and the Mojo wonders if he has learned anything. Other than how to please women, of course.  :-) Off to bed...

Shameless Mojo Advertising

2006-10-03 12:18:05

cassette.jpg Look for Audio Mojo podcasts soon! seal.gif Techno Mojo has more of your tech news! Mojo Franchise- Going on a hike or a trip? Check out Go Mojo!

Seven Wonders Of The World

2006-10-17 14:53:55

A multi-nation taskforce has decided that since only 1 of the original 7 Wonders of the world still stands, there should now be a world-wide vote on the new Seven Wonders. I voted for the seven down below for unique and cultural reasons. Angkor, Easter Island and Stonehenge are monuments to forgotten empires or civilizations. Voting ends on 07.07.07 so choose yours today!

The Post Where I Discuss Beer

2006-10-17 22:04:39

OK, so how does a Christian get off posting about beer of all topics? The Bible teaches us that drinking alcohol is not a sin, however, if you become drunk and lose control of your thoughts/actions, then that is wrong. You should be in complete control of your body. Having said that, I love beer. I enjoy the wide varieties of taste, texture and the history that comes with it. In my travels, I always seek out local flavors and try to discover others that are not available in my area, such as imported beers. For example, Alabama has one of the lowest alcohol by volume in the US, which limits the sort of beers one can sample here. Besides local beers or homegrown ales from micro-breweries, I am a huge fan of imported beer., mostly from the U.K. I just found a few while in Chattanooga. I am always on the lookout for new (to me), unique flavors. What do you drink? What would you suggest? Let me know in the comments, won't you?

Eric Clapton To Rock Birmingham Tonight

2006-10-18 08:26:58

When I was little, my father would wake us up on Saturdays by placing stereo speakers by our bedroom door and cranking up "Layla" from Derek & the Dominos. I have been a fan of Eric Clapton since. I have since assumed possession of the original record and bought almost every album released. I haven't had the time or opportunity to actually see him in concert because he was too far away or sold out and too far away. Five years ago, he said he would not tour again. Imagine my surprise when I heard on the radio that not only was he touring again, he was coming to Birmingham! So I paid for 2 floor tickets so WonderWife and I can see him rock tonight. My concert review will be tomorrow.. if my head survives. Mojo Franchise- Check out the latest tips on Outdoors and travel at Go Mojo!

EC Concert Recap

2006-10-20 10:01:31

Wonderwife and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Eric Clapton at the BJCC. The crowd was manageable, no security pat-downs or hassles and we went right to our primo seats in section 23, lower level. The only issue I had was the idiots behind us who kicked out 2 older ladies sitting in their seats. Chivalry ain't dead, right? The guy preceded to yell through his wife to his buddy 2 seats away and at random times "sing" I shot the sheriff. So I said "I shot the Dumb*ss" and thankfully he shut up. The Robert Cray band opened up with a mixture of rock, blues and soul. A good show but you can tell everyone was waiting for the main event. Eric takes the stage! The first song was "Pretending" The band then went through a series of classics over the 40+ year career such as Layla, Wonderful Tonight, After Midnight, etc. Halfway through they grabbed a few chairs and went acoustical. Nobody Knows You When You Are Down and Out and the SF Bay Blues with harmonica and Eric playing the kazoo. Crazy cool. After the encore applause, the band retook the stage and finished out with Crossroads. I have finally seen Eric Clapton live! Birmingham has hosted a ton of big name acts, including BB King at the Alabama Theatre, but this is the best for me. I finally saw my two favorite blues artists. Be still my spirit.

GPS Must-Have

2006-10-23 09:36:28

OK, so my birthday and Christmas are fast approaching and many of you are wondering, what does the Mojo want/need? Well, as it so happens, I want/need a handheld GPS tracker for my hiking. Gosh, but which one? There are so many out there, Mojo. Glad you asked! A Garmin E-trex Vista navigator. Booyah! You can find it on my Amazon Wish List... :-)

Weekend Review

2006-10-30 10:35:18

I love three day weekends, in fact, I should take them more often! On Friday I felt the need to format the hard drive, reinstall the software and backup documents. Mission accomplished. I even took the time to reorganize the study while waiting for everything to load. Speaking of re-organizing, my photo and music files were a mess, no more! Everything in its place. I even had time for a nice lunch with Jen at Firebirds, a Rocky mountain type cuisine. A lot of grilled/smoked action. I had the wood-grilled salmon. NOT as good as Jenny's but still... Saturday & Sunday were uneventful except for ART-iculating Avondale park and Vulcan AfterTunes. The house was cleaned/organized, got to watch OU beat Missouri, and he movie, The Prestige. I even grilled up some pork tenderloin. Oh my. Back to work now...

IPSA November Meeting

2006-10-30 11:07:11


November Meeting: Analytics for Conversion and Profit Ed Noles, Kinetic Communications Thursday, November 2, 2006, 11:30am - 1pm (Networking 11:30-noon; Program noon - 1pm) St. Vincents' Bruno Conference Center Free for IPSA members and guests RSVP Now If your idea of keeping up with your site traffic is checking visitor and page views once every six months, this program will put you back on the Analytics track. Learn the benefits of viewing your entire site as a call to action. See how to track conversions in Google Analytics and think critically about your organization's key performance indicators - the essential metrics that are most critical to your overall success. Special guest Eric Peterson, author of Web Analytics Demystified and Web Site Measurement Hacks will join us virtually to wrap up the program with a look at Analytics for web 2.0 and to answer audience questions. Lunch will be provided by Jason's Deli for an additional cost. You may order a lunch from Jason's Deli for $10 or bring your own. You may also pre-purchase a parking token for $2 with your lunch. If you do not want luch, you may also pre-purchase just a parking token for only $2.50. Reserve your spot now!

2007 IPSA Board

The 2007 IPSA Board Ballot is as follows.
  • President - Dan Reynolds
  • Past-President - Ed Noles
  • V.P. Programs/Communications - Jeremy Flint
  • V.P. Membership - Chris Denbow
  • V.P. Treasurer - Tony Summerville
In accordance with the IPSA Bylaws, ballots not returned within 15 days will indicate a vote in favor of the slate as submitted by the nominating committee. A simple majority of returned and non-returned ballots are required for approval of the officers. If any member wishes to voice their vote for or against this ballot, they may do so by sending an e-mail to president@ipsaonline.org.


As of October 1st, you can now join IPSA for the remainder of the current year and all of next year for only $30! This is a great deal that gets you all the benefits of IPSA membership for the rest of this year and carries you through 2007. To join online, visit www.ipsaonline.org and click Join Now. You can pay online via PayPal or mail a check to us. You can also pay for a membership at any of our monthly meetings.


Sign up for the IPSA E-Newsletter to stay up-to-date. Simply enter your e-mail address below.

About IPSA

IPSA is a non-profit organization. Membership is open to professionals and other individuals with an interest in the ideas, issues and technology shaping the future of the Internet. For more information about joining IPSA, visit our website.

Our Sponsors

St. Vincents Alabama Power Kinetic Communications Compass Bank Bright House Networks DAXKO Interested in becoming a sponsor?
Copyright © 2006, Internet Professionals Society of Alabama. Internet Professionals Society of Alabama, P.O. Box 11464, Birmingham, AL 35202 Read This Newsletter Online

How To Keep Your Spouse Happy

2006-10-23 09:21:39

Honey-do's. It is just that simple. Wonderwife has been asking me to finish painting the hallway for the longest time. Done. Hang living room curtains and tiebacks. Done. Remount hanging pictures and sconces, done. Quality time together is priceless too. To see the look on her face and hear her words of appreciation felt really good. I need to do it more often! Why don't I do it more often?? On the other hand, she has been making fantastic meals and desserts that keeps me happy. This weekend Jen made lasagna with her fantastic italian sauce as well as chicken/wild rice soup. YUM.

Take A Hike

2006-10-05 10:11:36

Fall is here and for just about everyone, the leaves are turning colors and dropping. I say almost everyone because it is still very green here in Alabama. Take advantage of the cooler weather by putting down the remote control, stretch your legs, take your kids and dog and just get out. Yes the new television shows are on and yes October is one of the best months for sports lovers and yes all the warm comfort food can weigh you down if you let it. So um, get out! Be sure to take your camera and share your pics with us! This pic and more can be seen at Photo Mojo!

How To Lose Friends And Alienate Your Family…

2006-10-06 08:47:05

Tell them you aren't coming home for the holidays.

Back to the Daily Grind

2006-10-17 11:24:02

...and we're back. Had a good time in Chattanooga, TN this weekend and ate 1/2 ton BBQ. Pics are on the Flickr site and Photo Mojo, details will be on Go Mojo soon.

Just A Thought…

2006-10-03 00:05:24

Nothing profound or provacative here, just random musings at midnight. Monday was a tough day. Ever since changing departments I have been riding a huge learning curve. I am totally out of my element here. When a client calls in looking for advice/support, I can stumble through it but not go the extra step or add additional value to them. Sometimes they get upset because I sound like an idiot and they expect/deserve better. What they dont know, or are too polite to mention is the fact that I have to ask someone else to help them with me. Frustration sits in for all involved. The difference is people, people. I work in a department of 98% women with 2 female supervisors. The women here are very supportive/understanding and like having an Alpha male around (me). It doesn't hurt that I feed them snacks from Wonder Wife's kitchen and share her recipes with them! At the end of the day, the clients are happy, the women are satiated from the treats, the bosses are happy and the Mojo wonders if he has learned anything. Other than how to please women, of course.  :-) Off to bed...

Shameless Mojo Advertising

2006-10-03 12:18:05

cassette.jpg Look for Audio Mojo podcasts soon! seal.gif Techno Mojo has more of your tech news! Mojo Franchise- Going on a hike or a trip? Check out Go Mojo!

Seven Wonders Of The World

2006-10-17 14:53:55

A multi-nation taskforce has decided that since only 1 of the original 7 Wonders of the world still stands, there should now be a world-wide vote on the new Seven Wonders. I voted for the seven down below for unique and cultural reasons. Angkor, Easter Island and Stonehenge are monuments to forgotten empires or civilizations. Voting ends on 07.07.07 so choose yours today!

The Post Where I Discuss Beer

2006-10-17 22:04:39

OK, so how does a Christian get off posting about beer of all topics? The Bible teaches us that drinking alcohol is not a sin, however, if you become drunk and lose control of your thoughts/actions, then that is wrong. You should be in complete control of your body. Having said that, I love beer. I enjoy the wide varieties of taste, texture and the history that comes with it. In my travels, I always seek out local flavors and try to discover others that are not available in my area, such as imported beers. For example, Alabama has one of the lowest alcohol by volume in the US, which limits the sort of beers one can sample here. Besides local beers or homegrown ales from micro-breweries, I am a huge fan of imported beer., mostly from the U.K. I just found a few while in Chattanooga. I am always on the lookout for new (to me), unique flavors. What do you drink? What would you suggest? Let me know in the comments, won't you?

Eric Clapton To Rock Birmingham Tonight

2006-10-18 08:26:58

When I was little, my father would wake us up on Saturdays by placing stereo speakers by our bedroom door and cranking up "Layla" from Derek & the Dominos. I have been a fan of Eric Clapton since. I have since assumed possession of the original record and bought almost every album released. I haven't had the time or opportunity to actually see him in concert because he was too far away or sold out and too far away. Five years ago, he said he would not tour again. Imagine my surprise when I heard on the radio that not only was he touring again, he was coming to Birmingham! So I paid for 2 floor tickets so WonderWife and I can see him rock tonight. My concert review will be tomorrow.. if my head survives. Mojo Franchise- Check out the latest tips on Outdoors and travel at Go Mojo!

EC Concert Recap

2006-10-20 10:01:31

Wonderwife and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Eric Clapton at the BJCC. The crowd was manageable, no security pat-downs or hassles and we went right to our primo seats in section 23, lower level. The only issue I had was the idiots behind us who kicked out 2 older ladies sitting in their seats. Chivalry ain't dead, right? The guy preceded to yell through his wife to his buddy 2 seats away and at random times "sing" I shot the sheriff. So I said "I shot the Dumb*ss" and thankfully he shut up. The Robert Cray band opened up with a mixture of rock, blues and soul. A good show but you can tell everyone was waiting for the main event. Eric takes the stage! The first song was "Pretending" The band then went through a series of classics over the 40+ year career such as Layla, Wonderful Tonight, After Midnight, etc. Halfway through they grabbed a few chairs and went acoustical. Nobody Knows You When You Are Down and Out and the SF Bay Blues with harmonica and Eric playing the kazoo. Crazy cool. After the encore applause, the band retook the stage and finished out with Crossroads. I have finally seen Eric Clapton live! Birmingham has hosted a ton of big name acts, including BB King at the Alabama Theatre, but this is the best for me. I finally saw my two favorite blues artists. Be still my spirit.

GPS Must-Have

2006-10-23 09:36:28

OK, so my birthday and Christmas are fast approaching and many of you are wondering, what does the Mojo want/need? Well, as it so happens, I want/need a handheld GPS tracker for my hiking. Gosh, but which one? There are so many out there, Mojo. Glad you asked! A Garmin E-trex Vista navigator. Booyah! You can find it on my Amazon Wish List... :-)

Weekend Review

2006-10-30 10:35:18

I love three day weekends, in fact, I should take them more often! On Friday I felt the need to format the hard drive, reinstall the software and backup documents. Mission accomplished. I even took the time to reorganize the study while waiting for everything to load. Speaking of re-organizing, my photo and music files were a mess, no more! Everything in its place. I even had time for a nice lunch with Jen at Firebirds, a Rocky mountain type cuisine. A lot of grilled/smoked action. I had the wood-grilled salmon. NOT as good as Jenny's but still... Saturday & Sunday were uneventful except for ART-iculating Avondale park and Vulcan AfterTunes. The house was cleaned/organized, got to watch OU beat Missouri, and he movie, The Prestige. I even grilled up some pork tenderloin. Oh my. Back to work now...

IPSA November Meeting

2006-10-30 11:07:11


November Meeting: Analytics for Conversion and Profit Ed Noles, Kinetic Communications Thursday, November 2, 2006, 11:30am - 1pm (Networking 11:30-noon; Program noon - 1pm) St. Vincents' Bruno Conference Center Free for IPSA members and guests RSVP Now If your idea of keeping up with your site traffic is checking visitor and page views once every six months, this program will put you back on the Analytics track. Learn the benefits of viewing your entire site as a call to action. See how to track conversions in Google Analytics and think critically about your organization's key performance indicators - the essential metrics that are most critical to your overall success. Special guest Eric Peterson, author of Web Analytics Demystified and Web Site Measurement Hacks will join us virtually to wrap up the program with a look at Analytics for web 2.0 and to answer audience questions. Lunch will be provided by Jason's Deli for an additional cost. You may order a lunch from Jason's Deli for $10 or bring your own. You may also pre-purchase a parking token for $2 with your lunch. If you do not want luch, you may also pre-purchase just a parking token for only $2.50. Reserve your spot now!

2007 IPSA Board

The 2007 IPSA Board Ballot is as follows.
  • President - Dan Reynolds
  • Past-President - Ed Noles
  • V.P. Programs/Communications - Jeremy Flint
  • V.P. Membership - Chris Denbow
  • V.P. Treasurer - Tony Summerville
In accordance with the IPSA Bylaws, ballots not returned within 15 days will indicate a vote in favor of the slate as submitted by the nominating committee. A simple majority of returned and non-returned ballots are required for approval of the officers. If any member wishes to voice their vote for or against this ballot, they may do so by sending an e-mail to president@ipsaonline.org.


As of October 1st, you can now join IPSA for the remainder of the current year and all of next year for only $30! This is a great deal that gets you all the benefits of IPSA membership for the rest of this year and carries you through 2007. To join online, visit www.ipsaonline.org and click Join Now. You can pay online via PayPal or mail a check to us. You can also pay for a membership at any of our monthly meetings.


Sign up for the IPSA E-Newsletter to stay up-to-date. Simply enter your e-mail address below.

About IPSA

IPSA is a non-profit organization. Membership is open to professionals and other individuals with an interest in the ideas, issues and technology shaping the future of the Internet. For more information about joining IPSA, visit our website.

Our Sponsors

St. Vincents Alabama Power Kinetic Communications Compass Bank Bright House Networks DAXKO Interested in becoming a sponsor?
Copyright © 2006, Internet Professionals Society of Alabama. Internet Professionals Society of Alabama, P.O. Box 11464, Birmingham, AL 35202 Read This Newsletter Online

How To Keep Your Spouse Happy

2006-10-23 09:21:39

Honey-do's. It is just that simple. Wonderwife has been asking me to finish painting the hallway for the longest time. Done. Hang living room curtains and tiebacks. Done. Remount hanging pictures and sconces, done. Quality time together is priceless too. To see the look on her face and hear her words of appreciation felt really good. I need to do it more often! Why don't I do it more often?? On the other hand, she has been making fantastic meals and desserts that keeps me happy. This weekend Jen made lasagna with her fantastic italian sauce as well as chicken/wild rice soup. YUM.

Take A Hike

2006-10-05 10:11:36

Fall is here and for just about everyone, the leaves are turning colors and dropping. I say almost everyone because it is still very green here in Alabama. Take advantage of the cooler weather by putting down the remote control, stretch your legs, take your kids and dog and just get out. Yes the new television shows are on and yes October is one of the best months for sports lovers and yes all the warm comfort food can weigh you down if you let it. So um, get out! Be sure to take your camera and share your pics with us! This pic and more can be seen at Photo Mojo!

How To Lose Friends And Alienate Your Family…

2006-10-06 08:47:05

Tell them you aren't coming home for the holidays.

Back to the Daily Grind

2006-10-17 11:24:02

...and we're back. Had a good time in Chattanooga, TN this weekend and ate 1/2 ton BBQ. Pics are on the Flickr site and Photo Mojo, details will be on Go Mojo soon.

Just A Thought…

2006-10-03 00:05:24

Nothing profound or provacative here, just random musings at midnight. Monday was a tough day. Ever since changing departments I have been riding a huge learning curve. I am totally out of my element here. When a client calls in looking for advice/support, I can stumble through it but not go the extra step or add additional value to them. Sometimes they get upset because I sound like an idiot and they expect/deserve better. What they dont know, or are too polite to mention is the fact that I have to ask someone else to help them with me. Frustration sits in for all involved. The difference is people, people. I work in a department of 98% women with 2 female supervisors. The women here are very supportive/understanding and like having an Alpha male around (me). It doesn't hurt that I feed them snacks from Wonder Wife's kitchen and share her recipes with them! At the end of the day, the clients are happy, the women are satiated from the treats, the bosses are happy and the Mojo wonders if he has learned anything. Other than how to please women, of course.  :-) Off to bed...

Shameless Mojo Advertising

2006-10-03 12:18:05

cassette.jpg Look for Audio Mojo podcasts soon! seal.gif Techno Mojo has more of your tech news! Mojo Franchise- Going on a hike or a trip? Check out Go Mojo!

Seven Wonders Of The World

2006-10-17 14:53:55

A multi-nation taskforce has decided that since only 1 of the original 7 Wonders of the world still stands, there should now be a world-wide vote on the new Seven Wonders. I voted for the seven down below for unique and cultural reasons. Angkor, Easter Island and Stonehenge are monuments to forgotten empires or civilizations. Voting ends on 07.07.07 so choose yours today!

The Post Where I Discuss Beer

2006-10-17 22:04:39

OK, so how does a Christian get off posting about beer of all topics? The Bible teaches us that drinking alcohol is not a sin, however, if you become drunk and lose control of your thoughts/actions, then that is wrong. You should be in complete control of your body. Having said that, I love beer. I enjoy the wide varieties of taste, texture and the history that comes with it. In my travels, I always seek out local flavors and try to discover others that are not available in my area, such as imported beers. For example, Alabama has one of the lowest alcohol by volume in the US, which limits the sort of beers one can sample here. Besides local beers or homegrown ales from micro-breweries, I am a huge fan of imported beer., mostly from the U.K. I just found a few while in Chattanooga. I am always on the lookout for new (to me), unique flavors. What do you drink? What would you suggest? Let me know in the comments, won't you?

Eric Clapton To Rock Birmingham Tonight

2006-10-18 08:26:58

When I was little, my father would wake us up on Saturdays by placing stereo speakers by our bedroom door and cranking up "Layla" from Derek & the Dominos. I have been a fan of Eric Clapton since. I have since assumed possession of the original record and bought almost every album released. I haven't had the time or opportunity to actually see him in concert because he was too far away or sold out and too far away. Five years ago, he said he would not tour again. Imagine my surprise when I heard on the radio that not only was he touring again, he was coming to Birmingham! So I paid for 2 floor tickets so WonderWife and I can see him rock tonight. My concert review will be tomorrow.. if my head survives. Mojo Franchise- Check out the latest tips on Outdoors and travel at Go Mojo!

EC Concert Recap

2006-10-20 10:01:31

Wonderwife and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Eric Clapton at the BJCC. The crowd was manageable, no security pat-downs or hassles and we went right to our primo seats in section 23, lower level. The only issue I had was the idiots behind us who kicked out 2 older ladies sitting in their seats. Chivalry ain't dead, right? The guy preceded to yell through his wife to his buddy 2 seats away and at random times "sing" I shot the sheriff. So I said "I shot the Dumb*ss" and thankfully he shut up. The Robert Cray band opened up with a mixture of rock, blues and soul. A good show but you can tell everyone was waiting for the main event. Eric takes the stage! The first song was "Pretending" The band then went through a series of classics over the 40+ year career such as Layla, Wonderful Tonight, After Midnight, etc. Halfway through they grabbed a few chairs and went acoustical. Nobody Knows You When You Are Down and Out and the SF Bay Blues with harmonica and Eric playing the kazoo. Crazy cool. After the encore applause, the band retook the stage and finished out with Crossroads. I have finally seen Eric Clapton live! Birmingham has hosted a ton of big name acts, including BB King at the Alabama Theatre, but this is the best for me. I finally saw my two favorite blues artists. Be still my spirit.

GPS Must-Have

2006-10-23 09:36:28

OK, so my birthday and Christmas are fast approaching and many of you are wondering, what does the Mojo want/need? Well, as it so happens, I want/need a handheld GPS tracker for my hiking. Gosh, but which one? There are so many out there, Mojo. Glad you asked! A Garmin E-trex Vista navigator. Booyah! You can find it on my Amazon Wish List... :-)

Weekend Review

2006-10-30 10:35:18

I love three day weekends, in fact, I should take them more often! On Friday I felt the need to format the hard drive, reinstall the software and backup documents. Mission accomplished. I even took the time to reorganize the study while waiting for everything to load. Speaking of re-organizing, my photo and music files were a mess, no more! Everything in its place. I even had time for a nice lunch with Jen at Firebirds, a Rocky mountain type cuisine. A lot of grilled/smoked action. I had the wood-grilled salmon. NOT as good as Jenny's but still... Saturday & Sunday were uneventful except for ART-iculating Avondale park and Vulcan AfterTunes. The house was cleaned/organized, got to watch OU beat Missouri, and he movie, The Prestige. I even grilled up some pork tenderloin. Oh my. Back to work now...

IPSA November Meeting

2006-10-30 11:07:11


November Meeting: Analytics for Conversion and Profit Ed Noles, Kinetic Communications Thursday, November 2, 2006, 11:30am - 1pm (Networking 11:30-noon; Program noon - 1pm) St. Vincents' Bruno Conference Center Free for IPSA members and guests RSVP Now If your idea of keeping up with your site traffic is checking visitor and page views once every six months, this program will put you back on the Analytics track. Learn the benefits of viewing your entire site as a call to action. See how to track conversions in Google Analytics and think critically about your organization's key performance indicators - the essential metrics that are most critical to your overall success. Special guest Eric Peterson, author of Web Analytics Demystified and Web Site Measurement Hacks will join us virtually to wrap up the program with a look at Analytics for web 2.0 and to answer audience questions. Lunch will be provided by Jason's Deli for an additional cost. You may order a lunch from Jason's Deli for $10 or bring your own. You may also pre-purchase a parking token for $2 with your lunch. If you do not want luch, you may also pre-purchase just a parking token for only $2.50. Reserve your spot now!

2007 IPSA Board

The 2007 IPSA Board Ballot is as follows.
  • President - Dan Reynolds
  • Past-President - Ed Noles
  • V.P. Programs/Communications - Jeremy Flint
  • V.P. Membership - Chris Denbow
  • V.P. Treasurer - Tony Summerville
In accordance with the IPSA Bylaws, ballots not returned within 15 days will indicate a vote in favor of the slate as submitted by the nominating committee. A simple majority of returned and non-returned ballots are required for approval of the officers. If any member wishes to voice their vote for or against this ballot, they may do so by sending an e-mail to president@ipsaonline.org.


As of October 1st, you can now join IPSA for the remainder of the current year and all of next year for only $30! This is a great deal that gets you all the benefits of IPSA membership for the rest of this year and carries you through 2007. To join online, visit www.ipsaonline.org and click Join Now. You can pay online via PayPal or mail a check to us. You can also pay for a membership at any of our monthly meetings.


Sign up for the IPSA E-Newsletter to stay up-to-date. Simply enter your e-mail address below.

About IPSA

IPSA is a non-profit organization. Membership is open to professionals and other individuals with an interest in the ideas, issues and technology shaping the future of the Internet. For more information about joining IPSA, visit our website.

Our Sponsors

St. Vincents Alabama Power Kinetic Communications Compass Bank Bright House Networks DAXKO Interested in becoming a sponsor?
Copyright © 2006, Internet Professionals Society of Alabama. Internet Professionals Society of Alabama, P.O. Box 11464, Birmingham, AL 35202 Read This Newsletter Online

How To Keep Your Spouse Happy

2006-10-23 09:21:39

Honey-do's. It is just that simple. Wonderwife has been asking me to finish painting the hallway for the longest time. Done. Hang living room curtains and tiebacks. Done. Remount hanging pictures and sconces, done. Quality time together is priceless too. To see the look on her face and hear her words of appreciation felt really good. I need to do it more often! Why don't I do it more often?? On the other hand, she has been making fantastic meals and desserts that keeps me happy. This weekend Jen made lasagna with her fantastic italian sauce as well as chicken/wild rice soup. YUM.