December 2006 Archive
Christmas Decor
2006-12-01 12:40:58
Have you started/finished decorating for the holidays yet? Family tradition was to always wait until December and maybe even around my birthday (12/7). Wonderwife will probably attempt to change my stocking again this year. I have had the same one since the early 70's and it shows. Sentimental, I know. But why? I don't own anything else that old except myself. Why a stupid stocking?
I think we'll go ahead and decorate this weekend.
What holiday traditions do you have and would share with us?
Preservation Hall Jazz Band
2006-12-02 01:08:17
Wonderwife surprised me with tickets to the "Creole Christmas" featuring this band from New Orleans. The concert is Sunday afternoon at the Alys Stephens Center in Birmingham. Its been awhile since I heard some decent jazz, so I am really looking forward to it.
Techno Mojo Hijacked
2006-12-04 11:27:37
For the past week I have been unable to update to the tech site for reasons unclear. When logging on to my website, I receive the following message: "You do not have sufficient permissions..." Wordpress support forums show that multiple users are going through the same thing. So, I cannot post an article, delete the 294 (and rising per day) pieces of spam in my comments section, or change any settings. I was able to make a backup and download it. Maybe I can take it all down and reinstall. I may just wait and hopefully Wordpress can shake it down. Very upsetting. Photo Mojo and Go Mojo are using the same software and server host and are not suffering...yet.
In the meantime, I will probably host a few articles here on top of personal insights.
Anyone out there have similar experiences? Tips/tricks/help?
Whats In YOUR Wallet?
2006-12-01 13:41:50
...or more to the point, what is in your backpack when you go on your excursions to the great outdoors?
MUST-HAVES in the Mojo's backpack include:
- water
- sunscreen
- insect repellant
- First aid kit, including aspirin
- camera
- both a spare long sleeve & short sleeve shirt
- a book
- Not in the pack, but a hiking pole
So what are your must-haves? What else do you carry?
So Soon?
2006-12-06 17:51:24
December 7, 1972 is known as "the second day of infamy" because I was born on Pearl Harbor day. Yay me. The past few birthdays away from extended family members has been labeled as "just another day" for me. Wonderwife goes all out, make no mistake, but it would be nice to celebrate with other folks, too.
Thursday night will find me grilling filet mignon and eating way too much home made birthday spice cake with cream cheese topping, having a nice relaxing evening with Wonderwife opening her gifts and gifts being shipped from Oklahoma.
We're also thinking about celebrating this weekend at the Bottletree but not on Thursday because of the entertainement line-up (MEDIOCRE LOCAL COMEDY NIGHT WITH MIKE McCALL AND HIS SUPREME WHITE SUPREMACISTS FEATURING LEFTY THE WELL-HUNG LESBIAN)
So what do you think of the Bottletree? Any other birthday bash suggestions? Oh, and don't forget about my wish list. :-)
Enjoy your day too!
PS: My cell mate behind me, Traci is celebrating her birthday today (6) Happy birthday!

Peavine Falls Hike
2006-12-07 01:03:04
Oak Mountain State Park outside Birmingham, AL
Techno Mojo in HD
2006-12-12 02:18:35
Techno Mojo in HD
Originally uploaded by Mojo Denbow's Photo Studio.
High quality Mojo. Now if the content was just as quality as the resolution...
Sylvania 26" flat panel LCD in High Def purchased from's Customer Vote program. I was one out of 500 lucky winners.
Doubling as a computer monitor.
"It is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recomend you pick one up". - Ferris Bueller
The Office
2006-12-22 01:18:07
Originally uploaded by Mojo Denbow's Photo Studio.
Offering a look at the crazy workplace I spend most of my time with.
Windows XP Media Center Edition
2006-12-22 01:41:04
I don't know how I have missed it but until tonight I did not realize the potential of MCE. When I pulled the new PC out of the box this summer, I split and then hooked up the internet/tv cable to the tuner card on the back of the tower, programmed the channel settings and watched television live on my computer. With the remote control provided, I scanned the channels and found something to record. I have a DVR in the living room but THIS was something else. I could relax in my study with tv in the background for news and such.
In my internet surfing, I stumbled across a website called "The Green Button", a website dedicated to all things MCE. The green button is a reference to a Windows' icon in XP for the Media Center. I then discovered I could burn the recorded tv to a DVD for storage and later consumption because these programs eat up about 3GB for an hour of programming.
So with this knowledge and the season break of Battlestar Galactica, I was able to record season 3 (so far) and view on DVD. Neat. Now what else can I record...suggestions?
Audio Mojo Podcast Grabs 9100 Subscribers
2006-12-22 14:03:02
So I was doing a vanity check on the internet and remembered loading Muddy Waters' song "Got My Mojo Workin", (yes this website is the same title) as a test for a netcast. I checked back in on it today and discovered over 9,000 subscribers to just this one podcast! All of these people are encouraging me to resume planning for "Audio Mojo" for the Mojo Franchise, but the content/timing/format is still elusive.
Will 2007 bring in the Mojo's first netcast? Any tips/tricks/suggestions?
New Year’s Wish For Bloggers
2006-12-27 10:42:22
Feedback. Validation. Support. Engagement.(And oddly enough, giving these things tends to cause one to receive them).
Flickr Magic City Group Meetup
2006-12-22 16:42:28
Saturday the 23rd at the Vestavia Hills Starbucks at 8PM. Bring your camera, a tripod and something warm to wear. Should be a real good turnout to go shoot local holiday displays. Last week it was just Glynnish and I but we made the best of it. Can't wait to see her pics. Check us out on Flickr.
The Best of 2006- Books
2006-12-26 11:26:37
So now that Christmas has come & gone, it is time to look forward to the new year. Not so fast, my friends. A little reflection is required, don't you think? This week I am listing a few of the favorite items I have consumed this year, starting with my favorite past time, reading. Submitted below is a list of the books that have changed me with life application or changed the way I think and see. Sometimes they are for just enjoyment. This is not an exhaustive list.
The World Is Flat
Never Eat Alone
Naked Conversations
The Long Tail
The Tipping Point
The Well-Educated Mind
Life Of Pi
Blue Like Jazz
The Abs Diet
For some internet fun to track your book consumption, try Shelfari, to create your virtual bookshelf. So, what is on your nightstand?
Christmas Decor
2006-12-01 12:40:58
Have you started/finished decorating for the holidays yet? Family tradition was to always wait until December and maybe even around my birthday (12/7). Wonderwife will probably attempt to change my stocking again this year. I have had the same one since the early 70's and it shows. Sentimental, I know. But why? I don't own anything else that old except myself. Why a stupid stocking?
I think we'll go ahead and decorate this weekend.
What holiday traditions do you have and would share with us?
Preservation Hall Jazz Band
2006-12-02 01:08:17
Wonderwife surprised me with tickets to the "Creole Christmas" featuring this band from New Orleans. The concert is Sunday afternoon at the Alys Stephens Center in Birmingham. Its been awhile since I heard some decent jazz, so I am really looking forward to it.
Techno Mojo Hijacked
2006-12-04 11:27:37
For the past week I have been unable to update to the tech site for reasons unclear. When logging on to my website, I receive the following message: "You do not have sufficient permissions..." Wordpress support forums show that multiple users are going through the same thing. So, I cannot post an article, delete the 294 (and rising per day) pieces of spam in my comments section, or change any settings. I was able to make a backup and download it. Maybe I can take it all down and reinstall. I may just wait and hopefully Wordpress can shake it down. Very upsetting. Photo Mojo and Go Mojo are using the same software and server host and are not suffering...yet.
In the meantime, I will probably host a few articles here on top of personal insights.
Anyone out there have similar experiences? Tips/tricks/help?
Whats In YOUR Wallet?
2006-12-01 13:41:50
...or more to the point, what is in your backpack when you go on your excursions to the great outdoors?
MUST-HAVES in the Mojo's backpack include:
- water
- sunscreen
- insect repellant
- First aid kit, including aspirin
- camera
- both a spare long sleeve & short sleeve shirt
- a book
- Not in the pack, but a hiking pole
So what are your must-haves? What else do you carry?
So Soon?
2006-12-06 17:51:24
December 7, 1972 is known as "the second day of infamy" because I was born on Pearl Harbor day. Yay me. The past few birthdays away from extended family members has been labeled as "just another day" for me. Wonderwife goes all out, make no mistake, but it would be nice to celebrate with other folks, too.
Thursday night will find me grilling filet mignon and eating way too much home made birthday spice cake with cream cheese topping, having a nice relaxing evening with Wonderwife opening her gifts and gifts being shipped from Oklahoma.
We're also thinking about celebrating this weekend at the Bottletree but not on Thursday because of the entertainement line-up (MEDIOCRE LOCAL COMEDY NIGHT WITH MIKE McCALL AND HIS SUPREME WHITE SUPREMACISTS FEATURING LEFTY THE WELL-HUNG LESBIAN)
So what do you think of the Bottletree? Any other birthday bash suggestions? Oh, and don't forget about my wish list. :-)
Enjoy your day too!
PS: My cell mate behind me, Traci is celebrating her birthday today (6) Happy birthday!

Peavine Falls Hike
2006-12-07 01:03:04
Oak Mountain State Park outside Birmingham, AL
Techno Mojo in HD
2006-12-12 02:18:35
Techno Mojo in HD
Originally uploaded by Mojo Denbow's Photo Studio.
High quality Mojo. Now if the content was just as quality as the resolution...
Sylvania 26" flat panel LCD in High Def purchased from's Customer Vote program. I was one out of 500 lucky winners.
Doubling as a computer monitor.
"It is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recomend you pick one up". - Ferris Bueller
The Office
2006-12-22 01:18:07
Originally uploaded by Mojo Denbow's Photo Studio.
Offering a look at the crazy workplace I spend most of my time with.
Windows XP Media Center Edition
2006-12-22 01:41:04
I don't know how I have missed it but until tonight I did not realize the potential of MCE. When I pulled the new PC out of the box this summer, I split and then hooked up the internet/tv cable to the tuner card on the back of the tower, programmed the channel settings and watched television live on my computer. With the remote control provided, I scanned the channels and found something to record. I have a DVR in the living room but THIS was something else. I could relax in my study with tv in the background for news and such.
In my internet surfing, I stumbled across a website called "The Green Button", a website dedicated to all things MCE. The green button is a reference to a Windows' icon in XP for the Media Center. I then discovered I could burn the recorded tv to a DVD for storage and later consumption because these programs eat up about 3GB for an hour of programming.
So with this knowledge and the season break of Battlestar Galactica, I was able to record season 3 (so far) and view on DVD. Neat. Now what else can I record...suggestions?
Audio Mojo Podcast Grabs 9100 Subscribers
2006-12-22 14:03:02
So I was doing a vanity check on the internet and remembered loading Muddy Waters' song "Got My Mojo Workin", (yes this website is the same title) as a test for a netcast. I checked back in on it today and discovered over 9,000 subscribers to just this one podcast! All of these people are encouraging me to resume planning for "Audio Mojo" for the Mojo Franchise, but the content/timing/format is still elusive.
Will 2007 bring in the Mojo's first netcast? Any tips/tricks/suggestions?
New Year’s Wish For Bloggers
2006-12-27 10:42:22
Feedback. Validation. Support. Engagement.(And oddly enough, giving these things tends to cause one to receive them).
Flickr Magic City Group Meetup
2006-12-22 16:42:28
Saturday the 23rd at the Vestavia Hills Starbucks at 8PM. Bring your camera, a tripod and something warm to wear. Should be a real good turnout to go shoot local holiday displays. Last week it was just Glynnish and I but we made the best of it. Can't wait to see her pics. Check us out on Flickr.
The Best of 2006- Books
2006-12-26 11:26:37
So now that Christmas has come & gone, it is time to look forward to the new year. Not so fast, my friends. A little reflection is required, don't you think? This week I am listing a few of the favorite items I have consumed this year, starting with my favorite past time, reading. Submitted below is a list of the books that have changed me with life application or changed the way I think and see. Sometimes they are for just enjoyment. This is not an exhaustive list.
The World Is Flat
Never Eat Alone
Naked Conversations
The Long Tail
The Tipping Point
The Well-Educated Mind
Life Of Pi
Blue Like Jazz
The Abs Diet
For some internet fun to track your book consumption, try Shelfari, to create your virtual bookshelf. So, what is on your nightstand?
Christmas Decor
2006-12-01 12:40:58
Have you started/finished decorating for the holidays yet? Family tradition was to always wait until December and maybe even around my birthday (12/7). Wonderwife will probably attempt to change my stocking again this year. I have had the same one since the early 70's and it shows. Sentimental, I know. But why? I don't own anything else that old except myself. Why a stupid stocking?
I think we'll go ahead and decorate this weekend.
What holiday traditions do you have and would share with us?
Preservation Hall Jazz Band
2006-12-02 01:08:17
Wonderwife surprised me with tickets to the "Creole Christmas" featuring this band from New Orleans. The concert is Sunday afternoon at the Alys Stephens Center in Birmingham. Its been awhile since I heard some decent jazz, so I am really looking forward to it.
Techno Mojo Hijacked
2006-12-04 11:27:37
For the past week I have been unable to update to the tech site for reasons unclear. When logging on to my website, I receive the following message: "You do not have sufficient permissions..." Wordpress support forums show that multiple users are going through the same thing. So, I cannot post an article, delete the 294 (and rising per day) pieces of spam in my comments section, or change any settings. I was able to make a backup and download it. Maybe I can take it all down and reinstall. I may just wait and hopefully Wordpress can shake it down. Very upsetting. Photo Mojo and Go Mojo are using the same software and server host and are not suffering...yet.
In the meantime, I will probably host a few articles here on top of personal insights.
Anyone out there have similar experiences? Tips/tricks/help?
Whats In YOUR Wallet?
2006-12-01 13:41:50
...or more to the point, what is in your backpack when you go on your excursions to the great outdoors?
MUST-HAVES in the Mojo's backpack include:
- water
- sunscreen
- insect repellant
- First aid kit, including aspirin
- camera
- both a spare long sleeve & short sleeve shirt
- a book
- Not in the pack, but a hiking pole
So what are your must-haves? What else do you carry?
So Soon?
2006-12-06 17:51:24
December 7, 1972 is known as "the second day of infamy" because I was born on Pearl Harbor day. Yay me. The past few birthdays away from extended family members has been labeled as "just another day" for me. Wonderwife goes all out, make no mistake, but it would be nice to celebrate with other folks, too.
Thursday night will find me grilling filet mignon and eating way too much home made birthday spice cake with cream cheese topping, having a nice relaxing evening with Wonderwife opening her gifts and gifts being shipped from Oklahoma.
We're also thinking about celebrating this weekend at the Bottletree but not on Thursday because of the entertainement line-up (MEDIOCRE LOCAL COMEDY NIGHT WITH MIKE McCALL AND HIS SUPREME WHITE SUPREMACISTS FEATURING LEFTY THE WELL-HUNG LESBIAN)
So what do you think of the Bottletree? Any other birthday bash suggestions? Oh, and don't forget about my wish list. :-)
Enjoy your day too!
PS: My cell mate behind me, Traci is celebrating her birthday today (6) Happy birthday!

Peavine Falls Hike
2006-12-07 01:03:04
Oak Mountain State Park outside Birmingham, AL
Techno Mojo in HD
2006-12-12 02:18:35
Techno Mojo in HD
Originally uploaded by Mojo Denbow's Photo Studio.
High quality Mojo. Now if the content was just as quality as the resolution...
Sylvania 26" flat panel LCD in High Def purchased from's Customer Vote program. I was one out of 500 lucky winners.
Doubling as a computer monitor.
"It is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recomend you pick one up". - Ferris Bueller
The Office
2006-12-22 01:18:07
Originally uploaded by Mojo Denbow's Photo Studio.
Offering a look at the crazy workplace I spend most of my time with.
Windows XP Media Center Edition
2006-12-22 01:41:04
I don't know how I have missed it but until tonight I did not realize the potential of MCE. When I pulled the new PC out of the box this summer, I split and then hooked up the internet/tv cable to the tuner card on the back of the tower, programmed the channel settings and watched television live on my computer. With the remote control provided, I scanned the channels and found something to record. I have a DVR in the living room but THIS was something else. I could relax in my study with tv in the background for news and such.
In my internet surfing, I stumbled across a website called "The Green Button", a website dedicated to all things MCE. The green button is a reference to a Windows' icon in XP for the Media Center. I then discovered I could burn the recorded tv to a DVD for storage and later consumption because these programs eat up about 3GB for an hour of programming.
So with this knowledge and the season break of Battlestar Galactica, I was able to record season 3 (so far) and view on DVD. Neat. Now what else can I record...suggestions?
Audio Mojo Podcast Grabs 9100 Subscribers
2006-12-22 14:03:02
So I was doing a vanity check on the internet and remembered loading Muddy Waters' song "Got My Mojo Workin", (yes this website is the same title) as a test for a netcast. I checked back in on it today and discovered over 9,000 subscribers to just this one podcast! All of these people are encouraging me to resume planning for "Audio Mojo" for the Mojo Franchise, but the content/timing/format is still elusive.
Will 2007 bring in the Mojo's first netcast? Any tips/tricks/suggestions?
New Year’s Wish For Bloggers
2006-12-27 10:42:22
Feedback. Validation. Support. Engagement.(And oddly enough, giving these things tends to cause one to receive them).
Flickr Magic City Group Meetup
2006-12-22 16:42:28
Saturday the 23rd at the Vestavia Hills Starbucks at 8PM. Bring your camera, a tripod and something warm to wear. Should be a real good turnout to go shoot local holiday displays. Last week it was just Glynnish and I but we made the best of it. Can't wait to see her pics. Check us out on Flickr.
The Best of 2006- Books
2006-12-26 11:26:37
So now that Christmas has come & gone, it is time to look forward to the new year. Not so fast, my friends. A little reflection is required, don't you think? This week I am listing a few of the favorite items I have consumed this year, starting with my favorite past time, reading. Submitted below is a list of the books that have changed me with life application or changed the way I think and see. Sometimes they are for just enjoyment. This is not an exhaustive list.
The World Is Flat
Never Eat Alone
Naked Conversations
The Long Tail
The Tipping Point
The Well-Educated Mind
Life Of Pi
Blue Like Jazz
The Abs Diet
For some internet fun to track your book consumption, try Shelfari, to create your virtual bookshelf. So, what is on your nightstand?